The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Chapter 423 A battle of magical skills

Lin Yu's voice reached the ears of the gods.

The expressions of all the gods froze.

When they didn't become gods, they had the same idea as Lin Yu.

Consider the deity to be divine.

Especially those who believe in God will shape themselves to perfection.

But after becoming gods, they finally understood that gods are the transformation of power, not the transformation of spiritual realm.

Even though they have become gods, the greed, anger, and obsession of mortals have not disappeared at all, and have even expanded.

The three gods all follow the Shinto path, and they all believe in becoming gods.

Although it is the simplest method to become a god among gods, its potential is also the lowest.

However, they have been gods for fifty thousand years, and each one has a profound background.

At this moment, after seeing the magical skills, I naturally want to get a share of the pie.

"Mortal, it's useless for you to be so eloquent as I am, my intention to kill you will not change!" the God of Slaughter joked.

He has killed countless creatures, and his heart has become as strong as iron.

The other two gods were just a little bit behind, their angry expressions disappearing in a flash.

The face of the Snow God is as frosty as a human being, and there is a trace of cruelty on his beautiful face.

"Mortal, the God of Slaughter is right. You have become our prey, but if you hand over your magical skills, we can let you go."

In her opinion, no one can resist her beauty.

She took the initiative to propose this deal, and the other party would definitely agree. A smile appeared on her lips.

However, the next moment, she was stunned.

"Woman, please pee and take a photo, are you worthy?"

What is the biggest verbal attack on women?

It’s not the fragrance that comes out of your mouth,

Instead, he scolded her for being ugly!

Sure enough, Snow God couldn't bear it anymore, his anger rose, and he was the first to take action.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were covered in frost, and snowflakes were flying. Under the ice and snow, the Snow God shouted, and all the snowflakes turned into sharp weapons.


Lin Yu was not afraid. The combined clone at this time was centered on him, and he was the master of this body.

After personally manipulating this body, I discovered the power of this body, which is simply unimaginable.

Nearly 100,000 clones merged together. If he hadn't been lucky enough to kill a Zerg and obtain the advanced version of the fusion skill, he wouldn't have been able to merge 100,000 clones now.

Now, nearly 100,000 clones have joined together, making them more than ten times more powerful than a few days ago.

"Presumptuous! Who gave you the courage to take action?" Lin Yu shouted loudly, and the air exploded.

The Snow Goddess had a frosty look on her face, she was not human, she just had a similar shape.

Moreover, she is the Goddess of Snow, and she is inherently indifferent to emotions and rarely has any strong emotions.

However, every word Lin Yu said had a huge thorn in it, making her furious.

"Mortal, I will kill you!" With a thought, countless snowflakes turned into sharp blades and killed Lin Yu.

Not to be outdone, Lin Yu raised his ax and struck randomly, breaking up all the snowflakes.

Then, he took advantage of the victory and struck at the Snow God's Tianling Cap with an axe.

This scene seems to last a long time, but in fact it only lasts a moment.

Just as Lin Yu was about to hit him, the Snow God in front of him suddenly turned into a puddle of snow and disappeared.

"No! Behind!" Lin Wu's voice sounded in his ears.

At this time, Lin Wu was also merged in. This body had two souls, Lin Yu was the main body, and the permanent clone Lin Wu was the subsidiary body.

Lin Yu's expression did not change.

There are many more skills in his mind, which are all the giant's own skills.

He picked a skill.

"Open the sky!"

This is the giant's signature skill, and it can improve as his strength increases.

This skill is the nemesis of space.

As soon as the sky opened, there was a roar, a hole opened in the space, and a large amount of turbulent space flow poured out.

Now that Blue Star is transforming, the space intensity is no longer what it used to be, but it was still broken open by Lin Yu's blow.

The Snow God's attack has arrived.

This is an ice and snow spear.

The giant held the spear in his left hand. Before the ice and snow could cover the giant's arm, a large amount of space turbulence rolled up first.

He was unscathed, but the ice and snow spear disintegrated inch by inch.

"Woman, your power is too weak!"

As soon as Kai Tian came out, the surrounding space was unstable and had a faint broken posture.

Snow God was about to retreat, but the unstable space formed a cage, trapping her in the center.

"How can your power be so strong?" She felt overwhelmed.

