The Whole Cultivation World Wants To Revive The Venerable

Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Resurrection of Li Fuyue

There is a huge carved window in Lin Chaochen's tea room.

At this time, the sunshine on Yanyi Mountain was just right, and the warm golden light passed through the mist and flower windows in the mountain, and gently shone on Li Fenglan's body. The originally hideous scars on his face softened.

This was the first time Qiu Wanyou saw Li Fenglan's appearance clearly.

In the eyes of others, there is always no sadness or joy, and Qiu Wanyou, who is like a banished fairy, is rarely out of his mind.

... Qiu Wanyou's breathing was messed up.

The young man lying on the table in front of him is so similar to Li Fuyue who died thousands of years ago...

Qiu Wanyou's gaze fell on Li Fenglan in a substantial way.

As for Li Fenglan, who was lying on the table, her nervous breathing almost stopped.

Cheng Duan and Lin Chaochen may not recognize themselves, but Qiu Wanyou, who has been ascending for many years, may not be.

Li Fenglan silently counted the numbers in her heart, waiting for the final verdict.

Back then, Qiu Wanyou allowed the cultivation world to use Yaozhengzhong as the eye, so he naturally thought he deserved to die.

Seeing the person who should have died appear in front of him at this moment, what would Qiu Wanyou do?

Will you kill your relatives once again?

In this life, I didn't have a Mahayana cultivation base, and my body was so rotten that I didn't need to use the remote clock at all.

As long as Qiu Wanyou thinks about it, Li Fenglan can die at any time.

However, when Li Fenglan was thinking wildly, Qiu Wanyou suddenly said something that he didn't expect.

Hearing that his master in the previous life was silent for an unknown amount of time, he said slowly, I'm related to Fuyue by blood.

Qiu Wanyou's words are a complete affirmation.

...Blood relatives?

,! Li Fenglan felt that something was a little bit wrong.

In his previous life, he was at the Mahayana stage at least, and he was only a short distance away from being able to ascend. At the same time, he was also known as a genius and knew a lot of secret methods. Even if they only have the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment stage, with the help of blindfolds, ordinary monks will never recognize that they are Li Fuyue.

But Cheng Duan and Lin Chaochen didn't recognize each other, so that's all.

Qiu Wanyou is not an ordinary monk, he has already ascended, and he will never fail to see through his blindfold.

Could it be that Li Fenglan really has a blood relationship with her in the previous life?

But just thinking of this, Li Fenglan quickly denied this idea.

No one knows better than that there is absolutely no family in the mortal world.

In the previous life, Li Fuyue was born in a family of officials and officials, and was passed down through three generations. When Li Fuyue was seventeen, her grandfather suddenly got involved in a big case in Beijing, and the Li family ended up being punished by the nine clans.

Except for Li Fuyue's outstanding talent who was taken away by Tianmian Palace, all of his family members died in that catastrophe.

As for the original owner... He was born in the countryside, and his family has been farmers with their faces facing the loess and their backs facing the sky for several generations. It is impossible for him to be related to the Li family back then.

Most importantly, the original owner's surname was not Li at all! This name was given after he entered the sect.

Li Fenglan heard that Lin Chaochen also repeated the word blood relative.

Yeah, blood relatives... This is an opportunity God gave me. Li Fenglan couldn't understand Lin Chaochen's words.

My heart is in a mess at the moment.

After much deliberation, Li Fenglan could only find a reasonable explanation - there is really something wrong with her current body.

In other words, the person who resurrected him moved his feet on purpose, which made Qiu Wanyou admit his mistake.

Thinking of this, Li Fenglan instinctively wanted to reach out and touch the strange fairy bone on her chest.

After realizing that she couldn't control her body, Li Fenglan remembered her current situation.

Hearing Lin Chaochen smiled and said: It is precisely because he is Fuyue's blood relative that he has to use his flesh and blood to refine the Yinhun Banner.

Lin Chaochen's tone was very calm, as if he was saying that today's tea was good, but it was in sharp contrast to what he was saying now.

But upon hearing that sentence, Li Fenglan was as shocked as if struck by lightning.

Do you want to use flesh and blood to practice the Soul Banner?

This kind of thing, I'm afraid even the magic cultivator will find it difficult to do it!

