Green did nothing these two days.

He just concentrated on organizing and planning the study plan for the next five months.

After moving all the textbooks back to the dormitory in several trips, Green went to the place in charge of logistics and miscellaneous affairs in the academy and received thirty notebooks and enough quill pens and ink.

Each apprentice will be issued a thick five-year teaching plan outline.

The outline...

will explain in detail the learning direction and learning goals of the apprentices in these five years, and also list the list of tutors and teaching progress plans for each course arranged by the academy in the first four years.


Green received the teaching outlines for the two subjects of Magic Plant Cultivation and Pharmacy.

Because there may be conflicts in the courses.

So Green had to compare the two outlines and mark the conflicting courses.

According to the importance and difficulty, the courses of the first two years were included in the preview plan for the next May.


Based on his previous learning level and the amount of learning evaluated by his tutor for each course, Green came to a conclusion:

If he wants to complete the scheduled May preview plan.

In the next five months, Green must maintain at least ten hours of study every day.

This is the result of Green's extremely compressed witchcraft practice time.

After Green calculated the result, he was numb.


Green lay quietly on the willow lounge chair at the door.

Looking at the blue sky and the wild geese flying freely.

Green wanted to fly freely in the vast sky like a bird.

"Hey, Green, what are you thinking about? You look so bad?"

A pleasant and crisp voice like a lark came.

"I'm going to die...ah...ah...ah..., I'm afraid I'll die suddenly if I study two subjects together..."

Green couldn't help but speak out his heart.

"Hehe... I didn't expect you to choose this path."

"Green, don't worry, it's no big deal."

"Your pain is temporary, but the torture is forever..."

The girl's laughter was as beautiful as spring...

But the words she said hit Green's heart.

Green came out of his depression. It was Ellie's voice.

Turning around, a bright smile bloomed on the windowsill on the fourth floor.

"Why, when did Ms. Ellie learn to speak like Oaks?"

Green was in a bad mood and didn't have so many scruples when he spoke. He mocked Ellie in return.

"I'm just trying to enlighten you. I'm taking your kindness for granted..."

"You've just started. I've been learning for more than half a year, and I'm not as desperate as you."

When Ellie heard this, her eyebrows were raised and she said very impolitely.

"Here, this is my own study plan and some learning experience."

"I know you must have chosen magic plant cultivation and pharmacy. Here are some references for you."

"Give it back to me next week!"

Aili used the witchcraft hand to hold three sheepskin notebooks and slowly landed on Green's head.


Suddenly the witchcraft dissipated, and the notebooks hit Green's forehead hard.


Aili turned around and closed the window.


Green rolled his eyes unhappily. I was lying here EMO, who did I offend?


Pick up the notebook, a fresh smell of ink, mixed with a faint scent of lilac flowers came to my face.

Green knew that Ali's favorite was lilac flowers.

Green didn't have the heart to be sad now, so he quickly put away the recliner and returned to the study room.

Carefully opening the notebook, Green read slowly word by word.

The notes were not written in the modern wizard language, but in the official language of the Kingdom of Mortland, which is also the most widely used language in the entire Misty Coast - Mortland Mandarin, so Green did not need to expend mental energy to read them.

But Green still read them very carefully.


After several hours, Green raised his head and moved his sore neck.

Green saw the gap. A huge gap...

Aili is indeed a super student ranked in the top three in the whole grade.

Not only did she complete the second five-year exam a year in advance, but she also previewed the courses of two subjects at the same time in these seven months.

Looking at the progress, Ellie has completed two years of courses.

The favor of the wizarding world not only gave her supreme beauty, but also first-class learning talent.

Comparing with the study plan made by Green himself, Green felt that he was just a scumbag, a scumbag who could not stand up to the stage.


Although he didn't want to owe a favor to Ellie, the arrogant ghost.

But in order to learn more smoothly and easily, Green still made changes according to Ellie's study plan from the heart.

In fact, it just shortened the time for understanding and practicing four low-level witchcrafts, and copied the rest exactly as they were...

How can scholars' work be called copying?

According to Green's old saying:

Chinese is called reference, mathematics is called analogy;

English is called COPY, geography is called migration;

Biology is called transcription, physics is called reference system;

Chemistry is called isomers, politics is called seeking common ground while reserving differences, and history is called cultural unity.

As Green thought about it, he became happy, and the air was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.


Today is a happy day, so let's celebrate it. Let's go to the restaurant.

Green came to the free dining area in the north area of ​​the first floor of the wizard tower.

He began to randomly select some lucky people who were ready to enter Green's stomach.

Today is just a small milestone in Green's own learning career.

He did not invite the two good brothers to celebrate together, after all, they are probably busy studying now.

Originally, Green had an extra amount of magic stones awarded by the academy.

His pockets were finally not empty, and he wanted to try the toll area.

I heard from Oaks that most of the delicacies in the toll area are made of magic plants and magic beasts that are beneficial to the practice of wizard apprentices, and the taste is richer.

But when I think of the huge amount of magic stones needed to learn to be a pharmacist.

Green decided to suffer first. As the old saying goes, it's bitter before sweet.

Only those who endure the bitterness can become the best!


Green faced the delicious food in front of him:

Half a crispy fried chicken, two Angus grilled steaks;

A small piece of grilled lamb chops, a small portion of caviar with foie gras;

A small piece of smoked pork, a medium cheese and tomato pizza;

A half-meter-long mist crystal shrimp, a sea-blue brown crab as big as Green's head;

A small plate of popcorn chicken with golden fries, a hot dog as thick as a baby's arm, and three glasses of ice-cold rye beer.

Green couldn't help but be moved to tears.

Immediately turned his grief and anger into appetite, devouring all the delicious food like a whirlwind.

For a long time...


Green burped loudly and long with satisfaction.

Obviously, Green was eating delicious food.


As a member of the Seven Towers Alliance, the overlord of the Misty Coast, the Plant Heart Wizard Academy enjoys a transcendent status in the entire Kingdom of Mottland.

These mundane delicacies were all tributed by the Kingdom of Mottland with the whole country's strength.

Even the chefs who cook these delicacies are from the long-standing royal chefs of the palace, or the chefs of the nobles in various places.

Although the entire Kingdom of Mortland is still at a production level similar to that of the Middle Ages.

But with the blessing of extraordinary power.

The food cooking in the wizarding world has developed a unique fantasy genre, mainly frying, roasting, and stewing in the fireplace.

Green dared to pat his bulging belly and guarantee that these delicacies are definitely not worse than the so-called three-star Michelin delicacies on Blue Star.

Of course, as for the higher five-star or even state banquets, Green can't compare.

Because Green has never had the opportunity to eat on Blue Star.


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