Chapter 21: Mjolnir

Hearing Ye Xuan’s instructions, Toad Yue hurriedly retreated, widening the distance between him and Shouhe.

“Immortal Thunder Mystery Thunder God Hammer”

I saw that behind Ye Xuan, a blue-purple giant figure with a sledgehammer composed of thunder attribute Chakra appeared out of thin air, unexpectedly taller than Shouhe’s real body.

“Lying groove, Xiao Yexuan, what kind of ninjutsu is this, it’s a little overbearing, I’ve never seen it before.” Looking at the Chakra giant holding a giant hammer emitting thunder light, majestically holding against Shouhe, Toad Yue asked with a look of horror.

At this time, Yogen-hyun did not have the energy to deal with Toad Yue, this trick was invented by him for a long time through Susanoo, but it was only barely used for half a minute with the support of the Taigami Induction Chapter and the Immortal Chakra. Now he is under great pressure and has to endure a lot of pain when he moves.

“Sick” Ye Xuan drank fiercely, endured the severe pain and left Toad Yue’s body, jumped up, and jumped above the head of Chakra Thunder.

“It’s so painful, it seems that if you want to use this trick well in the future, not only must the amount of Chakra be large enough, but also exercise your physical fitness well.”

“Quick fix.” Ye Xuan’s gaze froze, his strength was limited now, and he simply could not control this move for a long time. Just want a quick victory and wake up Garyuro as soon as possible.

“Senfa Thunder God Chidori”

Ye Xuan and the Thunder God under his feet sealed together, and almost in the blink of an eye, a thunder ball composed of the ultimate thunder attribute Chakra appeared on one of Thor’s free hands, and it emitted a sound like thousands of birds chirping.

That’s right, this move is the fame stunt of the two pillars in the previous life, Chidori Flow. Yexuan himself liked this trick, and with the help of Chakra, who also has thunder attributes, he developed this trick a few years ago. But this is the first time this move has been released through Thor. Ye Xuan also had some drumming in his heart.

But now there is no time to think about this, I have to defeat the monster in front of me, there is no other choice. If he can’t stand it, he will die against Chiyo on the side, and the current water gate is not his peak, and he can only barely tie with Chiyo, who is holding a crowd of ten people in Kimmatsu, and he can’t resist the siege of Moritsuru and Chiyo.

While fighting, Watergate looked at Ye Xuan’s new ninjutsu in shock, and a huge wave was set off in his heart. “What an amazing Chakra, Yogen, what kind of monster are you.” Thinking about it, Watergate’s face became more warlike, and the attack was much fiercer.

“Ye Xuan, you have improved so much, Senior Brother must work hard, otherwise he will be left behind by you.”


“Lying groove, pain and pain” As soon as the thunder god Chidori was released, there was an unbearable sharp pain on Yexuan’s hand, and now this thunder god at Yexuan’s feet seems to be part of Yexuan’s body, and the part that controls Thunder God’s hand to release Chidori is Yexuan’s unbearable right hand. Although Ye Xuan usually pays attention to exercise, and the immortal mode also greatly improves his physical fitness, it is still not enough to see in front of such a huge Chakra.

It’s troublesome to say, but in fact, everything happened only in the blink of an eye, and the thunder god under Yexuan’s feet rushed to Shouhe, how fast is the thunder? Ye Xuan didn’t know. But what Yorugen knew was that Shouhe would definitely not be able to dodge his attack.

“Wind Refining Air Bomb”

Seeing that he couldn’t dodge, Shouhe had to launch an attack in an attempt to force Yo Xuan back, but Ye Xuan was determined to cut him. Don’t dodge at all. Let the refining bullet hit Thor’s body.

“I can bear it, this trick can’t hurt me” For some reason, in the face of this high-density wind attribute Chakra ball that was still fearful just now, Yexuan at this moment had unprecedented confidence. Sure enough, this move hit Thor, only dimming its color a little, and did not reduce the momentum of Thor’s attack in the slightest.

“Not good, Guardian Crane Shield”

It is worthy of being a tailed beast, and in the face of Ye Xuan’s attack, Shouhe is panicked. Quickly froze, the yellow sand under his feet seemed to be alive, forming a huge sand wall, as if he wanted to isolate the attack of the Thunder God at Ye Xuan’s feet.

However, this is of little use.

This hard-looking sand wall, like tissue paper, was penetrated by the thousand birds in Thor’s hands, and Shouhe could not dodge, he could only desperately avoid the point, and his shoulder was fiercely penetrated.

“Zizizi” Shouhe’s body was covered by thunder light, trembling madly like dancing, rubbing and rubbing, step by step like a minion, like the steps of the devil…

“Lying groove, he didn’t wake up, can’t you electrocute him?” Ye Xuan still underestimated the defensive power of the Shouhe, the title of the strongest shield did not come in vain, although he had just broken free from the seal, and his strength had not fully recovered, but the shield of the Shouhe still offset most of the power of the Thunder God Chidori , and Garyuro was under his protection and was not awakened.

“Then continue” Ye Xuan is also Wang Ba eating scales – iron heart. An over-the-shoulder fall threw Shouzuru, whose body had not yet recovered, violently.

“Immortal Thunder Escape Mystery Hammer of Annihilation”

The thunder god at the foot of Yexuan jumped high, the giant hammer in his left hand carried dazzling thunder light, and the originally clear sky was also covered by dark clouds, and the thunder rolled.


Ye Xuan drank violently, swung his sword and chopped, and the thunder god also imitated Ye Xuan’s movements, and the giant hammer in his hand smashed fiercely towards the Shouhe lying on the ground, and a thunder pillar connecting heaven and earth fell firmly on his body in the terrified eyes of Shouhe.

“No, I’m not willing.”

In the sharp mournful roar of the Shouhe, the body that was originally called the Absolute Shield was smashed by the hammer of Yexuan. After the smoke, only Garurio, who was unable to move and covered in blood, was left on the ground.

Ye Xuan originally wanted to make up for a hammer, but helplessly, Chakra overdrawn. Immortal mode disappeared with Thor, and the free-falling Yexuan glanced expectantly in the direction where Toad Yue was, but Toad Yue had exhausted Chakra and returned to Miaomu Mountain.

“Heaven Death Me” At this time, the night Xuan Chakra was exhausted, no different from an ordinary person, and the height of more than thirty meters was definitely enough to fall to death.

Just when Ye Xuan was desperate, a golden light flashed, and when he came back to his senses, he was already lying in the arms of the water gate.

Well, that’s right, princess hug, very basic posture….

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