The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 333 Difficulty

"That's Senior Zhuan Lun!"

"Sure enough, he is handsome! I heard that he was born as an alchemist and later learned formations. He is a very remarkable person. And his Taoist partner is our Senior Sister Pei! Wow, they are really a couple of gods!"

"Why do you think Pei Ning came to our house to become our disciple? I heard that Senior Zhuan Lun is actually Gu's concubine in private... Pei Ning was not tolerated by Gu, so she came to the ancestor. The ancestor loved her for her extraordinary talent, and Senior Zhuan Lun asked for help everywhere, so he became our disciple!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Senior Zhuan Lun is as kind as spring breeze, and treats us well. He is a warm and kind person. Yesterday, Junior Sister Yang met him by chance and asked him how to make pills. He taught her carefully and praised her for her extraordinary talent. He allowed her to ask questions whenever she had any questions! How could such a handsome and gentle person be someone else's lover? Senior Sister, you have a dirty mind! "

"Why would I lie to you? I think you are stupid. He is just trying to please you, but you are aroused? How do you look compared to Pei Ning? Besides, Zou Mi, the Yuanying of Shoutian Pavilion, chased Senior Zhuanlun for 20,000 miles because of his extraordinary beauty. He just wanted to spend a night with him, but Senior Zhuanlun thought Zou Mi was vulgar and was unwilling to bend over. This... It's all known to everyone!"

"Everyone knows? I don't think so, it's just a rumor! You people are just jealous of others' talents!"

"Hehe, why are you angry? I'm telling you the truth, which is written in Senior Zhuanlun's Journey to the North! Also, there's news from the front line that when the army pressed to Wanshou Mountain, Zou Mi personally went out to scold Senior Gu and told him not to...have the face...and even asked where Senior Zhuanlun was! Why would a high-ranking Yuanying cultivator care about a Jindan beginner? Hehe, so many people are watching, you can't lie!"

"You're lying, I heard that it was Senior Zhuanlun who stole the treasure of Shoutian Pavilion, There is a reason. Is this true? Where can I buy the Journey to the North? "

"Only the Wan Gu Tang of the Dugu family has it, but it is in short supply and the price is not low. There are also two volumes, the inner and outer volumes. The outer volume is about the customs and geography of various places, the cultural specialties, and the inner volume has many secrets, and there are pictures as matching... Tsk tsk tsk, Senior Zhuan Lun is really a romantic figure, even the barbarians from outside the domain are not spared..."

"...Impossible! I know Dugu Tong, I will go ask..."

The two of them muttered for a long time, glanced at Senior Zhuan Lun who was teaching his beloved disciple from a distance, and did not greet him, but turned to Wan Gu Tang to buy the Journey to the North.

Lin Bai came to Daoyin Sect, and he didn't have much burden on him. He either chatted with Pei Ning, met friends everywhere, or preached the Dharma all day long.

The two disciples were not idle either. I don't know what they were plotting with Dugu Jing, and they were nowhere to be seen all day.

Lin Bai was afraid that the two disciples would miss their practice, so he found the three of them and taught them a good lesson.

"Miao Miao, you are not allowed to walk around anymore, don't tell me you are meeting friends! And Xiao Yu'er, you are here to practice, not to fish all day!"

Lin Bai acted like a strict teacher, with his hands behind his back, "Go to seclusion! From now on, Dugu Jing will serve me!"

"Yes." The three girls agreed obediently.

Seeing Miaomiao was hesitant to speak, Lin Bai poked her forehead and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Master, the Journey to the North has been sold everywhere recently and is selling very well, but..." Miaomiao took a deep breath and whispered, "But someone pirated it and made some inner volume of the Journey to the North, falsely claiming that it was made by Master, and there are many romantic words!"

"..." Lin Bai had a headache and said, "Romantic? How romantic are they?"

"It is said that Master once captured Xia He from Shoutian Pavilion, played with her and then released her. It is also said that Master seduced Senior Bi from Jiuzha Mountain, as if he was there in person. It is also said that Master was loved by Zou Mi from Shoutian Pavilion, and chased her thousands of miles just for a night of pleasure... The picture is so real." Miaomiao whispered.

"Check! Go check!" Lin Bai was tired, "You go find Mo... Forget it, he is preparing for his wedding, go find Dugu Yan and Shen Qiyun!"

As he spoke, Lin Bai arranged more than a dozen pill bottles, obviously not letting the horse lack grass!

Miaomiao and Jiangyu received the order, and immediately signed the military order, and went there happily.

"Alas, the world has misled me so much!" Lin Bai sighed, and took Dugu Jing to Wangu Mountain, and found the old man Dugu Hao.

Lin Bai's flying knife was destroyed, so he went to Dugu Hao as soon as he arrived at Daoyin Sect.

Now four months have passed, and Lin Bai naturally wants to see the progress.

"No hurry." Dugu Hao looked even older, with a big beard. He took out a flying knife to show Lin Bai, and explained: "You have too many flying knives to make, and it will take another two or three months. Besides, all kinds of materials are now going to your Qiaoshan. Not only are the prices high, but it is also difficult to collect them."