Is the person standing beside me still the perfect Lin Chaochen in Taoist in Sleep? Is it still the obedient junior who always follows behind me?

The current situation made Li Fenglan feel extremely strange and frightened.

Apparently Qiu Wanyou was also startled by his little apprentice, the man was silent for a while, and finally squeezed out a sentence: You are crazy, Lin Chaochen.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chaochen didn't feel the slightest panic when he heard the words of the master, he even smiled and sat down at the table.

After drinking a cup of tea on his own, Lin Chaochen said, I've gone mad, didn't Master already know about it?


And Qiu Wanyou already knew?

Li Fenglan felt that the world was playing a joke on her. From the day when Lin Chaochen fell from the sky and hit his door, the plot became more and more crooked...

If it weren't for being unable to move now, Li Fenglan might not be able to help but ask back.

Finding out that Lin Chaochen is showing signs of becoming obsessed is obviously two completely different things from knowing that the other party has really become obsessed.

Lin Chaochen continued to say casually: But master, don't worry, I'm different from Fuyue, I won't ''run around''. Senior brother is resurrected... I will go into the God-gathering Pagoda by myself.

After Li Fuyue's incident, all monks who went mad would be sent to the Soul Condensation Pagoda.

This was not an easy experience, but Lin Chaochen said it casually.

Now these two people don't know that Li Fenglan is awake, and Li Fenglan, who was shocked by what they said, no longer knows how to react.

Resurrect yourself?

Li Fenglan thought Lin Chaochen's words were extremely funny.

Wasn't he the one who killed him back then? Why do you want to resurrect yourself after thousands of years have passed?

It's really boring.

The tea room became quiet, and after a long time, Qiu Wanyou suddenly sighed and said, Don't be so cold and innocent, your senior brother is already...spirited away.

The soul is flying away? Hahahaha, Master, you are really interesting. Hearing this, Lin Chaochen stood up suddenly, laughing wildly.

Lin Chaochen walked slowly to the opposite of his master, his eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and lowered his voice and said, Master, some people say that I have a good appearance, but I just found out today that the so-called good appearance is all from you. Learned here.

Some people say that it looks good?

After hearing these words, Li Fenglan locked on to Meng Linzhou in the back of her mind.

It seems that the traitor not only told himself that, but even mocked Lin Chaochen in front of Lin Chaochen himself.

But this sentence is not the focus of the sentence just now.

The point is: how dare Lin Chaochen talk to Qiu Wanyou like that!

In Li Fenglan's memory, Lin Chaochen has always respected his master the most.

When talking to Qiu Wanyou, he was always full of respect and never dared to be presumptuous.

But today Lin Chaochen actually said the four words pious to Qiu Wanyou...

Lin Chaochen walked forward and said, Master, you said that Fuyue had already cultivated in the Mahayana stage back then, did you know that the eye of the Fushen Formation is your remote clock?

The more Lin Chaochen spoke, the louder and faster he spoke, almost questioning Qiu Wanyou.

When the voice fell and the other party answered, Lin Chaochen laughed wantonly: Qiu Wanyou, what are you afraid of? If you were more cruel back then, what happened today? I really look down on you!

Qiu Wanyou didn't speak, Nakamoto held the sword, and while Lin Chaochen questioned loudly, Qiu Wanyou raised the sword again.

This time there was no mercy.

The sword energy shattered the flower window of the tea room in an instant, and in the next moment, there was a bloodstain on Lin Chaochen's neck.

Qiu Wanyou also lowered her voice, squinted her eyes threateningly and said, Lin Chaochen, don't think I dare not kill you.

Li Fenglan:! ! !

Is this still my master Qiu Wanyou?

Qiu Wanyou, who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, actually threatens people?

Just waiting for the next moment, Qiu Wanyou suddenly withdrew his long sword, and slapped Lin Chaochen's heart with his palm, leaving no room for it.

The apprentice who was still presumptuous just now was knocked down to the ground in a blink of an eye. A large amount of blood overflowed from Lin Chaochen's mouth, and he could not move.

Qiu Wanyou hurt his heart, and he couldn't make a sound for a while. Even so, Lin Chaochen still had a crazy smile on his face.

I took it away, don't make the same mistake again and again. This sentence was not only for Lin Chaochen, but also for Qiu Wanyou to himself.

