The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 26 Three common senses about bloodline

"Let me first popularize the three important common senses about blood."

"You must remember them firmly."

"As for other blood knowledge..."

"Go to Adler to get a list of books later, and go to the library to check them out." Teacher Jordan arranged.

"First, Green..."

"You don't have to worry about exposing your blood ability and slicing."

"Wizards have a research habit for all extraordinary things."

"But wizards are also rational and will not waste time and energy on worthless things."

"On the Misty Coast, this is common sense. Any blood awakened by external stimulation and atavism is of no research value."


"Because we can transplant extraordinary blood into our human race and inherit it from ancient times to the present."

"That must be the means of a fourth-level wizard-the great Morning Star Wizard."

"It must also be a Morning Star Wizard with profound attainments in blood research."

"In this extraordinary low, blood knowledge "No one can research anything from the blood of the Morning Star Wizard."


Jordan took a sip of herbal tea, cleared his mouth and continued:


"The second common sense I want to tell you is: the bloodline is broken!"

"At least in the Misty Coast wizard world."

"In the Misty Coast wizard world, no formal wizard is a bloodline wizard, including those bloodline wizard families and wizard apprentices who study blood and transplant extraordinary bloodlines themselves."

"Maybe it's the lack of some necessary core..."

"Maybe our bloodline concentration is too low..."

"But I guess one possibility is: there is a lack of a method to awaken the bloodline for the second time."

.. ......

"I told you before that once we break through the Great Knight, we will have a blood awakening."

"And the Knight's Path was developed by the ancient blood wizards."

"There must be a way behind the Great Knight!"

"Since I became a Great Knight, I have been pursuing and exploring the way behind the Great Knight."

"What a pity..."

"Our Misty Coast Wizarding World is built on the exploration of the remains of ancient wizards."

"So far, we have not discovered any remains related to the first-level formal blood wizards."

"So, our blood path is broken."

"Perhaps, only the Central Continent Wizarding World, known as the "last place of ancient wizards", can have the way behind the Great Knight."

.. ....

"I'm not saying this to discourage you, Green..." Mentor Jordan said earnestly,

"I want you to face the reality."

"Although a strong bloodline can bring us great power, it is a one-time deal and the upper limit is not high given the current situation."

"So my training goal for you is to become a great knight."

"As long as you can become a great knight, the bloodline will help you more and can also help you go further on the road of wizards."

"Formal wizard! That's what we pursue."


"Only by becoming a formal wizard can the essence of our life be fundamentally improved." Mentor Jordan's face was full of longing. At this moment, he was also a person with great dreams.

"Only by becoming a formal wizard can our life span be greatly extended."

"According to records, formal wizards have a life span of at least 200 years, and Mr. Joyce, the dean of our Plant Heart Wizard Academy, is said to have a life span of 300 years."


"For better development, I suggest that you temporarily put aside the way of knight after becoming a great knight."

"Wait until you become a formal wizard, and then explore the bloodline path, so that you may gain something."

"It's because I'm not strong enough that I can't explore some forbidden areas that only formal wizards can set foot on."

"I'm also thinking that when you become formal wizards and find the way behind the bloodline path, you can give me hope at that time."

"I am willing to pay any price in exchange for the subsequent path of the bloodline path..."

"Even if I have to be a slave!!!"

Teacher Jordan's words were deafening, and his firm heart of seeking the truth deeply shocked Green's heart.


"As a person who has been through it, I want to give you a pertinent advice." Teacher Jordan's face returned to solemnity.

"Don't be too greedy for the power of blood."

"Use the power of blood in moderation."

"Don't wait until you regret it in the future, it will be too late to make up for it."

"Teacher, I am a good example. Because I overused the power of blood when I was young, I can only stop at the intermediate wizard apprentice in this life."


Green raised his hand timidly and asked:


"Does using blood power affect the spirit?"

"Then I have to eat every day..."

"Isn't it just using blood power every day?"

"Then I can't starve to death without eating..."


"There are many situations for using blood power."

Teacher Jordan patiently answered:

"According to the degree of use, it can be divided into passive use, active use and extreme use."

"What I'm talking about that will affect the wizard's path is the last one - extreme use."

"The first two will not have any negative effects." Instructor Jordan explained carefully,

"Your bloodline ability that can be used while eating is passive use."

"But if you take the initiative to use your bloodline abilities, you can eat more."

"And once you eat too much and actively use your bloodline ability for too long, you will reach the limit of use, which will consume your body's essence and affect your spirit. So, you should make your own assessment."


"Oh, this means that I can't eat too much at one time. I have to wait until digestion is completed before continuing to eat." Green thought in his mind:

"I understand, I understand..."

"It's just like eating a buffet on Aqua Blue Star. You can't stuff your stomach too full at once."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to get your money back, and you'll get a bad stomachache..."

"Eat slowly, digest while eating, eat for several hours, and use the toilet in the middle."

"This way you can get your money back and won't harm your body."



"The third piece of common sense I want to tell you is: any gain in power will come with a corresponding price."

"You can also understand that any gift from fate has a price behind it."

"This is a rule set by the great Balance of Truth, and it is also the basic logic of the equivalent exchange rules in our wizarding world."

Instructor Jordan continued,

"Like now, you pay resources in exchange for my teachings. This is an exchange of equal value."

"And the power of blood also follows this rule."


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