In the tunnel.

Since Lin Yu tasted the sweetness, he no longer swallowed flesh and blood pills and began to target the corpse of the gods.

He kept devouring the power of the corpse of the gods, and his power continued to increase.

Increased by one percent, two percent, three percent... until it reached 100 percent, he found that with his current strength, he could no longer absorb the power of the corpse of the gods.

Looking at the corpse of the god that was only slightly thinner, Lin Yu felt a little regretful.

"My current strength is no longer what it used to be. If I increase my strength by 100%, then my clone will increase by 200%!"

With the current strength, it may not be able to fight against ordinary ninth-level beasts alone, but ten clones should be able to fight against one together.

Lin Yu smiled and murmured to himself: "In that case, let the other clones self-destruct, and I will create new clones and let them join the battlefield."

Lin Yu's thoughts moved slightly, and all the clones stopped moving, and then began to self-destruct.

Boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, and Lin Yu could hear it clearly in the tunnel.

Then he separated into a group of clones again.

After these clones appeared, Lin Yu found that their aura was indeed much stronger, and they had the aura of ninth-level combat power.

"Go ahead and help!"

The two thousand clones were also quite excited and quickly flew towards the battlefield.


the other side.

A sky curtain imprisoned hundreds of strange beasts together.

Outside the sky, a gray-haired Ge Lao was floating in the void, looking down at the crazy beast.

His face was calm, and he was terrifyingly calm in the face of his impending death.

Within the canopy, a group of trapped alien beasts were desperately destroying the canopy one by one.

Long Qinglan and other strange beasts had even more gloomy and terrifying expressions.

Long Qinglan waved a powerful wave of air and attacked the sky. It shouted towards the Pavilion Boss outside:

"Human race, you are at the end of your strength, why bother struggling? How about being my servant?"

However, what greeted him was a slash of golden light.

Mr. Ge sneered: "They are just barbarians, speaking arrogant words!"

Long Qinglan was extremely angry and sneered: "If you attack me hard, this man will lose his life span. Although he will die sooner or later, I will still kill him with my own hands!"

Boom boom boom! ! !

A huge roar echoed through the void.

The sky was trembling, shaking, and about to shatter.


Finally, the sky was overwhelmed and shattered.

This scene made Mr. Ge jealous. He thought that the canopy could last for half an hour, but he didn't expect that it only took 20 minutes for the canopy to shatter.

"You evil beast, even if you blow yourself up today, you will still have to pay for your life!"

With a sullen face, he compressed the energy in his body and rushed towards the group of alien beasts.

Long Qinglan was shocked when he saw this, and cursed: "What a madman, step back and let him blow up his loneliness."

At this time, Silver-eyed Elvis smiled and said: "Look, I used space to isolate his self-destruction! Do you really think we are afraid of self-destruction?"

It waved its claws, and a silvery white light instantly filled the entire void.

"Human, you can just blow yourself up!" Silver-eyed Elvis stood in the distance and yelled.

The other beasts also showed sarcastic smiles. Don't you like to blow yourself up?

Then blow yourself up as hard as you can!

It's just a waste of his life.

"Look at him, he looks anxious, does he look like an ant on a hot pot?"

"Don't tell me, you are really like an ant on a hot pot, hahaha!"

"I'm laughing so hard. I admire you so much that the human race has persisted until now. Now you can die in peace."


A sound of ridicule reached his ears, making Mr. Ge's heart sink to the bottom of the sea.

He knew that he had self-destructed and wasted his life, so he simply stopped moving and continued the stalemate with the alien beast.

Long Qinglan smiled and said: "He is at the end of his strength, you go hunt down those humans who escaped!"

The flaming tiger and other strange beasts all took orders and said, "Lord Commander, we'll be back as soon as we go!"

They took most of the alien beasts to chase humans, leaving only a few ninth-level alien beasts headed by Long Qinglan.

Long Qinglan decided to fulfill his promise and kill this human being with his own hands.

It flew over slowly, and with every passing second, its size expanded tenfold. In the blink of an eye, it had grown hundreds of times, becoming a thousand-meter-long dragon.

It is entrenched in the air, with a playful look in its huge dragon eyes.


"Human, your death has come!"


"Pillar of Zeguo!!!"


The water came in and in a blink of an eye a vast land was formed.

At a glance, the world is filled with water.

Suddenly, countless sharp icicles rose up from the water. These icicles seemed to have life, and they pointed their spearheads at Mr. Ge.


boom! Countless icicles stabbed towards Mr. Ge.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Ge sneered, whether he was laughing at his enemy or himself, he opened his arms and prepared to self-destruct.

Energy is condensing, and the dangerous atmosphere is spreading.

"Haha, just blow yourself up, it's just a waste of life!" It stood outside the space and looked at him jokingly.

Suddenly, Long Qinglan's pupils shrank, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Then, it saw the strange beasts that were chasing the human race, and they all ran back.

Then, it was frightened and quickly retreated towards the rear.


A huge hammer appeared where it had just been.

Long Qinglan retreated a thousand meters away, and a lich with a pair of hammers in his hands and an unhappy look appeared on the spot.

Li Yuanba raised a sledgehammer, pointed at Long Qinglan in the distance, and shouted: "Changchong! Do you have the guts to fight your grandfather for 300 rounds?"

Long Qinglan was furious: "Stab!"


Countless icicles turned their spear heads and stabbed towards Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba laughed loudly and danced his hammers out of the afterimage, smashing the icicles one by one.

"It's not enough, it's still not enough, Changchong, give me some more, let grandpa and I have a good fight!"

"Haha, come on, let's make your attack more violent!"

He laughed wildly and smashed the icicles into pieces. He became more and more courageous as he fought, and a black blurry figure faintly formed behind him.

"I didn't want to cause trouble for you lich, but I didn't expect you to come to support the human race. Well, I will destroy you today, and then send my troops to the lich clan to destroy your clan!"

"Silver-eyed Elvis, what are you waiting for? Kill him with me!"

The silver-eyed Elvis licked the cat's paw and said lazily: "I don't want blood to stain my fur..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly came into view.

It was surprised: "You guys are back again. I've been craving those eyes of yours for too long! Go to hell!"

"Dimension Meow Slash!"

The cat waved its paw, causing the void to vibrate. A silvery-white light instantly broke through the distance of a thousand meters and arrived in front of Fuyaozi in an instant.

Fuyaozi's pupils flashed, and a blood-red flower appeared in his pupils.

"Wall of the Void"

The next moment, the space in front condensed into a wall!

The two collided and disappeared one after another.

"Humans, die!"

"You evil beast, you are so impudent!"

A big hand fell from the sky and grabbed the silver-eyed Elvis.

The silver-eyed Elvis was shocked and quickly backed away to avoid the blow.

It looked up, saw the person coming, and said angrily: "Celestial Clan, you are so brave!"

The person coming from the Celestial Clan is the leader this time. He has extraordinary strength. He has a cold face.

"We understand the truth behind dying lips and cold teeth!"

"Everyone, don't hold back, take the opportunity to kill them!"

"Take action to avoid future troubles!"

The silver-eyed Elvis shouted angrily: "You are so brave!"

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