In a battle just now, she discovered that the giant was twice as powerful as her.

This is simply unbelievable, considering that she is at the pinnacle of a lower god.

In the early days of the great changes in Blue Star, she was the highest among the gods.

Excluding the bonus effects of magical skills and artifacts, she is not afraid of any enemy.

This is one of the reasons why she looks down on giants.

Lin Yu chuckled and said sarcastically: "Frog in the well, I have trapped two gods, and I will trap you today too!"

Once you reach the realm of gods, they are not so easy to kill.

Instead of killing him, it's better to trap him first, wait for him to be free, and then kill him together.

Holy mountain!

The sky darkened, and a huge mountain appeared in the sky and slowly descended.

As soon as the giant mountain came out, the wind and clouds gathered together, as if it was the end of the world.

Sensing this power, the three gods' expressions changed slightly.

The God of Slaughter stared at the Holy Mountain and murmured to himself: "It's a very powerful magical skill, but I can also do it!"

He has magical powers, but the God of Thunder and the God of Snow do not.

After all, this magical skill is not so easy to obtain.

Under the power of the holy mountain, first the Snow God, she was crushed without any resistance.

Next up is Thor.

This three-headed god was suppressed even after he took action. He felt the most aggrieved among the three gods.

In the end, only the God of Killing remained.

The God of Killing is a red-haired man covered in blood.

"It doesn't matter if they were suppressed by you, I won't hide them anymore. In this world, you are not the only one who can use magical skills!"

Lin Yu tilted his head, looking curious.

From what he said, it can be inferred that magical skills are very rare, so rare that most gods do not have magical skills.

Among the three gods with the same realm, only one has magical skills, and they don't even have magical weapons.

This reminded Lin Yu of the world of Shen Yu.

Although the gods of that world died, leaving only a trace of their remains, most of them possessed artifacts during their lifetimes.

It seems that the world of Godfall has a big secret.

Lin Yu thought secretly.

"If you have any ability, just come over here!" Lin Yu said.

He is calm.

After all, it doesn't matter if he can't beat him. The worst he can do is hide and let his clone self-destruct and die together.

The God of Killing sneered: "Mortal, you still don't realize the seriousness of the problem!"

Lin Yu didn't want to hear his nonsense, and thought to himself, what's going on with these gods? Why do everyone like to say harsh words so much?

Forget it, let's take action quickly. After finishing this god, I can have a rest.


The sound is not loud, but very clear.


The holy mountain falls.

Pressing on the God of Killing.

The God of Killing was ignored and felt very embarrassed.

He stared at the giant with an unkind look on his face.

"Mortal, you deserve to die! Today I'm going to show you what a real magical skill is!"

I saw him raising his long knife.

"Blood Picture Scroll!"


next moment.

The whole sky turned into blood.

Lin Yu was also enveloped in it.

He felt a little uncomfortable and had doubts in his heart.

Lin Wu's voice rang in his ears.

"Brother, this skill will peel out the space and turn it into a picture scroll. We must kill him as soon as possible. If we wait until he completes the magical skill, we will turn into an object in the picture scroll, which will be in trouble."

Lin Yu nodded. As expected of a being with incredible understanding, he could figure out the secret so quickly.

"Holy Mountain!"

Feeling that one-thirtieth of the energy in the body has disappeared again.

He sighed.

Now his strength has increased tenfold and he can release thirty holy mountains in one breath.

"Holy Mountain!"


Another holy mountain has arrived.

"Damn it, you want to blow up my god's picture? I won't let you succeed. The bloody picture will be completed soon, and then you will be my god's killing soldier."

However, the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

Looking at the thirty holy mountains, he fell into a daze.

"How is that possible? This is a magical skill. I can only use it twice!"

"You actually released it thirty times in one go!"


Thirty holy mountains exerted their strength, but the bloody scroll couldn't hold on anymore and exploded.

The Mountain of Slaughter looked at the slowly dissipating bloody scroll with a dull look on its face, unable to believe that all this was true.


After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please check the latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is no longer updated on the website, but the latest chapter content is updated on the Star APP.

He took a big breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more confused.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him!

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change made Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star App to provide you with the Global Awakening of the Mountain King of Dashen Kindergarten: My Talents are Unlimited Upgrades.


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