The materials of this batch of flying knives were carefully discussed by Lin Bai and Dugu Hao. They did not need to carry the meaning of earth fire, so they did not use blue flame red crystal stones.

Although Lin Bai has not realized the sword intention that suits him, he has actually walked out of his own path, which is to use the flying knife to carry his own life-defining magical power, that is, the reincarnation and death of the dead wood cicada, and the method of rotating time.

Therefore, he chose to use Qingxian refined iron, taking the path of pure quality and sharpness.

Qingxian iron is hard to come by, and most of it is associated with spiritual stone mines, and the output is very low. And the purest Qingxian refined iron is even more difficult to find, and the price is needless to say.

Previously, two batches of flying knives were made, each with 108, plus various auxiliary spiritual materials, totaling 3,000 to 4,000 top-grade.

Old man Dugu Hao has not yet quoted a price, but Lin Bai thinks it should be doubled. However, Lin Bai is not worried, this time Shoutian Pavilion Xia Fenyi will treat him.

Lin Bai took over a sample of the forged flying knife, which was heavy in his hand. After careful examination, he felt that it was pure and sharp.

"The old man is worthy of being a master of refining!" Lin Bai praised immediately.

Seeing this, Dugu Hao stroked his beard complacently and said, "I have been immersed in this art for nearly five hundred years. The master once asked me to forge a sword for him!"

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Bai finally asked the price.

"Hey, you and I are not outsiders, and Jing'er is learning under your knees. How can I accept your spiritual stone for such a trivial matter?" Dugu Hao said tremblingly.

Lin Bai was deeply moved when he saw how sincere he was, and he couldn't let his efforts go in vain.

The two argued for a long time, but Dugu Hao was very determined, and finally only accepted a thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

Lin Baiqing knew that he had taken advantage of him, so after taking Dugu Jing back to Yushan Mountain, he specially taught the child some formation techniques.

Dugu Jing is indeed talented in formations, and he can also keep his composure, which is a bit like Gu Yao's stupidity back then.

However, Gu Yao was ruthless and dared to fight to the death. She almost died in Mianlong Mountain back then. Dugu Jing had never been in a battle. Although Lin Bai was always there to remind him, he still lacked experience.

A few days later, Miaomiao, Duguyan and others escorted a person to find Lin Bai, saying that they had found the person who stole the inner volume of Travels to the North.

She is still a woman. When asked, the person's background was not small. He said that he had received the order from Fairy Shen Yu. He also said that Huang Ruhua was responsible for the Fengyue incident and that he had obtained scriptures at Longmenfang.

When Lin Bai saw someone taking out the fairy's token tail hair, he had no choice but to teach him a lesson, so he scolded him and let him go.

"Other people's Nascent Soul high cultivators are either meditating in caves, or planning shocking events in private, but they just don't care about it all day long! They obviously have the face of a real wife, but they only do the dirty things that concubines do!"

Lin Bai cursed secretly in his heart for a while, but he could not lose face in front of his apprentice. He forced a smile and said: "Fairy loves me. This is to urge me to practice wholeheartedly and not to disturb my mood due to foreign affairs! Fairy is really well-intentioned!" "

Jiang Yu and Dugu Jing suddenly realized, Miao Miao nodded absently.

After driving away his apprentice, Lin Bai practiced quietly.

After coming to Tao Yin Sect, Lin Bai first put aside the method of Hunyuan body tempering, and apart from socializing, he devoted himself to improving his realm.

Another month later, Mo Yingcheng and Li Wusheng's marriage came as scheduled.

Generally speaking, most monks don't talk about this. Even if they form a Taoist couple, they only invite their friends to drink.

However, things are different, and some people do things as grandly as ordinary couples. Such as Yang Shu and Gai Yingqiu. Although Gai Yingqiu pursued them to the death, it was also because Gai Chengfei became the head of the Tianchi Sect.

This is an act of marriage, and it is also a means for the Yang family to recruit the Gai family and stabilize the Gai family.

Of course, although Yang Shu still misses Gu Feixue now, he and Gai Yingqiu are in harmony with each other, and Gai Yingqiu even goes to Miaomiao to buy Tiger Wolf Pills.

The same is true for the marriage between Mo Yingcheng and Li Wusheng.

They were already in love with each other before, but because of Li Wusheng's great promise, Taoist Lihuo refused to let him go, and Chen Tianren couldn't even beg him.

But now that Jiuzhe Mountain was involved in the Northern Expedition by Qiaoshan, Taoist Lihuo couldn't deal with the internal affairs of Jiuzhe Mountain, so he threw Li Wusheng out and introduced Chen Tianren as a foreign aid.

Although Chen Tianren didn't want to care about other family matters, he agreed because he could get a daughter-in-law for free.

This matter was a grand event between Daoyin Sect and Jiuzhe Mountain. Chen Tianren personally came forward, and Taoist Lihuo from Jiuzhe Mountain also showed his face.

