Heavy snow like goose feathers fell from the sky, slowly falling among the blood-red plum branches.

In the deepest part of the snow field, there is a man kneeling.

He bent down weakly, but raised his arms slightly strangely. Only when you get closer can you see that there are two gleaming silver threads falling from the mountain wall, piercing through the most vulnerable part of the man's wrist. Just a little movement is a piercing pain.

Li Fuyue is known to everyone in the cultivation world. He used to touch the way of heaven with his hands, and everyone admired Ji Yueguangfeng. Five years ago, for some reason, he suddenly went crazy and disturbed the peace of the world.

Until a few days ago, the power of the Three Realms finally combined to suppress him here.

As the wind and snow intensified, the man's originally clear consciousness gradually became blurred.

In a daze, Li Fuyue saw a familiar white figure not far away, Fuyue, come here, come to Master. The man stood under the plum branch, smiled and stretched out his hand towards him.

Master... Master, I am here! Li Fuyue wanted to get up, but the next moment his body was pulled back by the silver chain.

The wound opened again, and blood flowed from the wrist. Li Fuyue had never been in such a mess in his life, but he didn't care. Li Fuyue's mind was full of thoughts about Master saying that he would never abandon him, and sure enough, Master came to save him now.

Li Fuyue's voice was trembling, her upper and lower teeth kept bumping, and she could only make an intermittent sound with all her strength.

He didn't know how many times he called Master, but in the end his voice was completely hoarse and he couldn't speak a word. But Xueyuan was still quiet, the person Li Fuyue was thinking of did not come.

It was also at this time that the white shadows suddenly dispersed, and Li Fuyue finally saw clearly that there was nothing but foggy plums in full bloom.

It turned out that what happened just now was just an illusion born by Li Fuyue.

Master eventually broke the contract.

He has ascended to the Upper Realm for many years, and he may not remember himself for a long time.

The snowfield became quiet, and after an unknown amount of time, a faint bell rang suddenly from the distant mountains, and the silver chain on Li Fuyue's wrist also trembled slightly.

...The Fushen Formation is finally set up. Li Fuyue laughed when she heard the bell ringing when she was clearly about to die.

Everyone in the comprehension world really found a good eye for Fushen Formation—Yao Zhengzhong, whose owner is Li Fuyue's master who has been ascended for many years.

On the clock is the spiritual consciousness left by the master before his ascension, and only with his consent, the group of monks can invite Yao Zhengzhong to serve as the eye of the formation.

It turns out that it's not that the master doesn't remember me, he just wants me to be scattered like everyone else in the cultivation world.

This formation took seven days to open, and once it was activated, the people under the formation would only end up scattered.

Even the master has abandoned him - Li Fuyue has never realized so clearly like this moment that she has fallen into the situation of betraying all relatives.

Li Fuyue, you are so ridiculous.

As soon as I thought of this, the originally peaceful snowy field suddenly became violent with the wind, and the red mark on the man's forehead turned black along with the wildly dancing snow. The devilish energy in Li Fuyue's body instantly surged.

The silver chain buried in the wrist then vibrated, and Li Fuyue could even clearly feel that her own spiritual veins were being crushed bit by bit by that thing.

It hurts, it really hurts.

After a loud bang, stones fell from the mountain wall. Li Fuyue stood up against the pain that could tear apart the soul, his hands were clenched into fists, and the next moment the two immortal chains that could shatter hearts and souls were actually broken.

——No one thought that Li Fuyue, who was insane, could destroy the divine weapon passed down from ancient times in an instant.

The gust of wind howled, Li Fuyue's black hair fluttered in the wind, the aura and devil energy in his body overflowed together, crushing the surrounding plum blossoms into red mud.

Li Fuyue stared blankly at her bloody palm, then looked forward in some confusion. He is free, but he has nowhere to go.

In the deepest part of the snowfield, this is the place where Li Fuyue grew up, and it is also his subconscious home.

The demonic energy in Li Fuyue's body surged crazily, and the scars and spiritual veins could no longer withstand such tossing. He couldn't help vomiting blood, and then fell to the ground.

The man slowly lay flat on the ground, closed his eyes and let Bai Xue and Chi Mei bury his body.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from Li Fuyue's ear: Master... Senior Brother? The next moment, he was carefully hugged into his arms.

Li Fuyue weakly opened his eyes, he saw that the person who hugged him through the wind and snow was actually his junior brother Lin Chaochen.

Are you injured? Lin Chaochen saw the blood on Li Fuyue's body, his voice was trembling.

Different from Lin Chaochen's gentleness, seeing the person in front of him, Li Fuyue subconsciously stood up with his sword, Don't come over! He said sharply.

