The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3965: Go home for dinner

Qin State, Xianyang, Ministry of National Defense. Meng Tian is very concerned about the war situation of the Parthians.

"Sir, the Shabbats continue to advance. They believe that there is no danger." A lieutenant colonel came in with the latest telegram to report.

"Damn it. These resters, once they are in danger, they know how difficult it is." Meng Tian shook his head and said.

"Right. When will their reserve service be completed?" Meng Tian asked a crucial question. He knows that once the frontline encounters a problem, the reserve team is the key to solving all problems. This problem is extremely important.

"Well, sir, according to what we know, their cavalry units are being formed very quickly, and infantry units are also being formed. Because of training, they still need some time, but they need artillery units and related There have been some problems with the deployment of firepower. These problems are mainly focused on the operation of firepower, because this is a very technical arms. For a time, the Peacekeepers cannot form large-scale related personnel. Our advisory team has already begun. To study this issue, they decided to disassemble and simplify all the technical steps. I hope they can have a great guarantee." said the lieutenant colonel. Infantry and cavalry are okay to say, but the technical arms that are equipped are no one can simply equip them. Under such circumstances, the number of weapons they need to equip is still quite large. Therefore, under such conditions, they have simply constructed two arms. Although such a single unit looks good, but the actual problems are very limited. Meng Tian knew this very well.

"Let them speed up and give them not much time. If a big problem arises, the Ministry of National Defense will have to endure a lot of trouble." Meng Tian said.

Yan State, the frontline. A large number of Yan Guo captives gathered together, and the quality of their food dropped a lot.

It turns out that many of them can still eat barbecue. The taste makes them excited, but as time goes by, there are not many such opportunities. Because the number of people has risen a lot, almost all the Yan people here have been arrested. The increase in the number of prisoners has put too much pressure on the mountain people, and they can no longer continue like this according to the past methods. The only way is to give them a certain degree of simplified soup. It was a soup made with canned food, wild vegetables, and a little game. This kind of soup surprised the Yan Guo prisoners.

"What should I do with so many people?" Addo looked at the densely circled prisoners of Yan State. They had been weaponized. Many people looked around blankly. They might be the last group to be captured. More People are not worried.

"Prepare some food and let them go." A Gu said when he walked over.

"Let it go?" Ado asked puzzledly.

"Yes, let go. This is not what the Goguryeo people meant. We can't engage in evil with the people of Yan, and we have to establish our own country. Killing these people will be extremely detrimental to the country established by our mountain people. The people of Qin and the Koreans will They used their military power to attack us. This is simply the biggest blow to us. We can't bear such a blow. Therefore, our only way is to let them go. Only in this way can our situation be better. It's stabilized, you know?" the other party said.

"But sir, in this situation, we need a lot of food?" Ado said.

"Just give them some random. It is best to let them go home. Don't worry, they can no longer pose a big threat. Many of them have lost the meaning of resistance, and the war mood has made them I'm extremely tired. It's impossible for such soldiers to rearm and attack us. Our goal is to build a country, not to build hatred with the Yan people and let them go back." A Gu said. Then he left here quickly.

"Yes, sir." Addo nodded and said. Regardless of the purpose of doing so, but doing so can greatly solve all their problems, and it is also a good way.

Captives cannot be killed. This is not the so-called ominous remarks about the killing of prisoners, in fact. This is only a political consideration. The mountain people want to establish their own country, and their country is sandwiched between Yan and Goguryeo. The power between Goguryeo and Yan has already experienced a great power imbalance. Under such circumstances. Suddenly a mountain man appeared, and once a mountain man formed a country, in this situation of unequal power, it was easy to become the choice of the strongest party. This is a huge challenge for mountain people, and A Gu must consider this, and at the same time, it is an international consideration. He needs the support of other countries, and he can't do this. If he does, it will have a great national impact, which will put the mountain people into a dilemma.

"Come here, take your food, and let's go." A mountain soldier stood at the door and said loudly to the Yan Guo prisoner. Many of them are waiting for the meal because they are too costly. It was several times in the past, and the meal cycle became extremely tense. But many people think that at any rate they will be able to eat.

"What?" A prisoner of Yan Guo looked puzzledly at the other person throwing two cans to himself, then waved and said, leaving here.

"You are free. Our commander wants you to go home by yourself. Go home soon." A mountain man ensign waved and said. Then signal the next one.

"But, we haven't eaten yet?" The captive unexpectedly asked such a question.

"Go away. If you don't go away, I will kill you, let yours go home, and there is such a request, go home, go home and eat." The ensign cursed. Hearing this news, the Yan Guo prisoners, who had long been tired of them, began to line up to receive their own food and left quickly. Although there was not a lot of food, they were able to go home. They formed a team in twos and threes and began to move towards Yan Guo. They didn't know what kind of impact they could bring to their families when they returned home. Anyway, they finally returned home anyway. This is good news. Such good news is enough to give them a lot of excitement. This may reduce their hunger to some extent.


"Sempronia, this guy ran too fast. They were in Sicily before, landed nearby, and then moved forward quickly. Their speed was too fast." Fabian looked at the telegram from the front. Speaking of this. Sempronha was the consul of Rome. His legion had been stationed in Sicily before. Their target was Carthage. Unfortunately, while they were waiting for the ship, Hannibal suddenly killed him. After a long time of thinking, the Senate finally made an amazing decision. They decided to transfer the army that was originally used to attack the basic land of Carta back for defense. In this way, they can ensure that their fiscal and taxation land has a greater source of tax revenue. There are too many ideas to ensure that their country’s finances and taxes will not suffer any loss. Many Senate thinks this way. This may be selfish, but in their opinion, this is the only correct choice. Such a choice is chosen after they make the right decision.

"That's the situation. We can solve more things. But for now, we can only watch this guy move fast. I talked to Scipio. He felt that doing so would put the Roma Army in one place. Among this kind of danger, how should we solve this kind of danger? This makes us feel very difficult." Fabian said to Zhang Jun.

"What do you mean is that you are worried that the speed of this Sempronha will be too fast, which will lead to a larger-scale failure?" Zhang Jun asked if the other party meant that, because the Koreans could not send relevant advisory groups to it, they did not Knowing what happened on the front lines, although it is possible to make speculations, most of such speculations should be experienced on the basis of facts. But the Koreans lack too much factual basis, and many things can only be told by the Roma people themselves through their own dictation.

"Yes, we can see from Sempronha's report that the other party seems to be very anxious. They rushed over, and in some places the reconnaissance mission was cancelled. This will be very troublesome for them. And Hannibal’s opponent’s weapon is advanced, we don’t even know. Under such circumstances, it’s too dangerous to jump in rashly. We can’t suppress the opponent any further, which puts a lot of pressure on us. I hope that there will be no accidents against such pressure. Lockheed Martin has not been able to withstand any failure. Once it fails, Lockheed Martin’s finances will fall into a huge crisis.” Fabian said.

"Yeah." Zhang Jun nodded and said that he understood that this is indeed a big crisis, and any country that encounters such a financial crisis will become extremely anxious. This consul named Sempronha obviously already knew that the financial situation of the Roma was very unoptimistic. Therefore, they will move faster and try to solve this problem completely through a battle. In their opinion , This kind of thing has reached the point where it must be resolved. If such a thing cannot be resolved, they will cause a huge deterioration to Lockheed Martin’s entire financial situation. This deterioration will directly lead to the collapse of Lockheed Martin’s system. This is how the battle can be resolved quickly and swiftly, allowing Lockheed Their finances have entered a period of equilibrium, so that they can once again accumulate strength for an expedition. The premise is that they want to expel Hannibal from here.

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