The two Nascent Souls are in perfect harmony.

Taking advantage of this nonsense, Jing Sihui approached Lin Bai.

Jing Situi was quite tired, "At the same time, I have to worry about my junior sister's affairs, and at the same time, I have to suppress the noise inside the door, and I can't miss even half of the supplies. It's really difficult!"

Like Mo Yingcheng, he was a master who didn't care too much and the apprentice shouldered the burden. Mo Yingcheng had Chen Tianren's full support, but there were many factions in Jiuzhe Mountain, and Jing Sixui was tortured to a terrible state.

The two chatted for a while, talking about the war in the north.

Now that the Northern Expedition army is pressing down on the territory, Shouting Pavilion has shrunk its front line and strengthened its walls to clear the country. One is guarding Wanshou Mountain, with Kong Shu and other newly arrived San Yuan Ying as its anchor; the other is guarding Heifeng Mountain, with Xia Yufeng and Huo Taiping as its anchor.

The two places are thousands of miles apart, almost at arm's length.

The Northern Expedition army was originally divided into three groups, but there were no obstacles along the way. After arriving at the place, Qiaoshan Yang and Gu Yuanying confronted Wanshou Mountain, while Jiuzheshan Yan Qingfeng and Du Jueming attacked Heifeng Mountain.

Jiang Xingchi gave an overview of the Northern Expedition. Wanshou Mountain was besieged but not attacked. Now he only uses troops in Heifeng Mountain.

"Any news about junior brother?" Jing Si retreated to inquire with Lin Bai.

Where is the news from Lin Bai? Although as soon as the battle reports from the front reached Qiaoshan, Gu Yao came again, but there was no big news.

I heard that the two sides fought several times, but Jin Dan always ended up with wins and losses, and both sides are still testing.

"I am now a savage in the world." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Junior brother is independent and has a lot of leisure. It can be seen that Patriarch Gu loves junior brother very much." Jing Si retreated.

Lin Bai was about to nod, but saw Jing Si retreating with a smile on his face.

"Senior brother, rumors stop with the wise." Lin Bai's face darkened.

Jing Sixui stopped laughing and said: "Although the Northern Expedition army is huge now, if you look closely, we are working hard for the Northern Expedition, and the Shoutian Pavilion has the remains of the gods, so the protective formation cannot be broken easily. And although people say Yuan There are fewer Yinggaoxiu, but there are also many talents underneath.”

"What do you mean, senior brother?" Lin Bai asked.

"Junior brother has been cultivating in the Jiang family and is loved by Senior Jiang. I wonder what Senior Jiang thinks?" Jing Situi was quite worried, "In this battle, I, Jiuzhe Mountain, followed Qiao Mountain and pressed forward. I can't retreat. But to I don’t know where the ancestor is, how to fight this battle?”

"Senior brother," Lin Bai also smiled bitterly and said, "I am free here, how can I know this?"

"Senior Gu, has there been any news?" Jing Sihui nodded his head and said, "There are quite a few people in Jiuzhe Mountain who don't agree with this matter. They are making a big fuss, and there is no sound of victory from the front. It's really difficult. Maintain, there are actually people clamoring to separate the family, and now there is a shortage of manpower and supplies. The old people of Zhou Huishan and various Nascent Soul Sect families are sitting and watching, unwilling to end, and Qiaoshan is empty... I am very worried. "

Lin Bai has never been a householder, so he doesn't know the hardships faced by others. But if you think about it briefly, the two apprentices can cause a splitting headache, let alone regulate the entire sect.

"Brother Jing, don't worry." Lin Bai could only try to comfort him, "From my point of view, Senior Jiang went north specifically, so he must have been prepared. Although Qiaoshan is empty, can there still be tens of thousands of people guarding Tiange? A sneak attack here? As for the old people of Zhou Huishan and various Yuanying sects, they just want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Especially the old people of Zhou Huishan, how can they do it if Senior Xie does it? Wait and see? In fact, Zhou Huishan Jiu and the sects along the way have already provided a lot of support."

Jing Sixui nodded slightly but said nothing.

"Let's talk about Shouting Pavilion. Kong Shu is no more than a withered bone in the tomb, and he will die one day! Xia Yufeng is short-sighted and has no need to worry. If I try to save it, the first victory will definitely be at Heifeng Mountain. It must be the contribution of Senior Yan and Senior Du of your sect!" Lindbergh was impassioned.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind came in, and it was Taoist Lihuo, the leader of Jiuzhe Mountain.

"Master!" Jing Sihui quickly stood up.

"Go back to the mountain to allocate supplies, don't let anything go wrong!" Taoist Lihuo glanced at Lin Bai, but ignored him and said: "The battle ahead has been frustrated and Du Jueming was seriously injured. I have to go and have a look! Don't let this matter be spread outside! "

After saying this, the person moved in a flash, turned into fire, and went north.

"..." Jing Si retreated and sighed.

Lin Bai didn't know what to say, he just felt it was extremely difficult. (End of chapter)

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