Meng Fan was very helpless about being suddenly invited to attend Jiang Donghai's birthday party.

"An An, I won't go. Officer Jiang and I aren't that familiar with each other. It's quite... embarrassing.……"

Xu Mochen wanted to laugh. How could it not be embarrassing? The two of them had hugged and kissed each other that day.

And I heard that the police station was full of gossip about Meng Fan and Officer Jiang. The rumors were so outrageous.

"Brother Meng Fan, but I have already promised Sister Wan Qing that you and Brother Four will definitely go."

Xu Ru'an's big eyes flashed, looking at Meng Fan aggrievedly.

Meng Fan finally gave in,"Okay, I know, I can go anyway."

So on the night of Jiang Donghai's birthday, Xu Mochen drove An An and Meng Fan to Jiang Donghai's home.

Jiang Donghai's birthday party was held at home.

"Isn't that guy Xu Zerui going with us?"

"Sixth brother went there early, saying that he wanted to help sister Wanqing with the decorations."

Hearing this, Meng Fan turned his head to the side, looked out the car window, and said nothing more.

Xu Ru'an saw the depressed look on brother Meng Fan's face, and suddenly felt a little regretful. Shouldn't he have forced brother Meng Fan to attend this birthday party? After all, he and Sixth Brother...

Xu Ru'an lowered his head, a little frustrated.

Xu Mochen noticed the loss of Meng Fan and Xu Ru'an, and he didn't know what to say to comfort them, so he could only turn on the music in the car.

Fortunately, they arrived at the Jiang family soon.

It was Jiang Donghai who came to open the door for them. When the door opened, Jiang Donghai was stunned when he saw Meng Fan.

Meng Fan came too?

Jiang Donghai couldn't help but think of the scene in his office that day when he and Meng Fan accidentally kissed.

No! Can't think about it anymore!

Jiang Donghai felt his whole body burning hot, and his heart was beating faster than usual.

"Come in, my sister and Xu Zerui have almost finished the decoration.

Jiang Donghai welcomed them in, and then went into the kitchen to pour them some tea, intending to calm down his restless emotions.

However, his red ears betrayed him, and Xu Ruan was the first to laugh out loud.

""Puff, Brother Donghai is shy, so cute."

When Xu Ru'an said this, Xu Mochen and Meng Fan both understood what An'an meant.

However, Xu Zerui, who was helping Jiang Wanqing blow up the balloon, was confused and didn't understand what An'an meant.

"Come, have some tea."

When Jiang Donghai handed one of the cups to Meng Fan, his hand accidentally touched Meng Fan's hand.

He was stunned for a moment, and then shrank back as if he had been electrocuted.

His action attracted the attention of everyone present.

It was mainly because his movement was too big, and he didn't know if it was because he was too excited, but he hit the back of his head with a loud bang.

""Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Jiang Donghai felt a little guilty when his sister Jiang Wanqing asked him.

"No...nothing...I'm fine……"

Jiang Donghai waved his hands repeatedly and quickly changed the subject, asking Jiang Wanqing what he had prepared to entertain the guests.

""I'm sorry, my brother and I are not good at cooking, so we ordered takeout directly. Please don't mind."

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang again. It should be the takeout.

But when Jiang Wanqing took out all the takeout and put it on the table, he found that he had missed a bowl of longevity noodles. In their family, they must eat a bowl of longevity noodles on birthdays, otherwise they always feel that something is missing.

"Brother, I forgot about the longevity noodles. If I order it again, it will take a long time. What should I do?"

Jiang Donghai has been staring at Meng Fan since he came in. He didn't pay attention to what Jiang Wanqing was saying.

Seeing that his brother didn't respond, Jiang Wanqing patted him on the shoulder and said,"Brother, are you listening to me?"


Jiang Donghai retracted his gaze from Meng Fan,"What's wrong? Sorry, I was just thinking about other things."

Jiang Wanqing repeated that she forgot to order longevity noodles.

Jiang Donghai waved his hand indifferently,"It doesn't matter, I think we still have noodles at home, I can just cook some myself later."


Jiang Wanqing wanted to say that based on her and her brother's cooking skills, they could only make instant noodles, but the rest was a bit uncertain.

But today was her brother's birthday, so she had to give him some face, so Jiang Wanqing didn't say anything.

Meng Fan saw through it,"Why don't I do it? I'm a decent cook.""

"Yes, yes, Brother Meng Fan’s cooking is delicious!"

"Would this be too much trouble? After all, you are the guests."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a bowl of noodles, very simple and not troublesome at all."

Jiang Wanqing thought about it and agreed.

So Meng Fan rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.

Not long after, a bowl of delicious longevity noodles came out of the pot. Meng Fan also specially added a fried egg and some green vegetables to it.

Meng Fan held the longevity noodles and put them on the table,"Officer Jiang, happy birthday, you try the longevity noodles I made"


Jiang Donghai smiled and thanked Meng Fan, then started eating noodles.


"That's good."

Jiang Donghai was very happy. He didn't expect Meng Fan to be handsome and good at cooking.

Being able to cook and be a good housewife, isn't this the standard he sets for his partner?

Jiang Donghai was suddenly moved.

After Jiang Donghai had eaten the longevity noodles, Jiang Wanqing called on everyone else to start eating.

After eating and drinking, it was time to give gifts.

In order to please Jiang Donghai, Xu Zerui asked his friends to find a limited edition Gundam model that Jiang Donghai had never collected.

Although Jiang Donghai pretended to be calm on the surface, he was already very happy in his heart.

��The gifts given by others were all very practical, so Jiang Donghai was very satisfied.

Because they had just finished their meal, the birthday cake cutting session was postponed.

Meng Fan was playing with An An when he heard Jiang Donghai say,"Mr. Meng, can I... add you as a friend?"


Jiang Donghai looked at Meng Fan and blushed.

Xu Ruan seemed to have seen something he shouldn't have seen!

"Mr. Meng, I want to add you as my friend. If it is convenient, don't worry. I don't mean to bother you. I just feel……"

Jiang Donghai glanced at Meng Fan embarrassedly and said,"I just think you are a nice person.……"

After thinking for a long time, there was no follow-up, and An An was getting anxious.

"Brother Donghai, why are you shy again?"

After An An pointed it out, Jiang Donghai's face became even redder.

The attention of others was also attracted by An An's words.

Jiang Wanqing saw her brother's amorous look, what else could she not understand?

"Brother, you are not attracted to Meng Fan, are you?"

Jiang Wanqing's words stirred up a thousand waves, and both parties were stunned.

【I can call Sister Wanqing a warrior! Isn't this too straightforward?】

"How is it possible! How could Brother Jiang like Meng Fan? Wanqing, stop joking!"

Xu Zerui was amused by Jiang Wanqing's words, and he pounded the sofa with laughter.

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