Xia Chuling stared blankly at Xu Ru'an who suddenly appeared in front of him. For some reason, he suddenly felt a warm current in his heart, making him feel very comfortable.

"Where did you come from, you little brat?"

When Teacher Qiao saw Xu Ru'an coming over, she was shocked and tried to pull him away, but Xu Ru'an pushed Teacher Qiao's hand away.

"Teacher Qiao, please call my brother and ask them to come to the kindergarten, thank you."

Xu Ru'an didn't think that his weak arms and legs could protect Xia Chuling, so the best way was to find someone to help, and the brothers of the Xu family were the best candidates.

This time it was Teacher Qiao's turn to have a headache, what should she do? This Xu Ru'an is the young master of the Xu family, and the head teacher has emphasized to the teachers before that they must take good care of him.

"Ru'an, do you know Xia Chuling?"

"I... don't know him. Although I don't know him, it's obviously these few people who are bullying others. Brother Xia Chuling did nothing wrong!"

When Xu Ru'an said this, the faces of the teachers present changed.

Especially Luo Beibei, she originally looked like she was going to watch a good show, but she didn't expect Xu Ru'an, the young master of the Xu family, to suddenly run out and look like he was going to stand up for Xia Chuling. If Xu Ru'an really brought someone from the Xu family over, things would not be so easy to solve. When the time comes, after a thorough investigation, I guess my situation will not be much better.

At this time, the headmaster finally arrived breathlessly.

"What happened?"

When the headmaster showed up, Teacher Qiao, Su Lengyan and other teachers all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Director, this is what happened.……"

Teacher Qiao took the initiative to recount what had happened, and after hearing it, the headmaster was about to collapse.

No one in the kindergarten knew except him that Xia Chuling, who did not look like the son of a big family, had a very special identity.

Although he was an adopted child, the person who adopted him was not someone to be trifled with, as he was an official.

Due to some special reasons, that person requested that Xia Chuling's identity and background not be made public, so he, as the headmaster, concealed the matter.

And now that Xia Chuling had gotten into this kind of situation, he didn't know if it would alarm that person. If he couldn't handle it well, he probably wouldn't have to do his job as the headmaster anymore.

""Principal, you've come at the right time. You must give us an explanation for this matter!"

I'll give you an explanation. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two parents are clearly making trouble here.

"Dear parents, children are still young, and it is normal to have some bumps and bruises when getting along with each other. Xiaoxuan is not injured now, so there is no need to complicate things. I think both parties are wrong in this matter. Even if it is a draw, let's just forget it, okay?"

The headmaster took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and secretly said in his heart, I hope they can know the situation better.

"What! Just let it go? Why? Your kindergarten charges us so much money every semester, and we also give gifts to teachers on weekdays, all for the sake of making our children live more comfortably in kindergarten. Now my son is being bullied, and you tell me to just let it go?"

"That's right! No way, you as the headmaster can't handle this matter, so let his parents come and deal with it!"

Seeing that the two of them were still making trouble, Xu Ru'an felt annoyed.

"Uncle headmaster, Xia Chuling didn't push that kid at all. It was clearly him who fell down. My brother told me that his behavior is a scam."

When Xiaoxuan heard Xu Ru'an expose him, he put his hands on his waist and pointed at Xu Ru'an angrily and cursed:"What does it have to do with you! You are the scammer! So many children saw that it was Xia Chuling, the bastard, who pushed me. Are you blind? I think you are in the same group with Xia Chuling, also a bastard!"

Xiaoxuan's words are enough to show that his family education is really not good.

The headmaster and the teachers present couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Xue Dongyue and Xu Fuhai with blaming eyes. As Xiaoxuan's parents, these two people actually taught a child like this, which is really shameful.

But the two didn't think there was anything wrong, and they thought their son was very good,"That's right, my son is so obedient and kind, how can he bully you? I think you are jealous of my son, so you team up to bully him!"

Xu Ru'an almost got sick after hearing this. Don't these two people have any self-awareness?

Their son is obedient and kind? And we are jealous of him? They are the most blind ones, okay?

At such a young age, they know how to frame others, swear and don't know how to respect others. I don't know where they learned politeness.

""Uncle headmaster, what does bastard mean? Why did he say that my brother Xia Chuling and I are bastards?"

When the headmaster heard Xu Ru'an ask this, he didn't know how to explain it to him. This is the young master of the Xu family! If the Xu family knew that their child learned something indecent in the kindergarten, then his kindergarten would be over.

"Bastard is not a good word, it is an insult, you should not know too much details."

Xia Chuling didn't want to speak at first, but looking at Xu Ru'an's curious face, he couldn't help but explain.

Xu Ru'an certainly knew what bastard meant, he just wanted to use this to start his counterattack

"Oh, so that's how it is. Then why did his mother say nice things about her even though he was cursing?"


Everyone was silent.

The headmaster smiled awkwardly. He was beginning to regret why he accepted Xiaoxuan into the kindergarten just for the gift Xue Dongyue gave him.

Originally, Xiaoxuan did not meet the admission criteria, but Xue Dongyue gave him a gift and donated some money to the kindergarten, so the headmaster reluctantly accepted him.

"Xiaoxuan, did you hear that? The word"bastard" is not good. Don't tell others about it in the future, or you will be considered a naughty child. So this time you are wrong, you should apologize to me and Brother Xia Chuling!"

Of course Xiaoxuan would not apologize. He was spoiled by his family and thought that he could throw a tantrum if he was not satisfied.

"Humph! I won't apologize. You and Xia Chuling are bastards!"

"Who said my child is a bastard? Are you looking for death?"

Hearing the voice of his fourth brother, Xu Ru'an's eyes lit up.

He trotted to Xu Mochen and hugged Xu Mochen's thigh.

He originally wanted to ask Teacher Qiao to call and inform his brothers, but Teacher Qiao did not do so.

And he suddenly thought that he could inform his brothers himself, because when he went shopping with his fourth brother that day, he bought a smart electronic watch.

This is the latest electronic watch, which can make calls and send messages.

So Xu Ru'an immediately sent a group message to several brothers, saying that he was bullied in the kindergarten.

Unexpectedly, the first one to arrive at the kindergarten was the fourth brother Xu Mochen.

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