The Whole Cultivation World Wants To Revive The Venerable

Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Ling Buzhi is also in a hurry? ...

Duan Qianli's demon nature is hard to change, and he conjured a pot of wine out of nowhere while speaking.

He sat side by side with Li Fenglan on the side of the boat, and slowly uttered the first shocking saying: Qiu Wanyou is disrespectful and beats mandarin ducks with a club.

Li Fenglan: ...

How do you feel that something is wrong?

Seeing that Li Fenglan didn't respond to him, Duan Qianli said again: This is disrespectful to the old, and the mandarin ducks are beaten with sticks, all because of his apprentice Li Fuyue.

Hearing the words Li Fuyue, Cheng Huang curiously crawled out of Li Fenglan's sleeves, and the next moment Li Fenglan slowly pinched the small pads on her claws.

Li Fenglan smiled and said, Go on.

But what I think in my heart is: you continue to make up.

Duan Qianli sighed and said: Back then, Li Fuyue and the young master of the Yaozu were in love with each other. Everyone in the Yaozu called Li Fuyue 'Madam'. It's a pity that Qiu Wanyou found out and made trouble...



Unknowingly, Li Fenglan's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and even Cheng Huang was pinched by him.

Seeing being wronged by the young man, Li Fenglan quickly let go of her claws, and gently scratched Chenghuang's chin.

Cheng Huang is innocent.

Duan Qianli is still going on here: Although Qiu Wanyou doesn't go out of the snowy Meizhou, but there are some people who secretly tripped up the young master. He even used the magic weapon 'soul chasing arrow' to seriously wound the young master of the demon clan.

So there is such a thing?

Li Fenglan remembered that Duan Qianli seemed to have been seriously injured once. At that time, I was still curious about who could make him suffer such a severe arrow wound...

By the way, I also found out that everyone in Tianmian Palace is interested in Li Fuyue. Once Qiu Wanyou finds out, there will be no good fruit to eat. In the sect, a thousand or eight hundred years is still young. Most of the people were sent to dangerous secret places by him, or to deal with powerful beasts. There was no return... After saying this, Duan Qianli finally drank the pot of wine.

This time, Li Fenglan's words of retort had come to her lips, but she couldn't say it anymore.

In that sentence just now, Duan Qianli didn't talk nonsense, and didn't even add fuel to it.

——Li Fuyue in the last life was the favorite of countless monks in the cultivation world. Since he left the snowy Meizhou at the age of three hundred, he has received countless confessions.

Now think about it carefully... Those who confessed to him did indeed die in the secret realm as Duan Qianli said, and never appeared again.

It may be a coincidence every time, but it will never be every time.

Li Fenglan's heart was in a mess, and the rhythm of his breathing was messed up.

Then you... how do you know that Qiu Wanyou is interested in his apprentice?

I saw Duan Qianli sneered and said: Because Qiu Wanyou has a bit of spiritual consciousness on the soul-chasing arrow, the young master of the monster clan had a conversation with the spiritual consciousness on the arrow... Hehe, that is old and disrespectful, disregarding ordinary relationships Pervert, just respond directly!

The more Duan Qianli spoke, the angrier he became.

Having been rivals for so many years, of course Li Fenglan can clearly distinguish which of Duan Qianli's words is nonsense and which is true.

No matter how outrageous the previous statement is, this sentence is false.

...and even if he has accepted that he is resurrected from the dead, he also accepts that the world he lives in is just a novel.

But knowing that her master actually...had such an idea, Li Fenglan still couldn't accept it for a while.

Aside from Yao Zhengzhong's affection, Li Fenglan has always had respect for his master.

Qiu Wanyou's parents are both monks. He has cultivated since he was a child, and he looks like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world. It was even difficult for Li Fenglan to connect Master with those mortal desires for a while...

The most important thing is, isn't Taoist in Heaven a serious book! Why is there such a strange hidden plot?

But having said that, Duan Qianli's question has yet to be answered, so why did he say half the comprehension world knows it?

Before Li Fenglan could ask, Duan Qianli couldn't hold back when he saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time.

He thought Li Fenglan didn't believe him, so he added: These words were all said by the leader of the demon clan himself. Not only that, but the entire demon cultivator world knows about it.

The entire demon cultivator world?

In the previous life, whenever Li Fenglan saw Duan Qianli, she would fight him.

But in this life, he originally thought that he and Duan Qianli were already facing the sky, and they were going to each other.

However, upon hearing these words, Li Fenglan still had an urge to beat someone up.

Calm down, calm down, don't hit anyone.

So what do you mean by 'half the cultivation world'? Li Fenglan felt that she might have misunderstood that she should confirm with Duan Qianli.