However, Li Fenglan was still shocked by the scene just one second ago, and felt herself falling into someone's arms the next moment.

Li Fenglan smelled a familiar faint scent of incense... and finally lost all consciousness.

This time, Li Fenglan had a dream.

I dreamed about the past when I was in the snowy Meizhou.

At that time, Qiu Wanyou was about to ascend, and a thick layer of calamity clouds had formed above the snowy Meizhou.

It was obvious that catastrophe was coming soon, but Qiu Wanyou didn't feel anxious at all.

Sitting under the misty plum tree, drinking wine while watching Li Fuyue dance sword.

After a while, after Li Fuyue finished practicing the sword, she walked slowly on the snow to the front of Qiu Wanyou.

Sit. Qiu Wanyou said while pouring a glass of wine for Li Fuyue.

At that time, Li Fuyue had achieved the Dzogchen Transcending Tribulation Stage, but he still didn't know how to drink.

Li Fuyue only remembered what the master said - since Fuyue can't bear the strength of alcohol, then don't drink in the future.

Unexpectedly, the master actually poured a glass of wine for him now.

Li Fuyue has always been an obedient disciple, when she saw Master pouring wine for her, she took it obediently.

Li Fenglan didn't remember very clearly what happened next, she was indeed overwhelmed with alcohol, she became dizzy after drinking half a glass, she couldn't even sit up straight.

But Qiu Wanyou was still drinking one cup after another.

Unlike the apprentice who can't drink even a little bit of alcohol, in addition to the flower of Gaoling who ranks first in the cultivation world, Qiu Wanyou also has the attribute of being addicted to alcohol.

Fuyue, you have already stepped into the Mahayana, after the master ascends, you must cultivate hard.

Li Fuyue vaguely heard what Master said, but she was too drunk to sit up straight anymore.

Yes, Master. Li Fuyue said in a daze.

Hearing that he promised himself, Qiu Wanyou, who had always been cold-faced, actually smiled.

The world in front of Li Fuyue's eyes was slowly spinning, and the man sitting opposite him seemed to be getting closer and further away.

Li Fuyue could only hear that Master's words kept coming to her ears.

Ascension as soon as possible, come to find Master early.

From now on, Snowy Meizhou will depend on you...

After hearing these words, Li Fenglan finally managed to open her eyes.

Dazedly said to Qiu Wanyou: Master, don't go.

Don't worry, Master will never abandon you. These were the last words Li Fuyue heard after she was completely drunk.

My memory stops here.

What Li Fenglan didn't know was that when she fell into a deep sleep, the man sitting across from her suddenly bent down, and then stretched out her hand to brush away a strand of her apprentice's hair.

Qiu Wanyou approached slowly, and almost planted a light kiss on Li Fuyue's temple.

At this time, a figure suddenly passed through the snowy plum forest and appeared not far away.

Master, Lin Chaochen looked at Qiu Wanyou with such cold eyes for the first time, looked at Fang, and asked almost word by word, What are you doing?

Qiu Wanyou glanced at the other party coldly, didn't speak, just sat up straight and poured himself another glass of wine.

Both master and apprentice were silent, and it took some time before Qiu Wanyou put down the wine glass in his hand.

He glanced at his little apprentice with a little disdain, and said slowly: What am I doing...don't you always know?


Li Fenglan woke up from her sleep, it was already the night of the day.

Cheng Huang, who was nestled by Li Fenglan's neck, noticed that he was waking up, and immediately excitedly rubbed against his master.

And Li Fenglan also stretched out her hand very cooperatively, and rubbed Cheng Huang's stomach.

The next moment, Cheng Huang, the legendary beast, immediately lay on his back on the bed and made a snoring sound.

Tsk tsk, this ancient ferocious beast you raised really has no dignity. Suddenly, another voice came from Li Fenglan's room.

Turning around, he saw that Duan Qianli was sitting at a table not far away, eating pastries leisurely.

Obviously, under the arrangement of Ling Buyi, he went to live in the vacant house on the other side, when did he come over again?

Seeing Li Fenglan wake up, Duan Qianli smiled, patted off the powder left by the pastry, turned around and said: You have slept for a long time.

Li Fenglan rubbed her eyes, and sat up a little confused.

In the next moment, he realized that his veil had been placed beside the pillow at some point.

At this time, his face was exposed in front of Duan Qianli without any cover.

