"Besides, I heard that the old naughty boy will also go"

"Who is the old naughty boy?"

"A descendant of the tomb-raiding lieutenant family, claiming to be a master of astronomy, geography, feng shui and numerology"

【Heavenly Master? Wait, there are some weird beads?

Xu Ru'an suddenly remembered a plot in the original book. When he saw this plot, he complained to his sister.

Because his sister likes to read novels about tomb robbery, she has a very strange habit when writing books. That is, when writing books, she likes to add some outrageous settings and plots. In her words, it is to add a little interest and entertain to death.

Damn it, why did this plot come so suddenly? And it is related to the Xu family?

Xu Ru'an didn't remember this plot very clearly, because he knew that the arrangement of this plot was his sister's bad taste, so when he read it, he skipped three lines and skipped many things directly.

【That old naughty boy is a real capable person. Only he can solve this problem. It is better for ordinary people like us not to get involved. When the Xu family heard Xu Ru'an say that it would be better not to get involved, they all changed the subject and stopped discussing this matter.

But after the topic was opened, Old Chen couldn't stop talking.

"By the way, Lao Liu, if you want to go and have a look, you can. I heard that the old naughty boy will bring a young man named Xia with him."

Xu Ru'an paused with the cup in his hand. A young man named Xia? It can't be such a coincidence, right?

【It can't be such a coincidence, right? There are so many people with the surname Xia, it can't be Xia Yifan, right? 】

The other people in the Xu family thought so too, but everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts.

It was Xu Yufeng who asked:"Grandpa Chen, do you know the full name of this person with the surname Xia?"

"Hmm? It seems his name is... Xia something Fan……"

"Xia Yifan?"

"Yes, that's the name. The old naughty boy also said that Xia Yifan was very much to his liking, and that the two of them were close friends regardless of age."

【No way! What's going on? How is it related to the male protagonist Xia Yifan again? Why is he everywhere? He's haunting her!

Xu Ru'an racked his brains but couldn't figure out what Xia Yifan wanted to do. What was his intention in approaching the bead?

【This is really not scientific at all! Could it be that Xia Yifan wanted to use some mysterious power because he failed to harm my brothers these times? No, is Xia Yifan's character set up like this?】

"Grandpa Chen, I'll take you there tomorrow, and then let me accompany you to see the beads."

"I want to go too!"

Xu Wanyu wanted to go because he wanted to meet the male protagonist Xia Yifan who wanted to harm him.

Xu Zerui wanted to go because he was curious and wanted to meet Xia Yifan.

"Then An An wants to go too!"

【No, I don't feel comfortable letting my brothers go. Who knows if this is a trap set by the male protagonist! Although my description of this part is very vague, I may remember it when I go and experience it myself. Maybe I can still help you then.】

"An An, you don't have to go. Your grandpa Chen and the others are going there to help, not to play. An An, can you just stay at home with your mother?"

"Mom, no, I want to follow my fifth brother and the others. I will be a good boy and will not interfere with Grandpa Chen and the others."


"It's okay, since the little guy wants to go, let him go. With an old man like me here, nothing will happen."

With the nod from Grandpa Chen, Xu Ru'an also went with him the next day.

They seemed to have arrived a little early, and the old naughty boy and Xia Yifan that Grandpa Chen mentioned had not arrived yet.

Grandpa Chen's old friend said that it would be better to wait until everyone was here before taking out the things.

So Grandpa Chen and his two brothers chatted with the host in the living room. Xu Ru'an felt a little bored, so he sneaked into the small garden at the back. There are many colorful flowers planted here. Although Xu Ru'an can't name these flowers, it doesn't prevent him from appreciating beautiful things.

"There are so many soul-loving grasses planted here. I don't know if that old guy Jinnian did it on purpose or was unaware of it."

Xu Ru'an saw an old man squatting beside a pile of weeds and talking to himself.

What is soul-loving grass? Xu Ru'an walked over slowly with curiosity.

"Hmm? There are psychedelic flowers next to it. What on earth is old man Jinnian doing? It's really weird!"

What are psychedelic flowers? Xu Ru'an looked at the tall and bright red flowers. The flowers were quite fragrant, but the fragrance made him want to sleep.

"Little guy, hold this candy in your mouth and you will be more awake."

Suddenly a mint candy was stuffed into Xu Ru'an's mouth, and he woke up instantly.

"Come on, little guy, let's leave here first, or you won't be able to bear it."

So Xu Ru'an was pulled away by the old man.

They took another path, and when they got to the innermost part, the surrounding scenery changed.

If there were birds singing and flowers blooming, and the greenery was gone just now, this side was a bit desolate and dead.

The old man seemed to be attracted by something and stopped.

"Hmm? Why is there such a big locust tree planted here?"

"Grandpa, is there something wrong with this locust tree?"

"The locust tree itself is of Yin nature and easily attracts things of Yin nature. And this locust tree is planted in this location, which destroys the Feng Shui of the house. It is a big taboo!"

"Grandpa, do you understand Feng Shui?"

"Of course, he is known as the Old Naughty Boy, the Feng Shui Master, and the descendant of the tomb raider. He is well versed in astronomy, geography, Feng Shui and numerology!"

Xu Ru'an listened to this familiar introduction and immediately realized that he was the Old Naughty Boy that Grandpa Chen mentioned.

But everyone was waiting for him to show up in the living room, but he came here. What did he want to do?

By the way, didn't Grandpa Chen say that he brought Xia Yifan with him? Where is Xia Yifan? Why isn't he with him?

""Little guy, I see that there is something unusual about you, something unusual.""

Huh? Could it be that this old naughty boy has figured out something?

"Grandpa, what do you mean by this? An An doesn't understand?"

The old naughty boy pinched his fingers, looking very profound.

Xu Ru'an couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"Little guy, with my level of skill, I can't figure out your fate? That's really weird."

So he was calculating his own fate? Nonsense, of course he couldn't!

Xu Ru'an was not originally from this world, he didn't belong here

"Hmm? But I can tell you are destined to be rich and lucky. You are blessed. The people around you will be safe and prosperous because of you. It is a blessing in disguise."


"Of course, I never lie, I will never be wrong, you are blessed, and blessing means good fortune."

That's great, this way he can change the tragic ending of everyone in the Xu family, he is really the lucky star of his parents and brothers!

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