Oh, Duan Qianli took a candied fruit out of nowhere, threw it into his mouth and said, The young master of the demon clan said it himself, and everyone in the demon cultivator world knows it. Isn't that half of the comprehension world?

Li Fenglan: ...

It turns out that you are the one who keeps spreading rumors?


He hid the Cheng Huang in his left sleeve, and the next moment he struck Duan Qianli's candied fruit into the air.

The light pink preserved fruit drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and fell from the air with a click.

Before Duan Qianli could react, Li Fenglan turned around and left.

Behind him, there was only a wail:

Ahhh! Are you sick?


If you repair it, you really can't believe it.


The purpose of this trip is the city behind Xi, and burying the contents of the box can only be regarded as a hidden mission. People from Tianmian Palace still have something to do when they come here.

When the spirit boat was about to reach the city behind the stream, Zhuang Xia summoned everyone to the front of the boat.

She glanced at the town under the sea of ​​clouds, and said to her classmates on the boat: There are fierce beasts coming out near the city behind the stream. The purpose of this trip is to kill the beasts. Please be careful.

Yes, Senior Sister! The surrounding monks responded one after another.

The monks who accompanied Li Fenglan were generally relatively young, and when they heard about the mission, they immediately became nervous. But having said that, there are many others, and there is Zhuang Xia, the elder sister, and a few fierce beasts in the area, it is definitely not a problem.

So the tension is the tension, the atmosphere in the team is still relaxed.

On the other hand, Duan Qianli yawned in a lack of interest, he was obviously very interested in this kind of activity.

The spirit boat lowered slowly, looking at the unfamiliar city below, Li Fenglan couldn't help touching Chenghuang hidden in her sleeve.

And the guy also lightly rubbed Li Fenglan's finger as a response.

Li Fenglan couldn't help but think: This trip of mine should be considered a return, right?

Even though thousands of years have passed, and I no longer recognize the city under the spirit boat, this city hides my childhood after all...

Okay, let's get ready and get ready. Don't be too nervous. Go to the creek to rest in the city today, and then go out of the city to have a look during the day. The spirit boat landed on the top after a while, Zhuang Xia made a simple arrangement, and asked Da to come with her Go towards the city.

The crowd moved forward slowly, but Li Fenglan couldn't help but stop and looked up at the tower.

He has been back here for thousands of years, and the city in front of him has no connection with the city in Li Fenglan's memory.

Even though the thousand years in the cultivation world had already washed away the memory of those seventeen years, Li Fenglan still felt like a dream when she saw this city.

After a while, Li Fenglan slowly retracted her gaze.

At this time, he discovered that besides himself, there was another person looking up at the three large characters on the city gate.

Why is Duan Qianli interested in mortal cities?

Noticing that Li Fenglan was looking at her, Duan Qianli, who was angry with him just now, suddenly sighed and said, Seeing this, I suddenly remembered an old acquaintance.

Old acquaintance? Li Fenglan couldn't help repeating these three words as she walked into the city side by side with him.

Duan Qianli used the words old acquaintance to describe himself, which really surprised him.

Even if he was seriously injured by himself back then, Duan Qianli liked to use the four words defeated general to call himself, which can be said to be extremely stubborn.

Why is it that a thousand years have passed, and he uses old acquaintance instead?

Yeah, I have died tragically for many years. Duan Qianli commented objectively.

Tragic Death Li Fenglan: ...

In fact, there are also mistakes.

I don't know if it's because he stayed away from the Tianmian Palace team a little bit, or because he understood Duan Qianli's words. Cheng Huang, who was sleeping with Li Fenglan's arm, suddenly opened his eyes, Wow! Then he jumped out of his master's sleeve and bit Duan Qianli's wrist fiercely.

Cheng Huang's movements were extremely fast, and in the next second Li Fenglan heard Duan Qianli's soft exclamation.

You little thing, why are you crazy?!

Regardless of why Cheng Huang bit people, Li Fenglan was very relieved to see her salted fish spirit beast suddenly rise up and attack the demon master.


The monks of Tianmian Palace live in a small inn in the city. The environment here is average, but it is closer to Dongshan where there are fierce beasts.

After settling down, the monks went out to observe the surrounding situation, or inquire about the news of the beast. Only Duan Qianli stayed in the inn for a big meal, and he also kept Li Fenglan, calling him to recharge his energy.

There was originally a curfew in Xihou City, but since a few years ago, fierce beasts appeared suddenly in the countryside outside the city at night, and the city lord finally had no choice but to set a curfew.

When everyone returns indoors at night, several city gates will also be closed.

After Tianmian Palace disciple fields came back one after another, the curfew time of Xihou City also came.

As the night gradually darkened, the monks gradually became nervous. He mostly stayed in his room, planning to leave the city with his sword in hand if there was a slight change.