Fuck! Didn't find anything?

In the previous life, Li Fuyue and Duan Qianli had met each other when they were teenagers, and they had been fighting for half their lives as old enemies.

Even after being seriously injured by Li Fuyue one time, Duan Qianli once said viciously to him that even if Li Fuyue turned into ashes, he would still recognize her...

Thinking of this, Li Fenglan turned around carefully and glanced at the other party.

Unexpectedly, Duan Qianli didn't seem to be surprised by the other party's appearance, he glanced at Li Fenglan lightly, and then went to drink tea again.

But after thinking about it, Duan Qianli didn't know how long he had been sitting here.

If you want to be surprised, you should be surprised enough.

How long have I been asleep? Li Fenglan asked trying to pretend to be calm.

Duan Qianli didn't answer the question directly, but suddenly came and sat beside Li Fenglan's bed.

Tsk and said after a while: You have become famous in Tianmian Palace this time.

What do you mean? Li Fenglan didn't understand what Duan Qianli meant, she fell into a coma for most of the day, and still felt a little dizzy.

Do you know how you got back? Duan Qianli asked.

How did you come back? Li Fenglan really couldn't imagine how she would come back in order to become famous in the sect.

The young man sitting opposite him took out another plate of pastries from nowhere, Duan Qianli took a bite and said, You were brought back by Qiu Wanyou.

After all, Duan Qianli laughed and said: The old man did not hide his body, so half of the sect saw it. Now your name, Li Fenglan, may have spread throughout the cultivation world.

What! ?

Am I being carried back by Qiu Wanyou?

Hearing this, Li Fenglan finally woke up.

Anyway, having been enslaved by He Marriage for a long time, Li Fenglan naturally knows some hobbies of the current demon lord.

One: greedy.

Second: I like to watch the excitement.

He Yuyuan, who was seriously injured back then and only had a cultivation level at the transformation stage, stayed at the Tianmian Palace's residence. While enslaving Li Fuyue, they can inquire about gossip about big and small in the cultivation world.

Now that he is a Mahayana demon cultivator, and the courage is getting bigger, of course, he can come and go more freely.

Seeing Li Fenglan's stupefied look here, Duan Qianli continued: Although everyone dare not say it, I think people in Tianmian Palace are silently guessing what is the 'very intriguing' relationship between you and Qiu Wanyou Or maybe this trip to the lower realms is just for you.

Li Fenglan: ... Master and apprentice, it is indeed intriguing.

This point of view should have been refuted, but what he overheard on Yanyi Mountain made it clear that this seemingly outrageous guess is not completely wrong.

It's just that the direction is different from what everyone thinks.

Of course it's impossible, Li Fenglan stood up and took a sip of tea, then said with a forced smile, How could I possibly know Qiu?

A person who swims late?

Unexpectedly, Duan Qianli stopped talking this time.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly shook his head and said, You know, you look like a human being.

Duan Qianli, who had an unscrupulous face just now, seemed to be a different person in an instant.

The gaze towards Li Fenglan suddenly became extremely complicated, even somewhat vicissitudes.

It was this glance that finally reminded Li Fenglan that Duan Qianli was no longer the one he used to be.

During his sleeping years, the other party spent another thousand years.

Neither of them spoke. After a while, Duan Qianli drank a cup of tea and asked, Aren't you curious, who is that person?

... Li Fuyue chant.

Not curious. Li Fenglan said very shamelessly.

Forget it, let me tell you... Duan Qianli sighed, sat at the table and poured himself another cup of tea, and said, You and Qiu Wanyou's disciples are like that.

Fearing that Li Fenglan might misunderstand, Duan Qianli added: Oh, I'm not talking about Lin Chaochen, but his big apprentice, Li Fuyue, who died a long time ago.

Duan Qianli's tone was very flat, but Li Fenglan felt a little weird for such a flat tone.

According to Duan Qianli's character, it should be right for his old opponent to die tragically.

Or... Even if they cherish each other and miss themselves, Li Fenglan will not be as curious as she is now.

But Duan Qianli was indifferent, as if he didn't care about it.

But the next moment, Li Fenglan remembered what Duan Qianli said back then:

If you go to the Demon Realm with me, I can keep you safe. People in the cultivation world are afraid of going crazy, but I am not afraid.

