After hearing the order to start the assessment, Green quickly followed the standard process.

First, he carefully checked the first batch of blue magic leaves, then turned on various instruments and carried out the three-wash and three-dry process.

Green has actually practiced this whole process hundreds of times.

With the blessing of the golden finger, he has practiced it thousands of times in his mind, and he is already familiar with it.

But Green is still too nervous...

So many eyes staring at Green, making Green feel a little nervous.

So there was a small mistake, and his hand shook.

Fifteen minutes later, 62%, failed.


Green took a deep breath and silently said in his heart:

"A hundredfold gain."

Suddenly, various insights came one after another, and Green's heart calmed down.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Green started the second wave of extraction without stopping.

This time, Green's hands were very steady and the whole process was very smooth.

Fifteen minutes later, 85%, excellent, passed the assessment.

Green continued to work hard and took a few deep breaths.

After cleaning the instrument, the third round of work began.

76%, passed, passed the assessment.


After Green finished the assessment, he quietly waited for the end of the exam.

He did not look around, nor did he pay attention to the situation of other candidates.

He just quietly experienced the kind of full-heartedness, even though Green's underwear was soaked with nervous sweat.


After the exam, the chief examiner confirmed the assessment results of the five apprentices on the spot.

Green's results were the most eye-catching, and he was the only one who was excellent, but so what, no extra points.

After Green signed his name on the score confirmation sheet, he returned to the waiting area and acted as an invigilator.

Watching the new five apprentices take the stage for the assessment, Green did not pay much attention.

Instead, he was thinking about what to eat for lunch.


After all the apprentices finished the assessment, it was noon.

Fourteen apprentices participated in the assessment (one was disqualified).

Only one unlucky guy failed because of too many mistakes, and the others passed without any danger.

Green, Oaks, and Ellie were all assigned to different examination rooms.

Yes, Ellie, this pharmacy genius also took the test.

It is said that this is to let other pharmacy apprentices see the level of genius, so as to improve the overall level of this year's pharmacy apprentices and avoid some apprentices from sitting in the well and looking at the sky.

At lunch at noon.

Green and I chatted briefly, and Bigger also rushed over to give his blessings.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, examination room No. 3.

The refining test site of the semi-finished potion-Knight's Water.

Green was still the first wave.

After listening to the assessment standards.

Green grasped three key points:

First, the assessment time has changed, from 45 minutes in previous years to 30 minutes.

Second, the assessment standards have been greatly improved, requiring at least two good and one ordinary quality.

Third, this assessment has excellent points, 10 points for superior quality, and 30 points for perfect quality.

And only 60 points are given for passing.


Green's face is heavy.

I thought: Extra points for excellence should be the key to the difference between geniuses and ordinary people.

Just like the last two questions of each math test, the top students can easily solve the questions and get more than ten points, while the poor students can only write a solution.

This exam is really crucial.

It basically determines the future of this batch of pharmacy apprentices.

From the importance of the college, it can be seen that the witch array on the experimental table needs to burn magic stones to open. Every minute and every second is money. In Old Sam's laboratory, Green has not seen the witch array opened many times.

So many invigilators and invigilation equipment are also expensive.

If Green wants to achieve class transition, he must achieve a very eye-catching result.

This time...

Green seems to be back to the scene of the college entrance examination...

Fight for dreams!!!


Green took several deep breaths in a row...

He started the exam after making psychological adjustments.

All materials were processed in advance. Green first checked the three materials carefully.

The appearance is very good, the processing method is sophisticated, there is no major problem, it is a high-quality material.

Green used the operating method he summarized and followed the standard process to start the operation.

He was still a little nervous for the first time, but there was no big mistake like in the morning.

Green's hands were very steady...

Eight minutes later...

"Quality: good."

"Purity: 52%."

With a good start, Green's confidence came up.

The first result was very good, so there is no need to say about the rest.

Green gradually got into the groove and his mentality became much more stable.

The second Knight's Water:

"Quality: top."

"Purity: 25%."

The third Knight's Water:

"Quality: top."

"Purity: 35%."


Green completed the performance smoothly, which was his best result.

Green did not have a genius sense of smell and sensitivity in pharmacy, but just an ordinary talent.

To be able to achieve such a good result, it was all thanks to the blessing of the golden finger, which was probably Green's upper limit.

Although it was not very good, Green was already very satisfied.

Green happily wrote his name on the 80-point score confirmation sheet.

Next, it was time for the other apprentices to take the test.

After all the tests were completed, there were thirteen pharmacy apprentices who took the test.

Five did not pass the test, and eight passed.

Among them, Green ranked second.

The first was a tall and thin male apprentice wearing thick black-framed glasses and heavy blue eye bags.

It was obvious that he had stayed up too late and his body was a little weak.

His test results were: one perfect, two top grades, and a total score of 110 points.

Listening to the discussion of the apprentices next to him...

This should be Westley apprentice, one of the three genius pharmacists of this session, tied with Ellie.


The first day of the test ended like this.

After returning, Green, Oaks, Ellie, and Bigger gathered together again.

While eating and chatting.

Oaks's Knight Water was also tested well, three times were top grades, 90 points.

Not to mention Ellie, two perfects, one top grade, 130 points.

Well-deserved first place...

Green heard that Ellie was born with a special spiritual sense of spiritual power, and had a very sensitive intuition about the subtle changes in the fusion of the potion. Every time, she could grasp the details of the potion by feeling.

It took only three months to form her own unique refining method. After that, when refining potions, the success rate and high-quality occurrence rate increased several times.

A complete talented player, God gave her a good job.

And Ellie worked so hard, and her hard work was not inferior to Green.

It really fits the saying.

People who are more talented than you work harder than you.

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