The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 61 The scientific basis for the classification of witchcraft intensity

"Big fireballs are the romance of men!"

"Well, I must choose a classic fire witchcraft."

"The three classics of the academy are also necessary. After all, I am still inclined to plants."

"One more life-saving one, perfect..."

On the way to the logistics department of the academy, Green had already planned the witchcraft to learn next.


In the wizard apprentice stage, no one can be a hexagonal warrior with witchcraft alone.

Because 0-ring witchcraft cannot support witchcraft in the defensive direction, there are only a few 0-ring witchcrafts with a slight defensive effect, and they are 0-ring advanced witchcrafts.

For example, 0-ring advanced witchcraft-reverse thorn entanglement, by constructing a reverse thorn entanglement circle on the surface of the apprentice, it can offset the enemy's attack and protect the apprentice in the middle in disguise.

But this kind of protection is quite fragile and not all-round. The enemy can easily find and break through the loophole.

Want all-round, three-dimensional, no-dead-angle protection witchcraft?

Then you can only build your own witchcraft when you are promoted to a first-level formal wizard.

These are not what Green can access now.

Green is just a small intermediate wizard apprentice.


Come to the window selling witchcraft crystals.

Green gave a wizard blessing to the staff at the window.

Smiling and saying: "Hello, mentor, good day, I want to buy some intermediate combat witchcraft."

The staff directly threw a thick parchment book.

"It's all in it. 1 basic witchcraft intensity is worth 100 magic stones. Choose it yourself."

"Okay, thank you."

Green took the witchcraft roster and came to the sofa waiting area on the side.

Sat comfortably on the big sofa, and took the hot teapot on the tea table to pour himself a cup...

Green planned to take a good look at these combat witchcrafts and pick out the witchcraft templates that he was satisfied with.


In the wizard world.

The judgment standard of witchcraft intensity (that is, the power of spellcasting) has a unified formula.

Witchcraft intensity u003d Mental strength * witchcraft template level * magic characteristic increase.

(The magic characteristic amplification is only effective for 0-ring intermediate and low-level witchcraft, because the template of 0-ring advanced witchcraft reaches the extreme of 0-ring witchcraft, and the magic characteristic amplification cannot be effective for it.)

For example: Intermediate witchcraft, the witchcraft intensity of thorn entanglement with 8 basic intensity template is: 60 intensity u003d5 intensity * 8 intensity * 1.5 amplification


The first factor: mental strength. Needless to say, it depends entirely on the wizard's mental level.

The mental strength of wizards in the apprentice stage can only be transformed and improved in each small stage.

For example, when a low-level wizard apprentice is promoted to an intermediate wizard apprentice.

The mental strength will be increased from 3 strength to 5 strength.

(The scale is the total amount of mental power. Even if the mental power of a low-level apprentice is increased to 4 scales, its strength is still 3. The strength will only change and increase after the apprentice meditates to build 9 mental power runes and completes the connection of 9 mental power runes.)

When an intermediate wizard apprentice is promoted to a senior wizard apprentice.

The mental power strength will increase from 5 to 7.


The second factor: the level of the witchcraft template.

This is why Green has to carefully select witchcraft.

Everyone has different needs and positioning for witchcraft, so the choice of witchcraft is naturally different.

The casting process of wizard apprentices is the same. They all use mental power to quickly outline a witchcraft template in their minds, and then use their own magic power as a lever to pry the external elements to increase the power of witchcraft. The mental power anchors a target and releases it.

This is the most orthodox method of releasing elemental witchcraft.

As for some other witchcraft, such as necromancy, natural witchcraft, curse witchcraft, flesh witchcraft...

They all have their own unique casting paths, and their styles are completely different from elemental witchcraft.

Green received the most orthodox elemental wizard education, and the Plant Heart Wizard Academy is also mainly for elemental wizards, so there is nothing to consider.


Elemental witchcraft is classified according to the basic witchcraft intensity.

