The Whole World Awakened: My Clones Are Everywhere

Chapter 208 Enter the tunnel and head to the central base

The Blood Dragon Army retreated and immediately joined the Triangle Tribe.

The two merged to form a powerful force, and then immediately rushed towards the central base with many human adventurers.

At a glance, it's like a sharp knife thrusting straight into the weak spot of the alien beast.

The alien beasts naturally followed closely behind and chased them away, but the battle situation was chaotic and the alien beasts behind were already in chaos. Only the pterosaur general and other high-level alien beasts pursued them with a group of alien beasts.

The alien beasts and humans behind were still fighting.

They were in chaos, abandoned, and left to fend for themselves.

At this time, a clone of Lin Yu finally returned to the cave.

He took the skill crystal dropped by the eighth-level ice dog from the clone's hand, picked it up and put it between his eyebrows.

Suddenly, the skill information came into mind.

Lin Yu looked happy and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect to be so lucky."

That's right, this skill crystal is exactly Ice Dog's ultimate skill - Moon Devouring!

"Learn!" He placed the skill crystal between his eyebrows again and muttered silently.

Suddenly, a flow of information poured into his mind, transforming his body and allowing him to learn this skill.

He had a clear understanding in his heart, and with a thought, he used the skill Moon Devouring!

Suddenly, a black moon appeared between his eyebrows, hanging in the middle of his eyebrows, emitting a faint black light, making him look extremely magical.

He took out a mirror and looked at it, and the more he looked at it, the more handsome he felt.

"By the way, I can use this skill to dig tunnels!" Lin Yu suddenly thought.

"In this case, it's time to let the other clones self-destruct and create a new batch."

Lin Yu immediately ordered the clone to self-destruct. Immediately, the face of Lin Yu's clone on the battlefield changed, and with a hint of madness, it rushed towards the group of alien beasts.

The alien beasts were not surprised but happy when they saw this, but the next moment, they regretted it, because these humans were not here to fight at all, but to self-destruct.




Hundreds of roars sounded in succession, shocking the alien beast again.

"Oops, the human race has self-destructed again, run away!"

"This human race is in trouble. He is prone to self-destruction. We cannot stay in this place."

"Don't they feel pain? This race is really crazy. I will definitely not come here again."

A group of alien beasts had been tortured by self-destruction, and their nerves were already tense. At this time, they were completely shocked by the self-destruction. They stopped entangled with the humans and followed the large army to pursue the Blood Dragon Army.

The human race breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the surrounding alien beasts that were gradually retreating. They looked at each other. Some followed the large army, while others fled in all directions.

There are mountains all around. This is their plan to penetrate into the mountains and then return to the interior.

However, the mountains are not safe. There are too many ferocious beasts, and you will burp if you are not careful.

the other side.

In the cave.

Lin Yu looked at the new clones and said with a smile: "Ten of you go dig a tunnel! When the other clones go to the battlefield, you must drive away all the alien beasts."

With the Moon Devouring skill, his attack methods have been upgraded to a higher level, which will greatly increase the growth rate of upgrade points.

The clones nodded and left.

Lin Yu used the clone's perspective to look at the empty base, sighed, and connected to Lin Fan.

Lin Yu: "Where did you dig it?"

Lin Fan: "It's still early for the main body. We are almost at the central base. In order to avoid being discovered, I am digging deeper now."

Lin Yu: "Well, try to be careful. By the way, I have sent you a few clones to help. They will be there in a moment. You speed up and try to find an exit outside the central base. Let's go to the central base."

Lin Fan: "Okay, I understand. I'm working on it now."

Lin Yu was still worried and warned him several times.

Still worried, he gave orders to several clones, asking them to set up the Five Elements Illusion Formation along the way to prevent anyone from looking through the ground and seeing the underground tunnel.

Lin Yu touched his backpack and found dozens of energy crystals. Although not many, it was enough. After all, the Five Elements Illusion Formation was only a basic formation.

After doing all this, Lin Yu also started to prepare. First, he sent a few clones to search the base and brought over everything that could be taken away. If he couldn't bring it over, he would have to give up. Then he also got in. tunnel.

After entering the tunnel, the two clones left in the cave immediately began to cover the tunnel.


The entrance to the tunnel was more than two meters high and three meters wide. It seemed quite spacious. Just after entering it, after walking about a hundred meters, a huge underground cave appeared in front of it, and a ladder appeared on the wall of the underground cave.

Looking down, even if he used flame lighting, he couldn't see what was going on below.

It's deep enough, Lin Yu thought to himself.

He flew directly into the air and flew downwards. He went down for a long time, probably several hundred meters, before he landed on the ground. Then there was another tunnel with no end in sight.

The tunnel here is also two meters high and three meters wide, which is quite spacious and does not appear crowded.

"Get out of here quickly, this place feels quite depressing." Lin Yu thought to himself.

He quickened his pace and walked forward. Suddenly he stopped and saw a killed beast lying peacefully on the ground.

Lin Yu took one look and recognized it. It was a long earthworm beast, with an adult strength of about third level.

"It seems that the underground is not safe, there are quite a few ferocious beasts!"

Keep walking forward and encounter many corpses of ferocious beasts along the way, but none of them are very powerful and they should have been killed by Lin Fan.

After walking for a long time, Lin Yu finally saw Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan was commanding his clones and puppets to dig tunnels.

The clone used Moon Devouring. Wherever Moon Devouring passed, there was a tunnel. It was very convenient and much faster than Lin Fan's puppet. Lin Fan's eyes were extremely hot when he saw it.

Seeing Lin Yu coming, he hurriedly greeted him and looked at him eagerly.

"When you leave here, I will update your skills." Lin Yu said.

"Main body, this place is very safe, just stay here." Lin Fan was very keen on the Moon Devouring skill and urged.

"No, this place is too stuffy. It's better to get out quickly." Lin Yu looked around, feeling slightly suffocated.

He had read in a book that Guixu was dangerous, not only on the ground but also underground.

The danger of Guixu is that the space is unstable, and space cracks appear from time to time, linking to other worlds.

All major races can see the above ground part, but it is different underground.

What if there is a space crack underground, or even a powerful beast hiding there?

I still can't stay here for long, I have to leave quickly.

Lin Fan looked helpless and could only bury himself in the work, and Lin Yu also helped with the work.

The tunnel was being dug, and Lin Fan kept letting the puppet bug run to the ground to determine its location.

Suddenly, Lin Fan said in surprise: "Body, we have arrived at the central base!"

"Can I enter the base directly?"

"No, the formation in the central base also protects the underground. It is in the shape of an egg, which is much better than the formation in the southeast base."

"Okay, just go out in front and find an exit quickly!"


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