After getting the expected answer, Li Fenglan was not only relieved, but also had some joy that she didn't realize.

Ling Buyi did not choose to deceive himself.

——No matter who it is, after experiencing betrayal, they will cherish this magnanimity.

The wind and snow in the snowy Meizhou rested for a while, and Li Fenglan's long hair also slowly fell down.

He pursed his lips and asked: Then you... Then when did you know about it? Was it at the beginning, or a while ago. When Li Fenglan asked this sentence, she was extremely nervous.

After getting along for this period of time, Li Fenglan already knew what kind of person Ling Buyan was.

He didn't want to answer his own question, or when it was inconvenient to answer, he would speak directly.

And as long as it is what Ling Buyi said, it will never be adulterated.

This kind of hair made Li Fenglan feel at ease.

Obviously they haven't known each other for long, but unconsciously, Li Fenglan already trusts him very much.

Ling Buyi sighed softly, he looked towards the snowy field, and said after a while: I knew it before.

Ling Buyan's voice is not loud, but these words are like a dull thunder, exploding in Li Fenglan's heart.

To be able to ask this question, Feng Lan must have been mentally prepared.

But after hearing the answer, his mood was not calm at all.

From the day of her rebirth, Li Fenglan seemed to be in a fog. The calm is calm, but this calm is particularly disturbing.

Ling did not tire of admitting that he knew that he was Li Fuyue, and it was like a sharp sword piercing through this fog.

There are so many things Li Fenglan doesn't know and is curious about, but now he doesn't know where to start.

There seemed to be a mess in his mind, and Li Fenglan could only ask questions based on his ability.

...Then these five years?

I am indeed retreating, Ling Buyan finally showed a smile, But I also left my consciousness by your side. If you are in danger, I will naturally come to help you.

it is as expected.

Thinking about it carefully, Ling Buyan came out a few times before to save himself from a siege.

——Whether it was Cheng Duan's death, or Jiang Yichang's temptation to himself after Cheng Huang's sudden departure.

When Cheng Du'an's incident happened, I and you passed out, and the situation didn't seem to be very good, so I wanted to help you.

Ling Buyi's tone was too calm and calm. He said this as if he was just helping his disciples and cleaning the room, and he didn't think it was a big deal at all.

After a long silence, Li Fenglan said again: Then why did Master help me? Since you know that I am Li Fuyue, you must also know that I... am not a good person.

Li Fenglan thought that when he said this sentence, his tone was cold and hard.

But he didn't know that when this fell into Ling Buyan's ears, he felt a little more wronged.

What's more, Li Fenglan's grievances for more than a thousand years seem to be completely melted into this sentence.

Good guy? Hearing what Li Fenglan said, Ling Buyan shook his head suddenly.

He took two steps forward, blocking the wind and snow here.

I don't know how to be a good person and how to be a 'bad person'. But even if you use the worldly rules to judge, you have never done anyone wrong. When Ling Buti said this, his expression was extremely serious.

This sentence hits the ground.

And hearing Ling Buyi say that, Li Fenglan couldn't help but feel a little bit of a heartbeat.

It was the first time in millennia that someone said he had never been sorry to anyone.


Ling Buyi's hand slowly rested on Li Fenglan's shoulder, and he interrupted the other party's sentence before he could finish.

Even if he went mad, Li Fuyue was still able to suppress his energy, he never indulged himself. Even if everyone in the cultivation world misunderstood and doubted him, he never changed this point.

While talking, Ling Buzhi brushed the snowflakes off Li Fenglan's clothes heartily.

He smiled and continued: Remember, I once said that I am yours, so I will really bring disaster to the world for them to see. This sentence is not a joke. And if others are reduced to such a situation, they will give up on themselves. But you have not.

Li Fenglan laughed at herself: Maybe it's because I don't have the courage.

No, Ling Buti shook his head, and put his hands lightly on Li Fenglan's shoulders, Fenglan, you are a very special person, especially to me.

special person?

Ling does not tire of this... What does it mean?

Li Fenglan could feel that the special mentioned by the other party should be purely special.

