Outside the office building, Akai, Red and Kakashi were all anxiously waiting for Yogengen to come out, and as soon as they saw Yogengen coming out of the office building, the three of them rushed up impatiently.

“Teacher, is it true that the ferret can’t come back?” Red obviously cried for a long time, and her eyes were red and red.

Ye Xuan nodded helplessly.

Hearing this answer, Hong finally couldn’t bear it anymore and cried again. Akai on the side was also dejected, and even his oily black hair became dull.

“Kakashi, in the future, the dark part will be taken care of by you, don’t let down my hopes for you.” Yorugen gently patted Red’s shoulder and turned back to Kakashi and said.

Kakashi was obviously not in the state, and he didn’t even seem to hear Yogengen talking to him, just nodded perfunctorily and saluted and retreated.

“Don’t cry, Red, you trust the teacher, one day the teacher will bring the weasel back intact.” Yogen-chan softly comforted the weeping Sunset Red and the listless Akai.

Whether it is Red or Akai, or the ferret who has defected, there is an almost blind worship of Yexuan, for Yexuan’s words, they have never doubted, hearing Yexuan say this, a glimmer of hope rose in Akai and Hong’s eyes, and nodded heavily. 983


No matter how the people in the village talk about Yegen, they also have to admit that the reason why Konoha is still called the number one ninja village is that nine times out of ten is because of the name that Yaxuan has made outside in recent years, otherwise with a dying three generations of Hokage, Konoha Village will not be able to maintain this position anyway, whether the strength of a ninja village is strong enough, the vast majority of the reasons still depend on the number of strong people at the peak of this ninja village.

In any case, Itachi has defected, and it doesn’t matter if Yorugen let go of it too much, Kakashi has great respect for Yorugen, and the day after serving as the acting minister of the dark ministry, a gag order was issued throughout the city, and whoever went to discuss the matter of Itachi’s defection again, he would be expelled directly from Konoha Village and would never return.

Of course, about these, Ye Xuan no longer cares, and he doesn’t want to care, because he is already on his way to the land of ghosts, no matter how strong Ye Xuan is and how arrogant, he is still a flesh-and-blood person, Ye Xuan, homesick.

Coming to the country of ghosts, there have been earth-shaking changes here, no longer the desolation of the past, and even faintly have the appearance of a big city, these are expected by Yexuan, in the past, the country of ghosts was poor, mostly because there were often thieves on the nearby mountains coming down to “fight the autumn wind”, and now the country of ghosts has a water gate to guard, not to mention the small thieves, even if the ninja brigade comes to attack, you have to weigh whether you are qualified enough.

Returning to the witch hall, at the door of the hall, a little girl about seven or eight years old, who looked as exquisite as a porcelain doll, was playing, and Ye Xuan recognized at a glance that it was his daughter who was dreaming of Twilight, the night sword god Ziyuan.

“Ziyuan, Dad is back.” Ye Xuan three steps together. I wanted to hug Ziyuan, but I didn’t expect that Ziyuan had just seen Yexuan’s figure, and tears flowed out of her eyes. “Bad dad, bad dad, I’ll come back to see Ziyuan in a few days, you don’t count as words.”

Yoro choked and held her daughter in her arms. “Dad is wrong, Dad is sorry for you, Ziyuan, can you forgive Dad.”

“Why did Ziyuan cry? Who dares to bully the goddaughter. A nice female voice came out of the store. A red-haired Jiu Xinnai appeared in front of Ye Xuan’s eyes.

“Jiu Xinnai, long time no see. How have you been lately? Ye Xuan hugged Ziyuan and asked softly with a smile.

Who knew that Jiu Xinnai first wiped his eyes to confirm that he was not mistaken, and then turned around and shouted at the house. “Oh, Maitreya, you are coming out, your man is dead.”

When he said this, he almost gave Ye Xuanlei a big heel.

Inside the house, a figure stumbled out and saw Ye Xuan’s face, Maitreya covered his mouth, closed his eyes vigorously, and then opened them again, as if (ccbf) was afraid that all this was an illusion.

Three years have not seen, Maitreya out of the fall more beautiful, has become a mother Maitreya not only the figure is not out of shape, but the skin is more tender and fair, in three years, Maitreya from a girl to a mature woman, that temperament even Yexuan was deeply attracted.

“Yexuan, is it really you? You’re back? Maitreya’s voice trembled a little.

There was a gentle smile at the corner of Yexuan’s mouth. “Well, I’m back, Maitreya, I miss you so much.”

Maitreya threw himself into Yexuan’s arms fiercely, and the family of three hugged together, and the scene was very warm.

“By the way, what about Watergate? I haven’t seen him for half a day since I came back. Ye Xuan sat on the chair with Ziyuan in his arms and asked softly. Originally, Maitreya let Ye Xuan put down the Aster, and the Ye Xuan dust servant just came back, Maitreya wanted him to take a good rest, but helplessly Ziyuan was like beating chicken blood, and he hugged Ye Xuan’s neck and didn’t let go, just when Ye Xuan hadn’t hugged the little Ziyuan enough, Maitreya went with them.

“The third stage of Watergate’s cultivation of the Flying Thunder God in the back mountain is said to have recently gained some eyebrows, and I want to complete my cultivation as soon as possible, and then help you fight against that so-called mysterious organization together. During this time, he has been arguing about what is not the fire shadow, the time is not busy, and he must not fall behind in cultivation, and he doesn’t want to be compared to you when he is a senior brother. Jiu Xinnai rolled her eyes and said.

“It’s also thanks to Big Brother Watergate, since Big Brother Watergate came to the country of ghosts, those bandits don’t dare to come anymore, and the economy of the country of ghosts is now better than before, I don’t know how much.” Maitreya also said gently with a smile.

Jousinnai smiled and said to Maitreya. “Don’t say that, you can take in our husband and wife, although it is for the sake of Yexuan’s face, but it is also a great favor for us, and Watergate can only repay your kindness to us in case, which is what he should do.”

“Okay, don’t be pretentious, who are we with whom, I grew up with Watergate, there is no money to eat, a bowl of ramen is divided into two portions, it’s all a family, don’t say two words.” Ye Xuan waved his big hand and said shamelessly.

Greeting Ye Xuan were Maitreya and Jiu Xinnai’s two big white eyes.

“At noon, I’ll go and deliver food to Watergate, Ziyuan, help Dad get two bottles of wine, and Dad and your Uncle Watergate have two drinks.” Ye Xuan said to Ziyuan in his arms with a smile.

“It’s not Uncle Watergate, it’s Watergate Godfather.” Ziyuan corrected in a milky voice.

“Why, you are allowed to recognize our son as a godfather, and I am not allowed to recognize your daughter as a goddaughter.” Looking at Ye Xuan’s strange eyes, Jiu Xinnai said unconvinced.

Ye Xuan thought about it, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. “your husband, who recognizes your son as a godfather, is it good that your son recognizes me as a godfather.” _

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