On the other hand, Xu Zerui, who learned from his eldest brother that the fifth brother might be in danger, immediately mobilized the hackers in the base and entered the monitoring link that his eldest brother had given him full authority to use hacking technology to accurately find the fifth brother's whereabouts.

"What did you say? An An is missing?"

Xu Yufeng was anxiously looking for his fifth brother in the monitoring room when he received a call from Bai Haochen.

"Okay, don't worry. I'm in the monitoring room now. I'll have someone check the surveillance footage from the roller coaster. Maybe there will be some clues."

"Yes, you come over here and meet me then, don't worry, I believe An An will be fine."

Xu Yufeng knew that An An was actually very smart, and he was usually very well-behaved and obedient, and he would never suddenly disappear, so his sudden disappearance should be related to the matter of his fifth brother.

When Xu Yufeng checked the surveillance video of the roller coaster, he was sure of this, that An An deliberately let go of Bai Haochen's hand and hid.

That's right, Xu Ru'an wanted to sneak in and find the staff who tampered with the roller coaster.

In the control room, a pale middle-aged man was coughing violently.

He was the operator of the roller coaster. Half a month ago, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and had less than a month left to live.

He himself It didn't matter, it just made his daughter who was just in middle school suffer. After he died, his daughter would be left alone.

His wife died of illness a few years ago, and he raised his daughter alone. Now his only hope is to leave enough money for his daughter so that she would not live a bad life because of his death.

So when that person came to him, for the sake of his daughter, he agreed without hesitation.

It's just death, he is a dying man anyway, what is there to be afraid of.

It's just that he can't let other innocent people die with him, so he can only think of a way to make all the people who came to ride the roller coaster disperse.

As for what he was going to pull Someone will lead him here if he wants to die together with his daughter. He doesn't need to worry too much.

He took out a photo of him and his daughter, wanting to deeply engrave his daughter's appearance in his mind.

Xu Ru'an secretly watched this scene at the door, and his eyes couldn't help but become wet.

It is said that there must be a pitiful side to a hateful person. Life is not easy for anyone.

Xu Ru'an glanced at the work badge hanging around the man's neck. It turned out that his name was Shen Bing.

Seeing Shen Bing put the photo back into his pocket and prepare to walk out, Xu Ru'an quickly retreated and hid behind a machine on the side.

Shen Bing took out a large wrench, walked to one of the carriages, and used the wrench to loosen a part of the base of the carriage. A screw was unscrewed.

It turned out that such a tragic accident happened because of this screw. This reminded Xu Ru'an of a series of movies called Final Destination that he had watched before.

A screw caused a series of death scenes. It was so scary!

After Shen Bing threw the wrench aside, he sat in a car in front.

Xu Ru'an noticed that he was holding a black remote control in his hand. It should be the remote control for controlling the roller coaster.

Now all that's missing is the fifth brother. As long as he comes, everything will be ready.

But now that Xu Ru'an is here, he will never let the fifth brother ride on that roller coaster!

【Oh my god, why are there so many mosquitoes here? They bite my hands and legs so much that they are all swollen. Why hasn't Brother Wu come yet? No, it's best if he doesn't come!】

【Fifth brother, don’t come here. It’s very dangerous here. Someone wants to harm you!】

"Who wants to harm me?"


Xu Ru'an felt like he was being picked up. He turned around and felt bad.

It was true that whatever he said would appear. Wasn't his fifth brother here?

"Fifth brother, why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you this?"

""Huh? It seems so."

The two of them stared at each other in silence.

【Ah, Fifth Brother, let’s get out of here quickly!】

"This is not the place for you. Get off now."

"Then Fifth Brother, take me down, and we'll go find Big Brother."

"Big brother is here too? That's right, he must have brought you here, but I'm on a mission now, so I can't take you down."

So he was on a mission, no wonder Fifth Brother came here even though he knew it was dangerous!

【What to do? Fifth Brother is a stubborn and responsible person. It is impossible to fool him. But if he gets on that roller coaster, it will be really miserable!

Xu Wanyu frowned. This was not the first time he heard Xu Ru'an's voice. He was an atheist and always believed in science. But in this situation, he had to admit that this was something that science could not explain.

Forget it. It is more important to carry out the mission now. Let's talk about this later.

"You hurry down, I want to go over and take a look, someone reported that there might be a bomb on the roller coaster, it's very dangerous here."

Xu Wanyu pushed Xu Ru'an and asked him to leave,"Don't worry about me, I'm lucky, I won't die."

【Yes, you won't die, but this time you will be disabled for life, which is worse than taking your life!】

【There is no bomb there! I saw it all. There was only one screw that was pulled out by the man with advanced cancer!

After hearing what Xu Ru'an said, Xu Wanyu, who was about to go over, hesitated for the first time about the mission he was going to perform.

Xu Ru'an grabbed Xu Wanyu's hand and said,"Fifth brother, don't go over there. An'an saw it all. There is no bomb there. Someone must have lied to you, Fifth brother."

After saying that, Xu Ru'an ran out and shouted to Shen Bing,"Uncle, come down quickly. Don't do anything that you will regret!"

Shen Bing was shocked to see that there was actually a child here.

"Little boy, how did you get up here? Come down quickly, it's dangerous here!"

Shen Bing is quite kind and he even cares about Xu Ru'an, a stranger.

"I don't want it, uncle, you want to kill my fifth brother, I want to accompany him!"

Xu Wanyu saw Xu Ru'an was so emotional, and he also came out.

Shen Bing recognized Xu Wanyu. He had seen the photo that person gave him and knew that Xu Wanyu was the person he wanted to kill with him this time.

"Little boy, you said he is your fifth brother?"

"Yes, I know everything, uncle. You have an incurable disease and a daughter. You agreed to do this to my fifth brother for your daughter."

Shen Bing was shocked and began to panic. Who is this kid? Why does he know so much?

"Uncle, please come down. I won't let my fifth brother go up to die. My fifth brother is the son of the richest man. He has a lot of money. An An also has a lot of money. If uncle needs money, An An can give you all the money."

Shen Bing was shaken. Didn't he do so much just to get the money? Now if they are really willing to give him money, he doesn't have to kill people. Isn't that great?

Xu Wanyu saw Shen Bing's look and there was nothing he didn't understand, so he also made a promise.

"What he said is true, we can give you money, as long as you come down and cooperate with my work, confess everything you know, and we can try our best to meet your requirements."

In this way, under the persuasion and temptation of Xu Ru'an and Xu Wanyu, Shen Bing finally came down from above.

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