However, as soon as Ling Buyan's voice fell, Li Fenglan's face suddenly turned red.

He hurriedly looked away and nodded in a panic.

Ling Buwei's hand also slowly fell down.

Li Fenglan, who finally adjusted her mood, quickly pursed her lips and said, I still have a few questions, and I want to ask Master.

——Unknowingly, the address he never tires of calling Ling was changed back to Master.

Well, you can ask. Ling Buyi nodded lightly.

The snow-covered Meizhou is located between two rivers. Although the two rivers have floating ice, they are not frozen all year round. There is indeed a big temperature difference between the snow-covered Meizhou and the icy snow-covered Meizhou.

Therefore, seen from a high place, the snow-covered Meizhou is shrouded in mist rising from the two rivers for more than half of the year.

Li Fenglan felt that this river

It was very much like my mood all the time, always shrouded in fog.

Today, I finally had an opportunity, so Li Fenglan asked all of her strength: I want to know who revived me. Why are you being so nice to me? Who are you...

When Li Fenglan spoke, she spoke extremely fast, but as soon as she finished her voice, she suddenly felt anxious.

I don't want to owe anyone anything. He added with some stubbornness.

Li Fenglan didn't know that her nervous appearance was extremely cute in the eyes of the man opposite.

He only saw that when he finished speaking, Ling Buyan suddenly smiled.

I don't know how to answer the question you asked...

What! Ling Buyan can actually be perfunctory?

Seeming to see what Li Fenglan was thinking, Ling Buyi hurriedly shook his head and said, I didn't mean to be perfunctory to you.

Then why didn't you answer me? Apart from cultivation, Li Fenglan was rarely so attached to anything.

There are some things that I haven't dealt with yet. After I have dealt with them, I will know everything and say everything.


Don't worry, you don't owe anyone, including me. In the future, I may also need your help to recover my cultivation without any burden. Ling's tone was tireless, as if he was really Li Fenglan's master Same.

At the end, Ling Buyan smiled and added: After all, you are Li Fuyue.

Ever since she became obsessed, Li Fenglan had some resistance to the three words Li Fuyue.

However, hearing this name from Ling Buyan's mouth at this time, he actually felt pretty good for the first time.

Listening to him, Li Fenglan couldn't help but think—Ling Buyan seemed to have told herself that his purpose was to restore her cultivation.

Thinking of this, Li Fenglan smiled instead.

It's strange to say.

Most of the people in the previous life approached me or betrayed me for a purpose. Ever since she was reborn, Li Fenglan hated words like purpose and use.

But when she thought of Ling Butian saying these two words frankly, Li Fenglan's heart, which was still extremely entangled just now, miraculously calmed down.

At this moment, Ling Buyi looked at Li Fenglan, suddenly smiled and said: We are the only ones in this world.

What do you mean... Only we are the ones along the way?

Can it be said that Ling Buyan has experienced similar things to himself?

Ling Buzhi was always mysterious and mysterious, and Li Fenglan knew that she would never ask the answer to a question he didn't want to answer.

The snow in the sky grew bigger again. There was fog and heavy snow, covering the entire Xianyun Palace.

Not to mention the dead branches of the foggy plum below, even the majestic snow-capped mountains are gone.

At this time, in Li Fenglan's world, there are only Feixue and Lingbuyi.

Although she didn't understand the meaning of Ling Buyan's words, at this moment Li Fenglan felt that the world really seemed to be just like what Ling Buyan said, only the two of them were left.

The atmosphere became a little strange.

Just when Li Fenglan was thinking about what Gang Ling had said, the man standing opposite him suddenly pulled him back.

Why— Before Li Fenglan could finish speaking, she saw a sword light flashing in the distance, and Lin Chaochen came out of the snowy Meizhou with the sword again. After a pause, he headed towards the secret room again.

But at this moment, Li Fenglan has no time to pay attention to that unlucky junior!

Because at this moment, he would not tire of hugging her tightly into his arms...

Until this time Li Fenglan realized that Ling Buyan was half a head taller than her.

