“Legend has it that the reflection reflected on the sea level is the world where the supreme sea god lives, and at this time of year the sea god sends his messengers to the sea to find servants, eat their dirty flesh, and then let their purest souls go to the world of the sea god to guard the sea god for the rest of his life. We can’t run. The ship boss said tremblingly.

“Nonsense.” Akai on the side pouted disdainfully.

Ordering the nine little ones to leave the edge of the ship, Yogengen led Akai and Kakashi to look down at the sea, and sure enough, there was a huge black shadow under the water, which seemed to be moving with the movement of the ship, and judging by how shaking the boat was, the beast had already begun to attack them.

“I’ll go.” Akai screamed and jumped off the sea level, and the monster saw that someone had entered the water and finally revealed its figure. When this black shadow gradually surfaced, everyone discovered that this so-called water monster turned out to be a huge squid that was 100 meters long.

“Konoha Great Wind.”

Akai kicked the squid’s body, but the squid, a cartilaginous animal, was not only soft, but also full of slippery mucus, and the power of this kick was easily removed.

“Oops.” Without a kick, Akai’s body fell and was grabbed fiercely by one of the squid’s tentacle 000 horns, unable to move.

Tentacle monster, that is how many men’s dreams, but there is a big man tied to Akai, which makes people look awkward.

After catching Akai, the squid will send him to his mouth. This monster almost scared Akai into peeing with a mouth, and the big mouth of this squid was slowly full of suckers and barbs, and if it was eaten, it would definitely die worse than Kakashi’s father.

“Breaking the Wind and Breaking the Crescent Heavenly Rush”

As soon as Yogengen pulled out his knife, a crescent-shaped knife qi cut off the tentacles that bound Akai, and Kakashi on the side jumped up long ago and saved Akai.

“Teacher, this thing is a bit evil, or I will try it with illusion?” Red said thoughtfully on the side.

“Stop kidding.” Hong’s words almost made Yo Xuan laugh. “Do you ask if this thing has a walnut brain and uses illusion? They don’t even have the most basic consciousness, only instincts as creatures, illusions? What did you conjugate? Conjuring up a female squid? ”

“So what to do?” Sunset’s pretty face flushed with a flush.

The three of you protect these little guys, and I’ll deal with this squid.” As soon as Yexuan’s words fell, he jumped up, using Chakra’s method of treading water, as if walking on the sea level.

This monster has also basically surfaced the water, and the part that Ye Xuan saw alone is not at all smaller than the body of a tailed beast, and more than ten huge tentacles are swinging back and forth, which is particularly oozing.

Ye Xuan’s eyes froze, although this kind of monster will not extract and check, but with this amazing physical quality alone, the attack power on the sea surface will definitely not be inferior to the tail

“True Immortal Mode”

With the idea of a quick victory, in the night True Immortal mode, a fairy jade flew into his hand and spun rapidly.

“True Immortal Fairy Ball Path Jade Spiral Shuriken”

With a swoosh, the pitch-black fairway jade spiral shuriken flew towards the huge monster, as an animal’s instinct to perceive danger, this squid hurriedly blocked all the tentacles in front of him, but this was of no use. The fairway jade is a yin and yang that is superior to all blood stains condensed by the five series of chakra, which can decompose everything in the world, and the tentacles look powerful, but when it touches the fairway jade, the spiral shuriken is like ice and snow melting, and it is instantly decomposed. With a spiral shuriken attack completely stopped, the poor sea monster was left with a bare body.

“Breaking the wind is extremely groundbreaking”

Ye Xuan infiltrated suddenly more and more into the sky, the peerless enchanting knife soared dozens of zhang, slashed down fiercely, this tentacle monster that lost its tentacles, with a wail, was cut off by Ye Xuan in two.

“My God, is this the true strength of Teacher Yexuan?” Akai and Xi Rihong and the nine little guys behind the three looked at (CCBF) Ye Xuan with great power, and their eyes were about to burst out of their eyes.

Kakashi chuckled and said lightly with adoration. “Teacher Yexuan’s strength is more than that.”

When everyone thought that the sea monster incident was over perfectly, a strange cry slowly came up from the bottom of the sea, becoming clearer and clearer. Ye Xuan’s heart was shocked, and he hurriedly jumped back into the boat, shouting sharply. “Leave the boat and get out of here immediately.”

I forgot one of the most important things, the more powerful the creature in the ocean, the more sensitive it is to the smell of blood, such a powerful creature is killed by Ye Xuan, his blood will definitely attract more sea beasts to devour, although the body of the squid is large, but it is not able to withstand the number of these sea beasts, listening to the sound just now, it is best to have thousands of heads, a squid is definitely not enough, then their boat is the best appetizer dessert.

By the time everyone wanted to leave, it was already night, a whirlpool rose from the bottom of the sea, and countless black shadows desperately swam to the squid that Ye Xuan had killed just now, greedily devouring the corpse of the dead squid, and under the sensitive perception of the immortal mode, Ye Xuan found that while devouring the squid, this group of sea beasts had begun to pay attention to their ship.

“Captain of the ship, now drive away immediately, leave the back alone.” Ye Xuan looked coldly at the dark sea level and thousands of sea beasts rolling in the sea, although they had different shapes, none of them were familiar species to Ye Xuan, and the enemies who did not understand were the most terrifying, which Ye Xuan knew better than anyone.

“Teacher Yexuan, what are you going to do?” Akai asked a little anxiously.

“After I come to break you, you are on the boat, remember to protect the children.” Ye Xuan’s voice was very soft, as if if it would disturb these sea overlords if it was even a little louder.

“Then I’ll be with you, Yorugen-sensei.” Akai stepped to Ye Xuan’s side and said in a firm voice.

Kakashi on the side pulled Akai back. “Your physical skills can play too little role in the water, and the red illusion is also, you protect the children on the boat, after I broke off with Yogen-sensei, I am a thunder ninja, and thunder is the strongest in the water.”

“Get out of the way for Lao Tzu.” Ye Xuan scolded with a smile. “It’s not life and death, if you want to help me, run quickly, when I see you running away, naturally I won’t fight with them, go back to chase you, it’s not convenient to take you, all go.”

The three of Akai took a deep look at Ye Xuan, nodded, and deeply blessed everything carefully.

Seeing that the body of the squid had been devoured, these sea beasts had already looked at the ship, Ye Xuan’s figure jumped up, jumped to the surface of the sea, and faced thousands of sea overlords alone, a vicious fight, on the verge of breaking out. _

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