The 22nd year of the Wizard's Road, mid-January.

The armor special training room, which had been silent for several days, once again welcomed a familiar face.

"Green, take a good look at this contract."

Instructor Jordan said solemnly.

"Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while."

"This contract must be signed. This is a guarantee that can make Green you and the college feel at ease."

"Only by signing this contract can you enter the second stage of the armor training."

"The college has invested so many resources in you, and there must be rewards. When one day, the college needs you to step forward, you have this obligation."

Instructor Jordan looked at Green, whose face was serious and his childish aura had faded, as if he had grown up overnight. He thought for a moment and then said:


"If you still want a free and stable life, and become a peaceful pharmacist apprentice from now on, you can choose not to sign this contract and not accept the in-depth training of the academy."

"The choice is yours."


"Teacher Jordan..."

"There is an old saying in my hometown that I agree with, and I want to tell it to you."

Green said solemnly with a solemn face.

"You treat me as a nobleman, and I will repay you as a nobleman..."

"Both the college and you, the instructor, have put a lot of effort into me. If I don't do something in return, my conscience will not go away."

"I signed this contract, and I will do what I said."

After speaking, Green lowered his head and read the parchment contract carefully.

Coach Jordan looked at Green with relief. He always thought Green was a good prospect, both in terms of potential and character. That's why he tried his best to train Green, and Green never let him down.

After Green read the entire contract carefully, he was also convinced...


White wizards are just different from black wizards.

Everything is out in the open, written clearly, and no word games are played or traps deliberately set.

The terms and binding force of this guardianship contract are very broad:

After Green received top-level training from the Plant Heart Wizard Academy, he only needed to complete a certain amount of tasks every year.

He could unconditionally refuse a mission that required death. No one in the academy could force Green to die. This was written in the contract.

If you encounter unsatisfactory tasks, you can use task points to offset them and not perform them.

Any task assigned to Green by the college must be communicated and discussed with Green in advance. There will be no forced assignment of tasks. If there is such a violation, Green can directly complain to the senior management of the college.

The only thing you can't refuse is: you can't betray the Plant Heart Wizard Academy!

If one day, the Plant Heart Wizard Academy is wiped out by the enemy, Green must unconditionally protect the lives of the three apprentice seeds designated by the academy, and protect them from continuing the academy's legacy.


"Teacher Jordan..."

"The obligations stipulated in this contract are too loose."

"The whole contract is a benefit, and you can choose the tasks yourself. What if someone is afraid of difficulties and risks and only chooses easy tasks?"

Green said worriedly that the binding force of this contract was very small and the autonomy given to apprentices was too high, which made Green feel a little unreal.

It feels like the academy is like a bully, the kind that only gives benefits and doesn't want anything in return.


Instructor Jordan smiled very happily. He did not misjudge the person. Green is a good boy.

"Green, you don't actually have to worry about this."

"First of all, I want to correct your concept."

"Your mentality hasn't changed yet, Green."

"Did you know that only a very few people in the academy are qualified to sign this contract? The binding force of this contract can reach up to the official wizard level."

"To put it simply, your ability to sign this contract means that the college recognizes you as a core executive of our wizard college."

"For a high-level leader of a force, Green, do you still feel that the binding force of this contract is too broad?"



Green was speechless. Indeed, strict rules are only for people at the bottom.

Throughout the ages.

No senior leader of a ruling power would set a very strict cage for himself.

It would be nice to have a common bottom line and consensus.

But Green still doesn't understand something about this bottom line set by the academy.


"Teacher Jordan..."

"There are no other problems. It's just the bottom line setting of this last one that I don't understand."

Green boldly raised his question.

"The only stipulation of this contract that cannot be violated is that the conditions for it to take effect are too harsh."

"I feel that in my lifetime, I may not be able to trigger the conditions for this to take effect."

"Our academy is so powerful, and we have the Seven Towers Alliance as our allies and backing. What kind of enemy can destroy our school? This is ridiculous."

Teacher Jordan shook his head and explained:


"You haven't left the academy, you haven't experienced the dangers of the outside world, and you don't know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

"This wizarding world is so big, there are countless powerful creatures, and the dangers faced by the academy are also diverse."

“All kinds of terrifying creatures that may exist in ancient ruins;

There are various demonized beasts wandering in the misty forest, many of which are at the official wizard level;

I don’t know how many huge sea beasts survive in the vast and foggy sea, tens or even hundreds of meters away;

There are countless perverted old guys among the five dark wizard pirate groups active in the Misty Islands;

There are also various natural disasters. Two hundred years ago, an extraterrestrial meteorite directly destroyed a wizard tower that had been passed down for hundreds of years;



"Green, the college is doing this just in case, and for the sake of the college's inheritance and continuation."

"The senior leaders of the college know that the founder and protector of our college - the official wizard - Mr. Joyce, is a survivor who ran away from a destroyed wizard tower."

"More than a hundred years ago..."

"Your Excellency Joyce came to the Misty Coast and established our Plant Heart Wizard Academy to complete the continuation of his own inheritance. It is said that Your Excellency Joyce has been working hard to train the next official wizard of the academy."

"Previously, many potential seeds from the academy have launched an attack on the official wizards, but they have all failed."

"Green, you have to work hard. When you become a peak wizard apprentice, you can also compete for the opportunity to become an official wizard..."



"Teacher Jordan, I won't let you down."

Green signed his name on the parchment contract:

"Green Angelet."

"I gave up the ease and comfort of a pharmacist and chose the path of fighting to the death, just to fight for that glimmer of hope."

"I firmly believe that I will succeed."

At this moment, Green is full of expectations for the future...


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