The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Chapter 276 Changes in the East China Sea

At this time, Lin Fan was selling things on a live broadcast, and countless people were rushing to buy them.

The three hundred thousand flesh and blood pills were quickly sold out. Upon seeing this, Lin Yu immediately ordered the clone to speed up the refining.

The materials required for this flesh and blood pill are very simple, so it can maintain such a fast refining speed. To exit the transcoding page, please download the app and read the latest chapters.

The elixirs were refined one by one and put on the shelves, and they were sold out in a matter of seconds.

Lin Yu looked at the growing sales and smiled crookedly.

"Keep up the good work!" Lin Yu encouraged.

Lin Yu gave Lin Fan an encouraging smile, and Lin Fan returned a wry smile.

Lin Yu pretended not to see his wry smile, looked away, and stood there in deep thought.

The human race won this battle, but they also suffered heavy losses. Although the existence of the Sword God shocked the surrounding tribes, after all, there was only one Sword God, and he had no skills at all.

Moreover, the Sword God is injured now and will not take action in a short time.

He had a premonition that the next period of time would be the most dangerous time for the human race. If he could get through it, everything would be fine. If he couldn't get through it, he might face even greater trouble.

"That's all, let's take one step at a time. I am now at the eighth level of combat power. If the human race is really in trouble, I will just go there!"

With his current strength, ninth level experts are no longer taken seriously.

He found a rock and sat on the ground, looking at the clones below who were hard at work refining elixirs, and then at Lin Fan, who was eloquent.

"Let's watch the news. I haven't watched the news in a few days."

Turn on your watch and click on News.

Suddenly, one piece of news came into view.

[In order to celebrate our clan’s victory, all the major cities were decorated with lights and colors, singing praises, and the whole clan fell into a carnival...]

Lin Yu didn't feel any joy when he saw this news. He looked at the next news.

[Some experts pointed out that our human race suffered heavy losses in this battle. We should prepare early to prevent the invasion of the ocean tribes to the east and the undead tribe from the other world to the north. 】

Lin Yu saw this news, thoughtfully, and then looked at the next news.

[A few days ago, the Dryad Tribe, Titan Snake and other alien tribes have gone to our tribe’s base for peace talks. They expressed their willingness to give up some interests and signed a non-aggression treaty with our tribe, as well as the most favorable trade contract with the human race. After discussion, our tribe believes that we should give full play to The spirit of world peace, peaceful development of all ethnic groups, facing future crises together, and jointly building a community with a shared future for all! 】

[Half an hour ago, our tribe has signed a number of agreements with other tribes and agreed to their proposals. In the future, various tribes will open up their trade lands and establish close trade relations with our tribe. 】

[Elder Ge said, this is a good sign and an important step for our human race! 】

Lin Yu didn't know what to think after reading the news.

"Is my guess wrong? The foreign race doesn't dare to take advantage of the situation, but instead uses a low profile to please our race?"

"Is the influence of the Sword God so great?"

Lin Yu was a little unsure of the demigod's influence. He was suspicious, but Lin Fan woke him up.

When Lin Fan saw Lin Yu waking up, he said, "Brother, the elixir is gone!"

"So fast?"

"The clones are working hard, haha!"

"Okay, you should also prepare, we will go back to the academy later."

"Then I'm going back to the Master Academy too?"

"Well, go ahead!"

Just as Lin Fan was about to nod and agree, Lin Yu suddenly grabbed him and said, "Don't go back to the academy yet. Come with me to Donghai City first!"

"Donghai City? What's going on there?" Lin Fan asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Lin Yu showed him the latest news he had just seen.

【Urgent information! Donghai City is in danger! The Sea Clan is invading in a large scale, and Donghai City is in danger. Please support, please support! 】

Just a few lines of words, but surprising.

"Get ready, let's go to Donghai City! The war just happened to be over, and we couldn't find so many sources of upgrade points for a while, and the upgrade points are still far behind. We can just operate on these sea beasts!"

Lin Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, he still wanted to go back to the academy to have a good rest.

As a result, he had to fight monsters again. He was really tired, but he had to listen to the order of the main body. He had no choice but to squeeze out a smile and said:

"What a damn sea beast, brother, without further ado, let's set off now!"

Lin Yu said with a smile: "It's great that you have such awareness! However, before you leave, you must finish your battle achievements first!"

In this battle, he made a great contribution. Now he has more than 100 million in battle achievements, which is enough for him to buy a few more treasures.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu stopped staying and walked quickly towards the academy.

Passing through a lively land, he soon arrived at the Supreme Academy.

At this time, many people came in and out, and Lin Yu also went to the war merit exchange office.

This was a temporary establishment, but it was generally similar to the one in the central base. He entered the store with ease.

[Dip, the test passed. 】

"Check my military exploits!"

[Hey, it has been found that your military exploits currently remain: 132 million. 】


Lin Yu was quite excited and said: "Open the store list!"

There was a soft buzzing sound, and a list of stores appeared in front of me.

The first thing he looked for was the elixir recipe, and he found that the number of elixir recipes had increased a lot.

He checked the prescriptions one by one. He directly skipped the common prescriptions, but he bought some rare prescriptions directly.

Zhuyan elixir recipe: fifth level elixir recipe. It can be taken by people below level five. Take one pill to keep your appearance unchanged for ten years! Price: One million battle credits.

"It's not expensive, I bought it."

Sangong elixir recipe: seventh level elixir recipe. It can be taken by people below level seven. After taking it, the energy in the body can be dispersed and cannot be condensed in a short period of time. The effect of the medicine can last for three days. Price: One million battle credits.

"Hey, it's a very interesting elixir. Let's buy it first."

Thunder Fire Pill Recipe: A fifth-level elixir recipe. This elixir contains the power of thunder and fire. It can be thrown out to explode and damage the enemy. Its power is equivalent to a full blow from a fifth-level awakened person. Price: One million battle credits.

"It's a good elixir, buy it!"

He directly started the scanning mode, and each pill recipe was collected by him.

Looking at more than a dozen pill prescriptions, he felt very fulfilled.

He was very busy in the following time.

Suddenly, a prescription came into view, which made him excited instantly.

The elixir of birth and creation: the ninth level elixir. Taking this elixir can speed up the recovery of injuries, and taking it for a long time can permanently improve the speed of recovery from injuries. Price: 10 million battle credits.

"Another elixir that can permanently increase your strength. You can't miss it. Buy it!"

After getting another pill recipe, Lin Yu continued to look for other pill recipes.

However, the next prescriptions were all ordinary prescriptions, which he looked down upon.

When he turned to the last page, the last recipe caught his attention.

The five elements elixir formula: the ninth level elixir formula. Taking this elixir can briefly master the Five Elements Escape Technique. Taking this elixir for a long time, there is a chance to master the Five Elements Escape Technique. Depending on the quality of the elixir, the effect can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Price: 50 million battle merit.

"It's a very expensive elixir, but this elixir is really precious, so I bought it."

Five Elements Escape Technique is a very rare skill that he has not encountered yet.

The five elements are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. If you master the Five Elements Escape Technique, you can travel among these five substances at will, very fast, as if you are teleporting.

This is not only a magical skill for escaping, but also a magical skill for chasing enemies.

This elixir has a great effect on him.

"Look at the crystal next!"

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