The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 144: Reunion after a long separation


Green was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

"Are we just catching up on old times here?"

"Maybe it's not suitable here. How about we go to the old place?"

"We can sit down and talk while eating..."

"I haven't seen you for so many years, I still miss you so much..."

Ellie looked around and said:

"This is my first time here, so I still want to take a good look here."

"How about we talk some other time?"

"Then forget it."

Green responded:

"Since you have just arrived and don't know the difficulty of this first-level guardian witchcraft, you should visit it first. I will also learn from the side. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

"Although I don't know much, I have been here to study for half a month, and I understand some basic things."


Green paused and then continued:

"Ellie, my path is different from yours."

"After becoming a 3-star pharmacist apprentice, I knew that my talent in pharmacy was not very good, so I chose another path - fighting wizard."


Ellie was a little surprised, with puzzlement and confusion written on her face.

"Green, aren't you the most stable in my memory?"

"You're still afraid of dark wizards. How could you even think of taking this path?"

"The spiritual bottleneck I broke through in the advanced wizard apprenticeship stage was the fear of the dark wizard. Now that I am standing here, it means that I have successfully defeated the shadow of fear of the dark wizard and am no longer afraid of battle and death."

"Ellie, you have been in seclusion for too long."

"It has been a long time since we have been disconnected. In fact, everyone is changing during this time, and so is the college. In just a few years, it seems that the world has changed a lot."

"As for more detailed changes, you need to discover them slowly."

"Okay, let's talk about these changes later. Studying is important. You study first. If you have any questions, call me."

Green took the initiative to disconnect the topic. Green, who had already experienced severe beatings from society, slowly grew up.

The two studied separately.

Green needs time and space to think and deal with his relationship with Ellie.


That night.

With Ellie's consent, Green called Oaks and Big.

The four of them relived every bit of their past student days together at the Beef Burger Shack on the first floor of the Wizard Tower.

Everyone has graduated four or five years ago, and they all have many shortcomings that they want to talk about.

Good friends who grew up and studied together are naturally the best people to confide in.

Big gave birth to a second child and complained about the various expenses of the child.

Child care fees, school uniform fees, and food expenses for older children are all prohibitively expensive.

The cost of milk, vaccines, and nutrition for the second child's mother are not small sums.

The low price of grain hurts farmers. Recently, major botanical gardens have had huge harvests. The prices of various magical crops have dropped a bit, and Big's income has also been cut by 10%.

The young Bigger now has a little bit of white hair, which shows how heavy the burden of life is.

Of course, Bigger's life is not only bitter, but also sweet.

Whenever he talks about the well-behavedness of his eldest daughter, the virtuous housekeeping of his wife, or the crumpled smiles of his newborn children, Biggie always has an unstoppable smile on his face...


As for Oakes, he has also improved during this time.

Hurrying slowly, he finally reached the bottleneck of the intermediate wizard apprentice.

But he has been very troubled recently. His spiritual bottleneck is like a hide-and-seek. Oaks has tried various methods but can't find it.

This is also a problem faced by most wizards.

Therefore, Oakes is considered to be stuck as an intermediate wizard apprentice.

This is also the reason why Oaks has so much time. Working overtime can no longer knock him down. Oaks has found a new girlfriend, who is also a combat wizard, a senior mid-level wizard.

Seeing Oaks' happy expression of affection, Green could only wish him good luck.

Combat wizards are not easy to mess with, let alone wizards who can adapt to various harsh environments. They often walk on the front line of life and death on the battlefield. Female combat wizards usually have more or less psychological problems.

This is what Captain Andre told Green.

Captain Andre also advised Green that if there is a chance, it is best to find a wife who works in college logistics.

For example: If you find a pharmacist wife, you can save a lot of magic stones for buying potions.

At the worst, you can find a demonized plant breeder as your wife. He is more patient, and most of them are gentle and considerate.

Never try to find a female battle wizard, as he himself is a living example.

No matter how much Greene didn't understand, he just told Oakes when he was toasting - he who knows the current affairs is a hero.


Ellie was quite relaxed at this party.

Nor did he neglect everyone because of the passage of time and the distance between him and his status.

Ellie, who has solved her inner demons, seems to be back to her former lively and cheerful self.

She also complained with everyone about the difficulties in refining potions. Whenever she overcomes difficulties, Ellie's hair always falls out in large quantities, which makes her very troubled.

At a young age, Ellie has already had some crisis of juvenile baldness, which forced her to devote some of her energy to studying how to maintain beautiful long hair.......

Ellie would often stay alone for a long time and feel bad........

But Ellie always managed to get out of trouble by herself.

Ellie enthusiastically introduced to everyone a pot of green iris and daffodils she raised, as well as a cute palace black silk cat.

Whenever she was unhappy, she would water the flowers and plants, weed, fertilize, and drink tea while petting the cat.

The bad mood would soon pass.


Green was not afraid of the stage either, and shared his wonderful "adventure" life with everyone cheerfully and generously.

Talking about the "unique" training of mentor Jordan, and the embarrassment of being chased by fireballs and washing the floor;

Talking about the annoying mosquitoes during the lurking training, which was an extreme test of patience;

Talking about the excitement and excitement of killing the black wizard for the first time, and the joy of removing the haze;

Talking about how to be powerful and beat the dog when it is down on the battlefield of millions of people;

Finally, I was lucky enough to get three great merits on the first large-scale mission and became a registered disciple of a formal wizard.

Of course, there are also the hardships and complaints of learning first-level witchcraft during this period.


Everyone who reunited after a long absence was a little drunk.

Everyone complained about their own lives together, and accepted other people's complaints together.

The company of friends seems particularly important at this moment.

Without any additional interests, I treat you well just because we are friends, friends who have known each other for more than 20 years.

We grew up together, I know what kind of person you are, and you also know my temper.

We are all dog-headed military advisors who can open their hearts, comfort each other, and help make plans.

Looking at the smiling faces in front of him, Green knew that he was not alone. These friends, including some mentors in the academy, were the marks of Green's existence in this world.

They were the shackles that Green could not give up.

For others, these might be burdens, encumbrances, and stumbling blocks that affected their freedom.

But for Green, these lovely people were the warmth of the world that Green would protect at all costs!

Green swore in his heart:

"I must become a formal wizard."

"Become the new pillar of the Heart of Plants, and become the guardian of the academy."

"Protect this beauty and warmth for a long time, forever and ever..."

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