Xu Ru'an was startled by the figure that suddenly rushed over.

He quickly recognized it,"It's you? Why are you here?"

Ouyang Qiqi put his hands on his waist and shouted at Xu Ru'an angrily:"I'll give you a chance, kneel down and apologize to me immediately, otherwise I will beat you!"

What is this? Xu Ru'an just felt puzzled.

So Xu Ru'an ignored him, but walked around him, walked to the other side, and continued to play with the little rabbit.

Ouyang Shanshan also walked to Ouyang Qiqi's side at this time, wanting to take him away.

But Ouyang Qiqi dodged and ran in front of Xu Ru'an again.

At this time, the small bell hanging on Xu Ru'an suddenly rang. This small bell was a birthday gift from his master. The master said that as long as he was in danger, the small bell would remember to remind him to be careful.

It turned out that Ouyang Qiqi picked up a big stone from somewhere and threw it at the back of Xu Ru'an's head.

Fortunately, Xu Ruan was alerted by the little bell and dodged it. Otherwise, if the stone really hit him, the back of his head would definitely bloom, and it would be red.

Ouyang Shanshan was shocked by this scene. She knew that her brother was spoiled by his grandmother and was very willful and selfish, but she never thought that her brother would be so violent at such a young age.

If Xu Ruan hadn't been lucky enough to dodge it, he would definitely be injured, and it might be very serious. If the Xu family investigated it, it would not be as simple as destroying his father's hospital. It might even be that their Ouyang family and their mother's family would be destroyed.

Ouyang Shanshan looked around and didn't see the figures of other people in the Xu family. She hurried forward and wanted to take her brother away before being discovered by other people in the Xu family.

But that move just now had successfully angered Xu Ruan.

He was not the kind of person who stood obediently and let others bully him, not to mention that he almost died just now.

So Xu Ruan started his counterattack, which happened to let him try out a small spell he had just learned this morning.

This little spell is directly applied to oneself, which can make the body hard and invulnerable.

So when Ouyang Qiqi rushed over with his fist and wanted to hit Xu Ruan, Ouyang Qiqi's hand was like hitting a steel plate, and his hand was swollen like a pig's hand.

"Ah! It hurts! Grandma, my hand hurts so much."

Seeing that her grandson's hand was swollen, she hurried over to check it out.

"Oh my God, how could this happen, my precious grandson!"

""Wu... Grandma, it's all his fault. I don't know what's hidden in his body. It's so hard that it hurts so much when I hit him with my fist!"

Her grandson's cry made her so distressed that she forgot Ouyang Shanshan's reminder and raised her hand to hit Xu Ru'an.

Xu Ru'an was not afraid at all, and there was no need to dodge. Anyway, he was invincible now and no one could hurt him.

Ouyang Shanshan wanted to stop her, but her brother hugged her and cried, asking her, a doctor, to treat his hand.

"You bastard! I'm going to beat you to death to vent my anger for my precious grandson!"

At this moment, Xu Wanyu, who had just bought some things, saw this scene. His eyes instantly turned cold. He ran over and kicked the man to the ground.

Then he quickly picked up An An and checked his whole body.

"Fifth brother, An An is fine, they didn’t hit An An."

Grandma Ouyang was kicked to the ground, and then she looked at Xu Wanyu. She had never seen Xu Wanyu before, and didn’t know that he was also from the Xu family, so she pointed at him and cursed:"Who are you? You come to meddle in other people’s business! You dare to kick me? I tell you, if I get hurt, you will not only have to pay for my medical expenses, but you will also have to kneel on the ground and apologize to me!"

She still regarded herself as superior as always, and never thought about why Xu Ru’an would call him the fifth brother if Xu Wanyu was really a stranger.

But Ouyang Shanshan heard it clearly. Xu Ru’an called him the fifth brother, so the answer was obvious. This person was the fifth son of the Xu family, Xu Wanyu.

Ouyang Shanshan was frightened and turned pale when she heard her grandmother's arrogant words.

"Grandma, don't talk nonsense! He is the fifth young master of the Xu family!"


Grandma Ouyang finally reacted. She had just scolded the fifth young master of the Xu family. Was her son's hospital going to be lost?

She quickly got up, licked her old face, clasped her hands together, and respectfully said to Xu Wanyu and the others:"Fifth Young Master Xu, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I really didn't recognize a great man. I am sorry for offending you. My son is the director of Wanxing Children's Hospital, and my daughter-in-law is the daughter of the Zhao family. Can you forgive me this time for their sakes?"

Ouyang Shanshan was almost mad at her grandmother's stupidity. She didn't think that she could get Xu Wanyu's forgiveness by introducing herself, did she? Did she think Xu Wanyu would give her face?

In front of the Xu family, her father, the director, and her mother's Zhao family were nothing at all. Grandma's introduction of herself just saved the Xu family the time of finding someone to retaliate.

Sure enough, the next second, Xu Wanyu looked at Grandma Ouyang coldly, curled his lips slightly, and sneered.

"It turned out to be you. You had embarrassed our An An at An An's birthday party before, and now you want to do something to An An again. Do you think you can turn the page with just a misunderstanding or an offense?"

Grandma Ouyang's face turned pale little by little. She thought that since she had introduced herself to him, he would more or less give her some face, but Xu Wanyu didn't even give her any face.

"I wonder what Fifth Master Xu wants? You can get whatever compensation you want."

"Fifth brother, don't listen to her. Just now her grandson wanted to hit An An on the back of the head with a stone. If An An hadn't been lucky enough to dodge it, you would never see An An again, Fifth brother."


Hearing this, Xu Wanyu looked at Grandma Ouyang with even colder eyes.

And Grandma Ouyang's face was even more bloodless.

"You don't need to say anything more. If you want to hurt An An, your death is coming. Just wait for the revenge of our Xu family."

Xu Wanyu didn't want to waste any more time talking to them. He just left with a cruel word and hugged An An and left.

At this moment, Grandma Ouyang couldn't bear it anymore and fell to the ground in a daze. Ouyang Shanshan was so angry with Ouyang Qiqi that she slapped him in the face, then pushed him away and called her father.

It is estimated that when her father knows that the Xu family is offended to death because of the stupid behavior of his precious son and mother, and the Xu family is going to retaliate against them crazily, he will be furious.

Ouyang Shanshan also regretted it very much. She should have dragged her brother and grandmother away from the beginning, and prevented them from doing such stupid things here.

Well, now her career as the dean's daughter has come to an end.

"Fifth brother, you are too domineering"

"Of course, who told them to bully An An baby?"

Xu Wanyu kissed Xu Ru'an's little face, making him shy and rub against Xu Wanyu's arms like a little kitten.

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