Li Fenglan looked a little relaxed.

He took Chenghuang alone and sat on the roof of the inn.

It is the early spring of the mortal world now, taking advantage of the moonlight, you can still see the melting white snow on the mountains not far away.

Woooo~ The dark Cheng Huang got out of the master's sleeve. He wanted to play with Li Fenglan himself, but as an ancient beast, he felt the loneliness in Li Fenglan's eyes in an instant.

Li Fenglan reached out and touched Chenghuang's head, hugged Chenghuang in her arms and said, When I left, I thought that when I came back, it would be three thousand years later...

Woo~ Cheng Huang couldn't speak, but he still groaned, as if responding to Li Fenglan.

Thousands of years are still too long for mortals, and there is no trace of the past in the city. Only the mountains in the distance, and a little shadow of childhood. He said softly, with a gentle tone. nostalgic.

Li Fenglan knew that Cheng Huang couldn't understand what she said, and even if she understood, she wouldn't respond.

But after returning to this place, he couldn't help but recall a little bit of his childhood.

Cheng Huang, who is an ancient beast, is still young, and it is time to grow up. While Li Fenglan was talking, there was movement in Chenghuang. Looking down, it turned out that he was lying on his lap and fell asleep.

Li Fenglan couldn't help reaching out and poking Chenghuang's nose tip. Although Duan Qianli's hair was dyed black by Duan Qianli, the tip of the nose was still pink, which looked very cute.

Ah-choo— Li Fenglan's movements were too soft, and Cheng Huang sneezed directly.

The young man opened his eyes in a daze, and after seeing that it was his master who touched him, he rubbed his head against Li Fenglan's back again.

Go to sleep and go to sleep.

Cheng Huang obediently closed his eyes again, this time actually snoring.

Li Fenglan couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Duan Qianli, who was bored in the room, also came out.

He originally wanted to find something to eat in the inn, but when he looked up, he saw Li Fenglan and Cheng Huang sitting on the roof.

...Chenghuang? Seeing this, Duan Qianli couldn't help frowning.

When he was on Miguang Mountain, Li Fenglan had been repairing the spiritual veins in the main hall, and did not often appear in front of Duan Qianli, so his feeling was not very obvious.

At this moment, he finally realized that the relationship between Li Fenglan and Chenghuang seemed a bit too good...

Although Cheng Huang looks silly, he is a real ancient beast.

His intuition is very sensitive, and it is absolutely impossible to be so close and undefended with people other than the master.

Of course Duan Qianli remembers who the real owner of Chenghuang is...

At this moment, Duan Qianli, who was standing on the top, forgot what he did when he went out.

His eyes fell on Li Fenglan's body, and Li Fenglan's figure gradually overlapped with another person...

Li Fenglan's soul is powerful, after Duan Qianli went out. He felt the presence of the visitor.

The next moment Li Fenglan hid Cheng Huang under her sleeves and looked in the direction of Duan Qianli.

Duan Qianli couldn't see Li Fenglan's expression clearly through the curtain.

He only heard the man pause for a while, and asked with some doubts: Why did you come out?

Waiting for Duan Qianli to answer, a burst of howling suddenly reached people's ears.

It's a ferocious beast! Li Fenglan frowned, he immediately jumped off the roof, quickly put Cheng Huang inside the house, stopped talking and continued to speak Duan Qianli.

When he came out again, all the disciples of Tianmian Palace had already stood in the small courtyard of the inn. Even Duan Qianli, who made excuses not to go, was forcibly arrested by Zhuang Xia.

Zhuang Xia quickly glanced at the crowd, confirmed that most of them were there, and then led his sword towards the outskirts of the city.

In just a few breaths, the group arrived outside the city behind the stream.

As soon as he arrived in the forest, he saw a huge beast on the sword, roaring while standing in the distance.

Several monks looked at each other, and just as he was about to raise his sword to kill the beast, Zhuang Xia who was standing in the front suddenly waved and said, Wait! Back up—

Everyone stopped and retreated to the entrance of the woods.

The dense forest at night was extremely quiet, and the monk had keen senses. After he stopped, he heard an extremely chaotic sound of hooves not far away, rapidly approaching his position.

After a while, Zhuang Xia gritted his teeth and said, There are many more beasts over there than we know.

Everyone fell silent.

At this moment, Li Fenglan, who had been talking all the time and had almost zero sense of presence, suddenly spoke, and he concluded softly: It's the tide of fierce beasts.

He couldn't be more familiar with the three words tide of fierce beasts.

These monks in front of them have seen the tide of fierce beasts, but they are different.

In addition to rescuing the traitor in the tide of fierce beasts, he was exposed to madness in his last life because of a tide of fierce beasts...