The young man called out Senior Brother with great attachment, and then slowly lifted the sword with red eyes.

Lin Chaochen was silent for a while, and then he gritted his teeth and said to Li Fuyue: Brother, you beat me for the last time. If you beat me, I will let you go and never look for you again.

let me go?

Li Fuyue did not expect that Lin Chaochen was willing to let her go.

In just a split second, the past events that happened on this snow field passed through Li Fuyue's mind like a revolving lantern.

His master is the son of a fairy, and he has never understood mundane things.

After bringing Lin Chaochen back, the master who devoted himself to cultivating the Tao and didn't know how to take care of a baby could only temporarily hand him over to his big apprentice Li Fuyue.

Therefore, the young man in front of him has always been very close to Li Fuyue.

Even the first word Lin Chaochen knew in his life was senior brother.

After his master ascended, Lin Chaochen once told Li Fuyue that from now on, his senior brother is everything to him.

Okay. Li Fuyue said this word without any hesitation, he had long since ignored life and death, but Lin Chaochen's words reached out to him like a life-saving straw.

It turns out that there are still people who are willing to believe in themselves and are willing to let themselves die.

In the snow-covered Meizhou, two monks competed with swordsmanship in the snow. Li Fuyue's sword intent is invincible, but it's a pity that he was seriously injured, and his heart would vibrate with every move.

Even so, after a few tricks, Lin Chaochen still fell into a disadvantage.

Li Fuyue's sword had already lightly touched Lin Chaochen's chest. He was only short of one blow, and he would have completely defeated Lin Chaochen.

Li Fuyue, whose body was at its peak, should have stabbed at the opponent at this time, but before he could do it, what Lin Chaochen said just now rang in Li Fuyue's ears, and he knew—the junior brother wanted to let him go.

Li Fuyue knew exactly how powerful her sword was, if she really stabbed down, it would destroy half of the opponent's cultivation at worst. So at this moment, Li Fuyue restrained her sword intent subconsciously. The silver-white blade brushed past Lin Chaochen's chest, and slowly pierced into the void.

But at the same moment, a icy sword light flew out of Lin Chaochen's hand, and pierced fiercely in the chest of the opposite person.

Just such a sword shattered Li Fuyue's heart and soul.

When Lin Chaochen came to his senses, Li Fuyue's body had been pierced by the sword and fell into his arms.

Blood gushed out from Li Fuyue's chest, instantly dyed his clothes red, and even splashed onto Lin Chaochen's cheek. Li Fuyue never knew that there was so much blood in her body.

This sword was really too fast, Li Fuyue stared blankly at her chest, and suddenly laughed in Lin Chaochen's arms.

In the end, everyone betrayed their relatives and left no one behind.

He had never been so tired before, Li Fuyue closed his eyes slowly, only the roar of Gale was left in his ears. He didn't leave any words to Lin Chaochen, but exhausted his last bit of strength and patted the young man.

The long sword protruded from Li Fuyue's chest, the man fell down and finally stopped struggling.

Not far away, the Fushen Formation deployed by the great powers of the cultivation world began to operate, and a dazzling golden light hit Li Fuyue's broken chest.

At the last moment, Li Fuyue finally figured out why Lin Chaochen appeared here.

——The immortal lock chain just now is also a link of the Fushen Formation, and the formation will not be officially opened until it shatters his own heart.

Now that the Immortal Chain is broken, the task of shattering his own heart must of course be handed over to others.

Lin Chaochen said that he would let him go, but he was just acting from the beginning to the end.

After all, he knew that when facing him, his brother would definitely soften his heart. In this competition, the winner is destined to be Lin Chaochen.

There was a golden light shining between the cliffs, and it was as bright as two suns appeared in the sky for a while. But the next moment, that beam of golden light gradually dimmed until it disappeared.

Li Fuyue, a legend in the cultivation world, was lost in spirit.

[Li Fuyue spent half her life cooking oil over a fire, with flowers blooming in brocade, who would have thought that she would end up like this in the end?

——Chapter 350 of Tianmian Daosheng, killing demons.

Li Fuyue just died like this?! The author is too kind orz

After the senior brother became obsessed, the protagonist gradually matured. Only when he personally killed the senior brother he relied on the most, Lin Chaochen officially embarked on this lonely road of king... In this chapter, I finally saw the growth of the protagonist.

So why did Li Fuyue go mad? The author seems like you haven't said it yet.

If he is dead, it doesn't matter how he got mad, asking is just what the plot needs!

Please tell the logic of the plot, I always feel that there is still a story that is not clear...

Scattering Flowers~ Lin Chaochen has finally become the number one person in the cultivation world!\

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