Ignoring Fang Yiyi's tears, she was mercilessly thrown out of the Xu family by the Xu family's servants.

After Fang Yiyi was thrown out, Fang Aiduo, who had been waiting in the corner for a long time, also ran out.

"Yiyi, don't cry, mom is here to take you home.

Fang Yiyi cried even harder when she saw her mother coming.

""Mom, they don't recognize me! I don't want to, I'm obviously the daughter of the Xu family, mom, please tell them quickly!"

Fang Aiduo's heart ached when she saw her daughter crying hysterically.

"Yiyi, listen to mom, can we go home first?"

"Oh no! I want to go back to Xu's house!"

"Yiyi, I'm sorry, mom lied to you, you are not the daughter of the Xu family at all.

Fang Aiduo hugged Fang Yiyi and started crying.

If she had known it would turn out like this, Fang Aiduo would never have agreed to Xia Yifan to do such a thing.

Fang Yiyi calmed down after hearing her mother's words.

"Why? Mom, you said you lied to me?"

"I'm sorry, Yiyi, it's all mom's fault. Mom doesn't know who Yiyi's biological father is, but... you are really not the daughter of the Xu family."

In fact, the results of the paternity test have already explained everything, but the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Fang Yiyi had too much expectations, so when her expectations were dashed, she couldn't accept it for a while.

"Yiyi, let's go home, okay? Your grandpa wants to see you for the last time.……"

Fang Aiduo came to pick up Fang Yiyi because she received a call from her mother. Her mother said that her father did not want to implicate her and her daughter, and did not want to continue the treatment. He wanted to return home. Her mother said that her father missed her and her daughter and wanted to see them for the last time.

Fang Aiduo picked up Fang Yiyi and got on the online car-hailing service. When the car started, Fang Yiyi quietly leaned her head on her mother's shoulder, looking in the direction of the Xu family with nostalgia, not knowing what she was thinking. After

Fang Yiyi left, the Xu family finally quieted down.

"Great, we finally got rid of the plague god."

Xu Zerui slumped on the sofa,"Come here, little Naitian, let me hug you, I'm so tired!"

He urgently needed a hug and comfort from little Naitian!

【I won't go over there! Sixth brother must want to kiss and hug me again. I don't understand why he likes to do this to me so much.

Xu Ru'an sat next to Xu Yufeng and still felt safe next to his eldest brother.

"By the way, Aunt Lin, my parents are on today's flight and will probably be back for dinner tonight. Please make arrangements."

"Okay, Master."

"An An, Mom and Dad are coming back today. Do you want to go with big brother to pick them up?"

"Okay, An An is willing"

"What about you? Do you want to go to the airport together?"

In the end, everyone decided that Xu Yufeng and Xu Hanwen would take Xu Ru'an to the airport to pick them up, and the others would wait for them to come back home for dinner.

After taking a nap for more than an hour in the room, Xu Ru'an followed Xu Yufeng and the others to the airport.

After meeting Xu Qingfeng and He Youtong, Xu Ru'an finally understood why the Xu family's genes were so good.

The parents were originally handsome men and beautiful women, so how could their child be bad?

Xu Ru'an looked at her chubby little hands, touched her round belly, and sighed.

"What's wrong? An An, why are you sighing for no reason?"

"My eldest brother, brothers, parents and all of them are tall and good-looking, but An An is fat now. An An is afraid that he will become ugly in the future."

【What if the appearance of the Xu family is lowered?

Xu Yufeng and Xu Hanwen both laughed. They didn't expect that Xu Ru'an was worried about this.

Although He Youtong had given birth to six sons, she was a person who paid attention to maintenance and beauty. In addition, she was naturally beautiful, so even though she was old and had given birth to several sons, her appearance did not change.

"You are An An, oh, so cute, fair and clean, like a lucky boy, and you will definitely be a handsome boy when you grow up."

He Youtong really thought so. She liked this child very much when she saw Xu Ru'an for the first time.

She hugged Xu Ru'an and smiled.

"Husband, don't you think so?"

Xu Qingfeng is a wife slave, whatever his wife says is what he believes, so he also loves Xu Ruan and praises her.

"Hehe... Mom is so nice, I like her."

Xu Ru'an was sincere. After he and his sister lost their parents, they had been dependent on each other. Although they were used to not having their parents around, they sometimes missed them very much.

Now here, although he is not their real biological son, he can feel that they really like him, which is a good feeling.

He Youtong held Xu Ru'an tightly, teasing him when he got in the car and when he got out of the car. The two of them laughed all the way.

Xu Yufeng and Xu Hanwen didn't think there was anything wrong, but Xu Qingfeng suffered. Along the way, his wife ignored him and he was a little jealous.

But he couldn't show it, because his two stinky sons were there, and he didn't want his two sons to laugh at him, saying how he had the nerve to compete for favors with a child.

Xu Qingfeng felt wronged, but he just didn't say anything, being willful.

After returning home, He Youtong let go of Xu Ru'an and asked Xu Yufeng to take him to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

"Is there anything wrong at home?"


"What about the company? What are Mr. Fan and his gang doing? Do they need help from me as their father?"

"No, my father will just watch over me."


"Well, you just came back, and you don't know how to eat quietly. Can't you let your son eat well? Let's talk about business in the company. No one can talk about these things during meals in the future. I have no appetite for food."

He Youtong pretended to be angry, how could Xu Qingfeng and the others not see it? They all knew that He Youtong was worried about them.

"Come, An An, eat more. Our An An is obedient, well-behaved and cute. After dinner, mom will show you the gifts your dad and I brought back."

""Hmm, hmm, hmm!"

After finishing the meal, He Youtong asked the butler to pull out several large suitcases.

When the suitcases were opened one by one, Xu Ru'an was dumbfounded when he saw the things inside.

Didn't they say they were going to work? But why did he feel like they were going on a trip to shop?

"Mom, you bought too much, didn’t you?"

"Is it a lot? I still think it’s not enough! If your dad hadn’t said that it’s hard to check in too much luggage, I would have bought some more."

My goodness, women have never lost in shopping, they are the best among fighters!

"An An, the things in these three suitcases are all for you, take a look and see if you like them."

The first suitcase was filled with dolls, models and various small remote control cars.

The second suitcase was filled with food, chocolates, candies and biscuits.

The third suitcase was filled with sets of exquisite clothes, all of which were expensive brand names.

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