The man looked thin, and his frame was a whole circle bigger than him.

At this moment, his whole body was wrapped in Lingbuyan's arms.

He could even feel the thin muscles on Ling Buyi's body and the powerful beating of his heart.

If Li Fenglan's feeling is correct, Lingbuyi's heartbeat at this moment is also abnormally fast.

As for why you say also? Naturally, it was because of Li Fenglan's heart beating crazily.


After an unknown amount of time, Ling Buyan finally released Li Fenglan.

But Li Fenglan coughed unnaturally and said, Ahem... why is Lin Chaochen here again?

At the same time, he saw that Ling Buyan's ears turned red.

... Master will also blush!

Ling Buyan seemed to realize what Li Fenglan was looking at, he suddenly turned around.

Ke Ling didn't tire of knowing that when he turned around, his red ears became more and more obvious.

Li Fenglan:! ! !

The next moment, Ling Buyan changed the topic: When you first came to the Snowy Meizhou, did you see anyone?

People? Li Fenglan responded for a moment and understood who Ling Buyi was talking about.

Since many days ago, his apprentice Meng Linzhou has been digging in the snowy Meizhou. When Li Fenglan passed by here, she seemed to have seen Meng Linzhou...

No way? Meng Linzhou?

After hearing what Li Fenglan said, Ling Buyan finally turned around.

His complexion became a little bit normal, but Ling Buyi smiled and nodded without feeling guilty at all: I just made some noise at Meng Linzhou's place, and Lin Chaochen rushed over. The two of them should be It's already been fought once.

At this moment, Li Fenglan suddenly had some traitors who sympathized with him



In the next few days, Li Fenglan will still go to the snowy Meizhou to meditate.

However, after learning from the experience and lessons of the last time, he finally left a back-up man——Meng Linzhou.

Seeing Meng Linzhou digging soil outside the snowy Meizhou every day, Li Fenglan found him one thing to do, which was to inform her.

It may be unreliable for the traitor to do other things, but this job is done well.

With Meng Linzhou's cooperation, after half a month, Li Fenglan's heart finally completely melted back into her body.

At the same time, another tide of fierce beasts broke out.

If Mu Hantao, who has been studying fierce beasts for many years, is right, this wave of fierce beasts is the largest in the history of the cultivation world.

For this reason, all the monks in Tianmian Palace who were not in retreat and could be named were called to the main peak.

Li Fenglan survived two catastrophes in succession and gained some fame in the cultivation world, but she still didn't have the qualification to go to the main peak, so he was happy about it.

After Lingbuti went to the main peak, Li Fenglan fed Chenghuang in Miguang Mountain as usual.

——The panacea sent by Lin Chaochen and Qiu Wanyou recently was solved by it.

Why do I feel that you seem to have grown up? Li Fenglan said while feeding the elixir to Chenghuang, Or did you gain weight?

Chenghuang is just a young beast, according to Li Fenglan's calculation, it will take at least a thousand years before it can really grow up.

Hearing what Li Fenglan said, Cheng Huang tilted his head and looked at his master as usual, with an innocent woo woo on his face.

Zhuang Li Fenglan reached out and touched Cheng Huang's head: Forget it, eat it, eat it, the master said that he can feed you, then there should be no problem.

Li Fenglan never thought that the accident happened at this very moment.

Before he could stuff the elixir in his hand into Chenghuang's mouth, the guy suddenly howled Aw--.

Cheng Huang's back suddenly arched, and the whole beast suddenly became extremely restless.

Chenghuang, what's wrong with you? Li Fenglan asked with a frown.

He saw that Cheng Huangbing's blue eyes suddenly flashed blood. It was still showing off its cuteness to Li Fenglan just now, as if it suddenly didn't recognize its owner.

Cheng Huang took a few steps back and bared his teeth at Li Fenglan.

And Li Fenglan, who was squatting here just now, also slowly stood up straight.

The appearance of Chenghuang Zai is almost the same as when he first came to it thousands of years ago.