Basic witchcraft intensity is the maximum power that witchcraft can show without any amplification.

(Intensity is a unit of measurement for judging the power of witchcraft in the wizard world. The intensity range of wizard apprentices is between 0 and 100. The witchcraft power of wizard apprentices cannot exceed 100 intensity, because 100 intensity is a critical value and is restricted by rules.)

The basic witchcraft intensity of low-level elemental witchcraft is generally between 1 and 3 intensity.

Green doesn't like it and skips it directly...

The basic witchcraft intensity of intermediate elemental witchcraft is generally between 5 and 8 intensity.

Green's main choice direction......

The basic witchcraft intensity of advanced elemental witchcraft is generally 10 intensity.

This is limited by the witchcraft template structure of 0-ring witchcraft itself. The highest intensity is 10. Green cannot choose it because his mental strength is not up to standard.


The third element: magic characteristic amplification.

This magic characteristic amplification is related to the meditation method practiced by wizard apprentices.

As far as Green knows, the meditation method in the wizard world is divided into three levels.

1: Ordinary meditation method.

The lowest level and the worst meditation method is the ordinary meditation method.

It only has the effect of increasing mental power through meditation (the effect is also the worst, and the wizard apprentice is only divided into three stages, low-level-intermediate-advanced), and there is no increase in magic characteristics.

It is equivalent to a blank product with no magic. Green commented.


2: Superior meditation method.

It is a medium-level meditation method. In the Misty Coast, the seven wizard towers are all meditation methods of this level.

The effect of meditation on increasing mental power is good. If the element perception image is in line, the practice will be faster.

For example, the Plant Heart Meditation Method allows apprentices with plant perception images to practice, and his practice speed will be three times faster.

At the same time, there are different degrees of increase in the magic cultivated by the meditation method.

For example, the magic cultivated by the Plant Heart Meditation Method can increase the magic characteristics of plant witchcraft by 1.5 times. (Similarly, the wizard apprentice is also divided into three stages, low-level-intermediate-advanced)

It is equivalent to an elite blue template with good characteristics. Green commented.


3: Advanced Meditation.

This is the top meditation method.

It is extinct on the Misty Coast and only exists in the legends of ancient wizards.

The various ordinary and advanced meditation methods now are simplified and modified by senior wizards from the incomplete advanced meditation methods found in the excavated ancient wizard ruins.

Legend has it that advanced meditation methods are created by great beings at the level of fourth-order Morning Star wizards.

It has all kinds of incredible effects.

Not only does the meditation effect work well, but it can also increase the magic power in many characteristics, and the increase is also very large.

More importantly, there are four stages for wizard apprentices who practice advanced meditation, low-level-intermediate-advanced-peak.

The corresponding mental strength is 3-5-7-9.


The key for wizard apprentices to impact the first-order formal wizard.

It is to transform the strength of mental strength into 10 strength.

Only mental strength at the level of 10 strength can withstand and solidify the first-order formal witchcraft, thereby completing the promotion.

Wizard apprentices who practice ordinary and advanced meditation methods can only forcibly impact and transform from 7 strength to 10 strength.

So most of them need the assistance of various precious resources to have hope.

Wizard apprentices who practice advanced meditation methods can impact and transform from 9 strength to 10 strength.

In this way, they only need to burn a part of their own vitality to succeed, and do not need too many precious resources to assist.


The gap is so big.

There is a reason why the official wizards of the ancient wizards are everywhere.

It is normal that the wizard world is getting weaker and weaker now.

It is already in the low tide of elements and lacks resources. Impacting the official wizard will consume many precious resources.

No wonder, no wonder...

In the wizard world of the Misty Coast.

The elements have been revived for tens of thousands of years...

In the past thousand years, the elemental waves have been one after another, and official wizards have emerged in an endless stream, and the inheritance has been endless...

But there has never been a wizard above the second level...


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