When Xu Zerui appeared at the base holding An An, everyone surrounded him in an instant.

"An An, you finally came here with the boss. I heard that you went to film a movie. Was it fun?"

"An An, can you sign an autograph for me? When you become famous in the future, I will be the first person to have your autograph. Do you think this autograph will be worth a lot of money?"

"You are quite good at it, An An, please sign one for me too, and I will give you a candy in exchange"

"An An, can I take a photo with you? I will show it to my wife and ask her to give me a baby as cute and beautiful as you."


A bunch of old men chattering non-stop, giving Xu Zerui a headache

"Well, is it never going to end! Don’t you all have work? How about I assign more work to you?"

After hearing this, everyone quickly quieted down and returned to their jobs silently.

Just kidding, the boss finally let them take a short vacation, and everyone was happy, but happy times always pass quickly, and after the fun, the boss began to show his devilish nature, and everyone was assigned a mountain of data analysis work.

They are very busy now, and if the boss assigns them more work, they don’t know when they will be able to finish it.

"Military advisor, what is the situation now? When can the real show begin?"

"Soon, I have received the news that the enemy will arrive at the battlefield in five minutes, we just have to wait"

"Okay then, you should have arranged everything. I brought An An here today to watch this show, so please don’t mess it up and embarrass me in front of An An."

"Boss, are you still worried about me doing the job? Just wait, I will definitely let you and An An enjoy it!"

"Well, if you do a good job, your bonus will be doubled, and you will be allowed to take an early vacation!"

Sure enough, five minutes later, a group of people in suits walked into the base and said they were from the government department. They received an anonymous report and were going to conduct a surprise inspection of the base.

Xu Ru'an was shocked. What was going on? Could it be that he was busy with other things recently, so he really ignored Sixth Brother?

He remembered that the original book said that before Sixth Brother's base got into trouble, it was because someone had released a wave of news on the Internet in advance, spreading rumors that Sixth Brother's hacker base had illegal and irregular black market transactions, which seriously endangered the country's network security. Then these news received attention and investigation from relevant government departments.

In the end, during the investigation, strong evidence was really found in Sixth Brother's office, and then Sixth Brother was taken away for questioning and investigation. Although he was not convicted and imprisoned in the end with the help of Third Brother in the lawsuit, he also suffered heavy losses.

Not only was the base forced to disband, but it also had to face high fines. In addition, it had to be monitored by the police at any time and had no freedom. Anyway, it was a complete loss.

"We will of course fully cooperate with your work. We are all good citizens and will never do anything illegal or disorderly. You can check it at will."

【Sixth brother, Sixth brother, why are you so angry! An An is a little scared. This part of the original book is very unfavorable to you. This is not a good play. This is simply a play that will lead you into a trap.

Xu Ru'an walked to Xu Zerui and pulled his clothes.

"Sixth brother, please take it easy. An An feels a little scared."

""An An, don't be afraid. Don't worry. It's okay. Those people won't succeed. They want to harm me, but they think it's a good idea."

Seeing Xu Zerui's calm demeanor, Xu Ru'an's worries were reduced a lot.

After a thorough inspection, the group of people actually found a suspicious document in Xu Zerui's office.

"Mr. Xu, you don't mind if we open it and take a look, right?"

"Of course, please help yourself."

The man leading the team opened the file and looked at it for a while, then his face became a little strange.

Xu Ru'an noticed it, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Could it be that he really found out something?

"Mr. Xu's interests are really unique. It seems that this report is not true.

The man closed the file and put it back where it was.

"Excuse me, Mr. Xu, we have finished the inspection and did not find anything suspicious as mentioned in the report. We will pack up and leave now. We are sorry to bother you, Mr. Xu."

【Hmm? Didn't he find anything abnormal? Then why did he look so strange just now? And what does that file have to do with Sixth Brother's interests? 】

In fact, Xu Zerui also wanted to know about this, because the file was replaced by the military advisor, and he didn't know what it was replaced with. Now seeing the man's face and what he said, Xu Zerui felt like he was tricked by the military advisor.

But now is not the time to pursue the military advisor, he has more important things to do immediately

"By the way, now that you have finished the inspection, I have one more thing to trouble you with."

"Oh, I wonder what it is?"

"It's like this. Actually, every room in my base is monitored. The surveillance in my data room and office last night showed that someone broke in in the middle of the night and stole some important documents from our base."

When Xu Zerui said this, Chen Wenbin, who was standing in the corner, was stunned.

How could he not know about the surveillance? If he knew, he would never do such a thing.

He was originally curious why this group of people didn't find out anything. It turned out that Xu Zerui had discovered his conspiracy a long time ago. The forged document he placed in the office last night was probably replaced by Xu Zerui, so he couldn't find out.

"I also want to report someone here. His name is Chen Wenbin, an employee of my base. He sneaked into the data room and my office last night and stole some confidential data files from our base."

Xu Zerui looked at Chen Wenbin with an expression of waiting to see what you do.

"So I have reason to suspect that Chen Wenbin is a spy or a thief. I have the complete video here, so I hope you leaders can help me."

"There is such a thing, no problem, we will take over and investigate it."

So, Chen Wenbin was controlled before he could escape, and was taken away for questioning along with the video.

Xu Ru'an then understood why the sixth brother was so calm throughout the whole process, because he had arranged everything long ago, so he brought him here so confidently, saying that he wanted to show him a good show.

【This time, Brother Liu is the winner! Brother Liu was finally smart for once and successfully took away one of the hero's chess pieces. What a beautiful win! It's worth a thumbs up from An An!】

【But the question is, does Su Lengyan know about this? Chen Wenbin is her cousin. Is it really okay for Sixth Brother to sacrifice his relatives for the sake of justice? After Su Lengyan knows about it, I wonder if she will hate Sixth Brother. Although Sixth Brother's love brain hasn't acted up for a long time, I'm afraid it will suddenly act up this time. What if Su Lengyan's"please" makes him soft-hearted?】

"Brother Liu, you are so great. You actually drove the bad uncle out. But isn’t Teacher Su a relative of this bad uncle? Will Teacher Su be sad when she finds out?"

"What does Su Lengyan's sadness have to do with me! If there is something wrong, it should be that annoying guy Meng Fan. Maybe after Su Lengyan knows about this, she will ask that annoying guy for help."

Xu Zerui swore that he must get rid of the stigma of being love-brained and a bootlicker. He doesn't like that Su Lengyan at all!

"An An, Sixth Brother's taste is not so bad that he even likes a woman like Su Lengyan. Only that annoying guy Meng Fan has such a bad taste. Do you understand?"

Now that you know this, don't scold him in your heart for being love-brained and a bootlicker!

"Oh, I see."

【Let's observe first. If Liu Ge is still as sober as today, An An will no longer call him a love-brained and a bootlicker.

Hearing this, Xu Zerui burst into tears of joy. Finally! He can finally get rid of these two stigmas!

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