Chenghuang— Li Fenglan tried to call it again while backing away.

But as soon as his voice fell, Cheng Huang immediately rushed towards Li Fenglan and bit her.

It seems that it is no longer afraid of the categorical curse!

One must know that the categorical curse is engraved on its soul...

At this moment, Li Fenglan thought of the recent tide of ferocious beasts, the emergence of Chenghuang, and the past thousands of years ago.

He can feel that these things are definitely connected in the dark!

Cheng Huang is his spirit beast, and it is only as big as a fox. Of course, Li Fenglan is reluctant to draw his sword at it like he did thousands of years ago.

Just when the guy came towards him and bit him, Li Fenglan immediately dodged to dodge.

However, Cheng Huang, who lost his mind, did not intend to stop.

Although it stays by Li Fenglan's side all day to show off its cuteness, it can't change Chenghuang's quality - it is an ancient beast.

This time, Cheng Huang's voice changed.

It lowered its head, looked at Li Fenglan, and roared under its throat, Woo——

After pausing for a few seconds, it rushed towards Li Fenglan's position again.

Most of the furnishings in the room were knocked down by yellow.

In fact, even if Li Fenglan doesn't use a sword, she can trap it with spells. But if you do that, Cheng Huang is bound to get hurt.

Although it is just a spirit beast that does not understand human language, but to Li Fenglan, riding the yellow has a different meaning.

It is simple and cute, and it is one of the few positive connections between Li Fenglan and her previous life, and was even his only partner at one time.

But Chenghuang's state this time is really too strange.

After all, it is a natural ferocious beast with extremely strong physical fitness. Li Fenglan can't compare with Cheng Huang if he doesn't use spiritual power.

So not long after, Cheng Huang bit Li Fenglan's arm.

——Then the categorical curse took effect, and a dazzling golden light flashed, and it went towards Cheng Huang.

Hiss... Are you hungry and want to eat meat? Li Fenglan finally grabbed the flesh of the back of its neck while Cheng Huang was biting her arm.

In the past, Li Fenglan would not have been able to bear Cheng Huang's mouth.

Fortunately, he has already merged his heart, and the categorical spell has taken effect, and Cheng Huang's attack is also interrupted.

Apart from the pain, Li Fenglan had no other worries.

After tasting the bloody smell in his mouth, Cheng Huang was stunned for a moment, and then the red threads in his icy blue eyes finally dissipated slowly.

It slowly loosened its mouth, and its expression suddenly became a little confused.

After a few breaths, the guy finally looked up at Li Fenglan, and then looked down at the master's arm.


What is the situation and how am I here?

You are finally fine. Li Fenglan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly put Cheng Huang on the ground.

Li Fenglan reached out to press the wound on her arm, and walked quickly to the table


Cheng Huang, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed the master and walked into the room.

Li Fenglan's cultivation had already recovered a lot. If it was bitten by an ordinary beast, with his strength, the wound would heal itself within a short period of time.

However, Chenghuang is not an ordinary beast.

Even if the attack is interrupted, it is still not to be underestimated.

After Li Fenglan returned to the room, she took out the wound medicine from the Qiankun bag, and carefully sprinkled it on her arm.

At this time, Chenghuang seemed to remember what happened just now.

It came limply, rubbed against Li Fenglan cautiously, and saw that its master didn't hate him, it jumped onto the table.

Woo~ Cheng Huang lightly rubbed his head against the back of Li Fenglan's hand, while its owner sighed, touched Cheng Huang's head and said, It's okay, I don't blame you.

At this time, Li Fenglan's wound medicine was also sprinkled.

He picked up Cheng Huang, tapped the tip of the guy's nose and asked, What happened to you just now?


Even though the two of them didn't speak the same language, Li Fenglan still judged from Cheng Huang's reaction—it probably didn't know what was wrong with him.

Chenghuang became extremely guilty because of his behavior just now.

After rubbing against Li Fenglan for a while, it suddenly turned around and lay down on the table, and covered its face with its long tail.

What are you doing? Cheng Huang's appearance made Li Fenglan laugh.

