Early the next morning, Ye Xuan covered his head and slowly sat up from the bed, yesterday was a little too indulgent, drinking and hangover, his head still hurt.

“Shhh” A soft voice sounded from Ye Xuan’s side, and hearing Ye Xuan was like being struck by lightning, he hurriedly looked back. Narose Yun was sleeping limply next to Yogen, the faint purple color on her body and the tear marks on her face all confirmed the madness of yesterday night.

Ye Xuan’s head was a little clouded, he didn’t know why he was confused and gave this high-ranking empress to hehe, but since it was already in place, he naturally wouldn’t make the trick of putting on his pants and not admitting it.

In fact, Nagase Yun has long woken up, but she doesn’t know how to face Yogen, if you want to ask her if she has a good impression of Yogen, the answer is yes, Yogen-un is not only young and handsome, but also famous in the ninja world, several times to save their mother and daughter in danger, Nase Yun secretly promised him is also a reasonable thing, otherwise he would not be alone to send the drunken Yogen-chan back to the bedroom, which is simply creating an opportunity.

“Hey,” Ye Xuan sighed, 983. The voice said softly. “I know you’re awake, get up.”

Naise Yunqiao blushed, sat up slowly, and said a little incoherently. “Yesterday, yesterday it was just a misunderstanding, you can act like nothing happened.”

“But it’s already happened, hasn’t it?” Ye Xuan sighed lightly.

Nagase Yun’s tears burst out of her eyes. “I know I don’t deserve you, I’m much older than you, I have a daughter, and as a king I can’t always be by your side. You don’t have to pay attention to me. ”

“Lord Empress, you are really a very good woman, you have political foresight and political skills that ordinary people do not have, you treat people sincerely, and you are also beautiful, it is really a blessing to be coveted by you, but Yexuan already has more than one confidante, and a thirteen-year-old daughter, if you are with me, you will really be wronged.” Yogengen looked into Nagase Yun’s eyes and said sincerely.

Hearing that Yogengen did not directly refuse, Nase Yun (CCBF) showed a hint of ecstasy in his eyes. “It’s okay, I don’t mind, I know I can’t be your woman in an honest way, I don’t want anything else, as long as you can take a little time to accompany me, I’ll be satisfied.”

“Ye Xuan He De how can he get such love from you.” Ye Xuan was a little moved, touched Nagase Yun’s hair, and said gently.

Feeling Ye Xuan’s tenderness, Nami finally couldn’t help it, and threw himself into Ye Xuan’s arms and cried. “You wronged family, I am already about to give up illusions about you, you want to appear to give me hope, I will die in your hands in this life, I can’t escape, I can’t escape.”

“Since you can’t escape, then don’t. Be my woman obediently. “Beauty is in your arms, and Ye Xuan’s heart is proud and rising.

Narose Yun lay gently in Yorugen’s arms. “As long as I hear your words, even if I am allowed to die now, I am willing.”


It may be the nature of a man or responsibility that prompted Yogen’s acceptance of Nagaseun, but in any case, the fates of these two people are already tightly linked. This is the most fatal weakness of Yexuan’s character, that is, he will never be able to harden his heart for women.

In the third pole of the day, the two got up and cleaned up, Nagase Yun did not dare to call the maid to help, for fear of exposing the relationship between the two, so that Qi Yue could not go to Konoha and Yogenjutsu to learn ninjutsu at ease, and now all of Nase’s hopes are pinned on Nase Qi Yue’s body, only when she is strong, the country of the moon can be even stronger.

Considerate and gentle like a wife to help Yogengen get dressed, the two of them sneakily walked out of the room, intending to go to the front hall, but just after crossing the corridor, they ran into Keitsuki Nase, who was like a tadpole looking for his mother.

“Where did you go to the Queen Mother? I’ve been looking for you all morning. Qi Yue’s beautiful eyes swirled suspiciously between Yexuan and Nagase Yun.

Ye Xuan was a little weak-hearted, but fortunately, Naise Qi Yue reacted and pretended to say calmly. “I’ll ask Mr. Yorugen to discuss the specifics of your plans to go to Konoha to practice, don’t I need to pay more attention to your daughter?”

“Yes, yes, Yun….the Empress is right, that’s it.” Ye Xuan was excited for a moment and almost called Sister Yun.

“Queen Mother, do you really agree with me to go to Konoha to practice? I may not come back for a long time. ”

“You are Niang’s heart, of course Niang hopes that you can become stronger in the future, and the country of this month will be handed over to you in the future, don’t let Niang down, Mr. Yexuan will definitely take good care of you, right?” Nagase Yun squinted at Ye Xuan with a pair of Danfeng eyes, with an inexplicable meaning in it.

“That’s natural, Lord Empress rest assured, I will definitely take great care of Qi Yue, I have not been able to teach her well all these years, and I also feel guilty in my heart.” Ye Xuan hurriedly assured, that attitude is called a sincerity, and he almost wrote a letter of guarantee.

“Qi Yue, you go and pack up, today everyone has a day off, go out to buy the items that can be used on the road, leave tomorrow, go to the Mist Ninja Village, I will also go to see this old friend.” Ye Xuan said with a faint smile.

When Qi Yue’s figure disappeared, Nagase Yun softly attached to Ye Xuan’s body. The voice said coquettishly. “It is rumored that the five generations of Water Shadow Zhao Mei are the first beauty in the country of water, and you Merry Seed will not want to provoke people.”

“Of course not, I promise.” Ye Xuan smiled sarcastically.

“I’m leaving tomorrow, so you should take care of me vigorously today.” Squinting his eyes gently, Nagase bit Yogen’s ear and exhaled like a lan.

This is what fascinates Nagase Yun, when facing business, he can become shrewd and strong, and he is extremely holy, but when facing Yexuan, he is always provoked, and he can’t wait to hold him down and bring him to justice. _

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