Fierce, fierce beast tide! Hearing these words, some people were unsteady when they raised their swords.

Seeing the frightened look of the monk, Duan Qianli suddenly became interested. He leaned against the tree and said, Why, have you thought about your last words? Find a stone and carve them down, or you won't find them in a while.

The cultivator only has the golden core stage cultivation base, and it seems that he has experienced a few times.

After hearing Duan Qianli's words, with a clear sound, his natal spirit sword fell to the ground.

As monks, everyone here understands what the tide of ferocious beasts means.

That Golden Core cultivator, knowing that he came to Xihoucheng just to deal with a few little beasts, and he was still rejoicing when he had Zhuang Xia with him.

Now he finally understands that he has no luck.

Pick up the sword. Zhuang Xia's cold voice suddenly came from next to his ear.

The monk still stood there motionless.

Say, Zhuang Xia turned around slowly, looked at him and said word by word, lift up the sword.

Senior Sister! The cultivator plopped down on his knees, and he said, When the tide of fierce beasts comes, you will definitely die, why not... why don't you try to be brave here, let's go first.

Go first? Li Fenglan suddenly repeated the word.

Have you ever thought that you have been dead for only a thousand years, and the monks in Tianmian Palace are already so useless?

Li Fenglan walked over and picked up the upper sword, and directly tapped the monk's chest with the point of the sword.

Let's go, the beasts will come to slaughter the city. Do you think the lives of people in Xihou City are worthless? Li Fenglan's tone was colder than Zhuang Xia's.

It was obvious that he only had the foundation-building stage, but the monk felt extremely nervous.

There was a night wind blowing from not far away, gently blowing Li Fenglan's veiled cap.

Through the moonlight, he saw that Li Fenglan's face did not have a dark purple scar as in the legend...

His chin is white and perfect like a jade carving, where does it mean that it is hideous and terrifying in the rumors?

Still up? Li Fenglan asked again.

The sword had already pierced the friar's tunic, obviously he wasn't joking.

Seeing this, the monk hurriedly struggled to stand up, and waited until he stabilized. He took the long sword tremblingly from Li Fenglan's chest.

The beast's footsteps are getting closer and closer, and everyone is ready to fight.

Duan Qianli was the only one. He even drew his sword and was still leaning against the tree with his arms folded.

At that moment just now, Duan Qianli actually saw Li Fuyue's shadow on Li Fenglan's body...

Even when Li Fenglan taught the little monk a lesson, Duan Qianli couldn't help but feel moved.

……Why! Wait what are you thinking!

Duan Qianli shook his head quickly, and threw out the messy things in his mind.

Although he is somewhat similar, he is not alone.

My heart for Fuyue can be learned from heaven! How could he be influenced by a little monk?

On this side Duan Qianli is still struggling with his relationship issues, while on the other side, Li Fenglan has already frowned.

Here we come... He slowly clenched his long sword and looked into the forest.

At the next moment, with an angry howl, a huge and ferocious beast jumped out of the forest and stood opposite the crowd.

Even though he had prepared himself well, the monk couldn't help becoming nervous when he saw this huge and ugly beast.

The fierce beast at the front was covered in scales and howled angrily at Li Fenglan who was standing in the crowd, but it didn't move for a long time.

...What's wrong? A monk asked.

Li Fenglan answered, but she already had the answer in her heart - she had the aura of Chenghuang on her body, and Chenghuang, an ancient beast, suppressed the blood, so the beast would not approach for a while.

Now Li Fenglan held the sword and looked at the beast.

And at this moment, Li Fenglan suddenly noticed that something was wrong with this beast...

The eyes of this fierce beast in front of him were very chaotic, and the eyeballs looking at him did not move, as if... a marionette, or someone had sucked its soul away.

Li Fenglan had seen such a scene once before.

Thinking of that, he involuntarily clenched the long sword in his hand.

Coincidentally, the last time Li Fenglan saw a ferocious beast like this was when he lost his temper in front of the whole cultivation interface in his last life.

That was the past that Li Fenglan was least willing to recall except for her death.

He had been avoiding thinking about it before, but today, when he was looking at this fierce beast, Li Fenglan's memory finally called back to that day uncontrollably.


At the same time, Ling Buyi, who had disappeared for many days, suddenly pushed open the main entrance of the Miguang Mountain Hall and walked in.

The moment he entered the door, a huge picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of him.

——This is the map of the ten states in the world.

He rarely frowned seriously and looked at the picture scroll, looking a little anxious.

Ling's tireless gaze passed through mountains and rivers, and finally landed on a small town.

...City after Xixi? He opened his mouth slowly, and whispered the name of the city.

But the next moment, he turned and left the hall.

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