More than a thousand years before his last life, he had fought all over the invincible opponents in the cultivation world, and he was hardly injured.

If the fierce beast had bitten her at that time, Li Fenglan might really be depressed for a while.

However, in the next few years, Li Fenglan was not uncommonly injured.

Just a bite from a ferocious beast has no effect on him at all.

After a pause, Li Fenglan pulled Cheng Huang up. Then he made an extremely astonishing thing——Cheng Huang just lay down here with his head buried, and it turned out that he was crying!

At this time, there was already a puddle of water on the table.

But after Li Fenglan pulled it up, Cheng Huang became even more sad all of a sudden, and even started to twitch, looking really aggrieved.

Li Fenglan: ...

How does he feel that he bullied Cheng Huang?

Before Li Fenglan hugged Cheng Huang to comfort him, footsteps suddenly came from outside the room. Li Fenglan didn't close the door just now, so when he looked up, he saw that there was a lot of people coming.

Fenglan, what's wrong with your hands? Ling Buyi saw at a glance that half of Li Fenglan's sleeves were already stained red with blood, and there was even a lot of blood on her hands.

Ling Buyan walked in without any pause in his footsteps.

And Cheng Huang, who was extremely guilty, saw Ling Buyi enter the door, and immediately wowed, turned around and got into Li Fenglan's room, leaving only a big tail dangling outside.

It's really crazy.

But Ling Buyi ignored Chenghuang's intentions, he came over and gently rolled up Li Fenglan's sleeves, frowned and said, Why don't you take care of the wound and just sprinkle the 'medicine' on it?

When Ling Buyi spoke, there was no smile on his face. Although his tone was calm, Li Fenglan felt a little guilty when he said it.

Uh... it's just a matter of time. Anyway, I'm not seriously injured, and I'll be fine after a while.

Ling Buti shook his head, he conjured a glass of water out of thin air, took out a silk handkerchief, and carefully cleaned the wound for Li Fenglan.

Ling Buyan's movements were very light, and the edge of the silk handkerchief fell on the uninjured skin of Li Fenglan's arm, and a tingling sensation also spread along the nerves and spread all over the body.

But no matter how lightly Ling Buyan moved, Li Fenglan's wound still hurt a little.

Hiss— Li Fenglan couldn't help but gasped.

When Li Fenglan sprayed the medicine by herself, she didn't blink her eyes much. But when the person who dealt with the wound is Lingbuyi, Li Fenglan subconsciously showed her weakness of pain-fear.

It was as if Cheng Huang would gently turn his belly out in front of him.

Hearing Li Fenglan gasp, Ling did not tire of the actions of his subordinates, and finally said: Sorry. There was also a bit of self-blame in his tone.

Then the movements of his hands became lighter.

But maybe because Ling Buyan's movements were too gentle, Li Fenglan actually felt that the atmosphere in the room had become a little strange.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for his wound to be cleaned up. At this time, it can be clearly seen that there is a big tooth mark on Li Fenglan's arm.

Ling Buyan frowned suddenly, sighed and said, No wonder it got into the cage as soon as it saw me.

It wasn't intentional— Li Fenglan hurriedly explained.

Yeah, I know, Ling Buyi carefully sprayed medicine on Li Fenglan's wound while lightly saying, If I'm not mistaken, Cheng Huang should also be affected by the tide of ferocious beasts.

Li Fenglan's expression immediately became serious when she heard the words Ominous Beast Tide.

When they were in Xihou City last time, they also encountered a tide of fierce beasts, but Chenghuang didn't respond.

If this tide of ferocious beasts has already affected Chenghuang, then its scale is indeed unprecedented...

Ling Buyan seemed to have guessed what Li Fenglan was thinking.

Continuing with the action in hand, he said: The ferocious beasts in the mortal world have been gathering since a few days ago,

En. Li Fenglan looked seriously at Ling Buyi, waiting for what was behind him. you know where they gather?


Ling Buyi put down the wound medicine in his hand, he said: It's Tianmian Palace.

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