When Duan Qianli said this, his expression was extremely serious.

After Li Fenglan refused, Duan Qianli said angrily again: Your surname Li, you will kill yourself sooner or later! I will not sympathize at that time.

——That was what happened when the two met in the human world by chance after Li Fenglan became obsessed.

But everything that happened now told Li Fenglan clearly: Duan Qianli, who has always kept his word, did not break his word this time, and really did not sympathize with him at all.

For some reason, Li Fenglan felt a little disappointed: It seems that her previous life was not very successful.

Just as Li Fenglan was recalling the past, Duan Qianli suddenly approached Li Fenglan, stared straight at Li Fenglan's face and said, I kindly remind you, you'd better stay away from Qiu Wanyou.

Why? Li Fenglan couldn't help asking.

Putting aside the grievances and grievances of the previous life, I am just an ordinary monk of Tianshui Palace now.

In the eyes of outsiders, an ordinary monk like him should be happy to be able to embrace Qiu Wanyou's thigh, who has already ascended to the Tao.

Duan Qianli put down the teacup in a mysterious manner, and said to Li Fenglan in a deep voice, Because Qiu Wanyou has unreasonable thoughts about his apprentice...


At this moment, Duan Qianli spoke in a serious and serious tone.

But Li Fenglan thought, thank you for not drinking tea just now, otherwise I would spit out the tea.

Where did you hear the gossip? Li Fenglan asked speechlessly.

Gossip? Duan Qianli shook his head and said, This matter was known by half of the cultivation world back then.

Seeing Li Fenglan's unbelievable appearance, Duan Qianli did not explain, but commented on this gossip on his own: So, Qiu Wanyou looks serious and cold, but in fact he is a pervert who ignores ordinary relationships , you have to be careful.

Li Fenglan suspects that she and Duan Qianli are not in the same cultivation world.

Of course Gao Leng himself agrees, but the description of disregarding Chang Lun is too outrageous, isn't it?

Besides, if Qiu Wanyou really wanted to disregard Chang Lun with him, would he kill him heartlessly?

After finishing the sentence just now, Duan Qianli stopped continuing.

Picking up the pastry from the table, he continued to eat.

At this moment, Li Fenglan finally turned her attention to the plate of pastries, and asked as if thinking of something suddenly: Where did you get this thing?

Duan Qianli turned around suddenly, smiled at him and said, Oh, I exchanged it with your spirit stone.

My spirit stone?

Ling never tires of being extravagant, so Li Fenglan is never short of money. Even those who are used to staying in places with abundant spiritual energy directly put the spiritual stones in the house to improve the living comfort.

Didn't expect Duan Qianli to exchange it for pastries?

Seeing Li Fenglan's face suddenly darken, Duan Qianli finally couldn't help laughing. He walked out of the room with a plate, looking in a good mood, not at all like a seriously injured person.

But when the other party left, after the dead of night, Li Fenglan, who was full of sleep during the day, no longer felt sleepy.

Staring at the ceiling, I have been seeing the dawn like this.

Clouds and clouds rose around Miguang Mountain, all of which seemed to be no different from ordinary days.

Today, however, two distinguished guests were ushered in on the mountain.

As soon as Li Fenglan pushed open the door, she saw two monks in green shirts, a man and a woman, standing at her door.

Zhuang Zhixia and Zhuang Zhiqiu—the two personal disciples of Jiang Yichang, the head of Tianmian Palace.

In Tianmian Palace, if the two of you appeared at the same time, it must mean that something big happened.

Sure enough, the moment Li Fenglan pushed the door and came out, Zhuang Zhixia took half a step towards him, and said to him very politely and politely: Junior Brother Li, I am ordered by Immortal Master Qiu to take you to the door of the sect master.

Feng trip.

Hearing this, Li Fenglan's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The conversation between Qiu Wanyou and Lin Chaochen yesterday was played repeatedly in his mind.

Of course, the most important thing is the word Duan Qianli said last night: ignore Chang Lun.

Although she thought Duan Qianli was talking nonsense in her heart, when she suddenly heard the words Qiu Wanyou, Li Fenglan subconsciously took half a step back.

...Is it okay not to go? Li Fenglan asked.

Hearing this, Zhuang Zhixia suddenly smiled: Of course not.

Li Fenglan: ...

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