The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

$ Chapter 208: Lure the snake out of its hole (1)



"Lord Green ordered that it's getting late today, the convoy should stop immediately and set up camp to rest!"

A knight riding a tall horse with the blood of a different species of monster came from behind and shouted loudly.


"Tap tap tap..."

"Clatter clatter..."

All kinds of noises sounded in succession, human voices, horse noises, and carriage friction sounds...

This is a huge convoy with thousands of people, stretching for four or five miles. Hundreds of specially made double-horse carriages are connected end to end, driving majestically on the boulevard in the misty forest.

In the middle of the convoy, there is an extremely unique carriage pulled by four horses. At first glance, it is a noble carriage specially used to carry people of noble status.

Inside the wide carriage, Wizard Green is explaining something to several combat wizards under his command.


"Bruce Klin, mentor......."

"You said, at your age, why are you still following these young people to wade into this muddy water? You know how dangerous this mission is."

Wizard Green said with some worry. The battlefield is not a joke. Green does not want this respected mentor to have an accident.

"When I fight with several formal wizards, I won't have time to take care of you."


"Sir Green, I am not too old to lift a knife."

The white-haired mentor Bruce Klin is also over 120 years old, but at this moment he is like an old naughty boy, laughing heartlessly.

"I know you are thinking about my old bones, but I am not afraid."

"Isn't it just death at most? There are not many opportunities to fight with formal wizards!"

"I have never fought with formal wizards in my life. I must have fun this time. Sir Green, even if I encounter danger in this mission, you don't have to come to rescue me. Everything is based on completing the plan."

"Hehe, mentor, if you have experience fighting with formal wizards, you will not be alive now. Formal wizards at this level are all moving disasters. It is better for ordinary people not to die."

"Sir Green, you can rest assured to complete your mission. You don't have to worry about us. Even if we all die, we will definitely complete the established deployment."

At this point, what can Wizard Green do?

This is almost the end of the road. It's useless to regret it.

"That's it, take care of yourself, for your family, and for the Heart of Plants Academy. I also hope to see you return safely at the celebration."


The place where the convoy camped was a flat open space, and there was a small hotel gathering place next to it.

This road to heaven, which extends from the Heart of Plants Academy in the south of the Misty Coast to the capital of the Kingdom of Mortland, has been widened more than twice in the past 10 years. This foothold is also the closest to the secular world, and the area has been expanded seven or eight times.

But it still can't put down this huge convoy.

Yes, this convoy is the annual convoy that transports various types of knight series potion resources.

When Lord Green was still a wizard apprentice, there was a mission about the knight series potion resource convoy. That was Green's first large-scale mission, which was about counter-sniping against black wizards.

(For details, please see Chapters 113 to 136.)

The same road, the same resource convoy, the same mission purpose, but the people who carry out the mission are different.


Green's purpose is obvious. This is another black wizard anti-sniper mission.

Of course, the propaganda to the outside world is not like this. On the surface, Lord Green is rushing to attend the 300th birthday ceremony of Lord Orleans, the guardian wizard of the Kingdom of Mortland.

This is not to organize a convoy to transport potion resources. With the rapid expansion of the strength of the Heart of Plants Academy, the pursuit of interests is naturally getting bigger and bigger.

Because the best place for the wizard world of the Misty Coast to accumulate destiny is the endless desert area in the west of the Kingdom of Mortland, so the Kingdom of Mortland, which plays a central role, is particularly important.

Many wizard forces are very concerned about the development of the western desert world, and a lot of resources are invested in it. The interests involved are huge, and the Heart of Plants Academy naturally wants to share a little cake.

A week before the departure of the main force, a small diplomatic team was dispatched by the Heart of Plants Academy to convey the purpose of the Heart of Plants Academy:

Mr. Green will visit the Kingdom of Mottland to attend the 300th birthday banquet of Mr. Orleans. He will also meet with the senior officials of the Kingdom of Mottland to discuss the expansion of cooperation between the two forces and carry out the second resource convoy exchange activity in a year.



"This wizard Green has a big appetite."

"The development in the past 10 years has been booming, which makes people envious, but that is because Lord Joyce is backing him up."

A male wizard hidden in the shadows spoke sourly.

He looked at the resource convoy in the distance with red eyes and was obviously very unhappy.

"But what about now?"

"What does Green have? A formal wizard who has only been promoted for 10 years, he probably hasn't even mastered one or two formal wizard-level attack magics, right? Even so, he still wants to expand?"

"Who gave him the courage?"


"This is the case of a newborn calf not hitting a tiger. It's not surprising for a young genius. I've seen a lot of people like this, and they are all very arrogant."

An androgynous voice came from another shadow.

"Raiser, you were like this back then, weren't you? Your nose was upturned to the sky. If you hadn't suffered a beating from society in recent years, would you be so sour and vent your resentment here?"

"Damn bat, you still have the nerve to say that to me?"

"Back then, we were both among the top ten geniuses of the Misty Coast, but 200 years have passed. Look at what we have become?"

The resentment of the black shadow wizard Raiser grew.

"Everyone else has left this broken place and gone to big cities to pursue a better future. Only the two of us, one of us explored the secret realm and was cursed. We have been suffering for 200 years. The future is completely cut off. We can only pin our hopes on the next generation."

"The other one, for power, embarked on the path of worshiping evil gods and became a rat crossing the street that everyone cursed. Damn bat, it's not easy to hide in the vast ocean, right?"

"You were the number one target in the two encirclements of Lord Joyce. Even so, you were able to escape. I have to admire your ability to escape..."

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