Goguryeo, Heitucheng. Ministry of Defense.

"Zhao Guoren's idea is too bold." The Minister of Defense said, looking at the report submitted by Li Xin.

"Send a battle regiment to intersperse behind the mountain people. What if the mountain people set up an ambush there? Also, in the face of the opponent's crazy attack, whether my combat group can withstand it is another matter. It’s too risky. We can’t do such a thing. We can’t lose a regiment. Otherwise, the entire diplomacy will fall into disaster. This plan is very good. Just tell Zhao Guoren, but we can’t let this risk continue. For Goguryeo, this is very bad. Moreover, I think Zhao people should go to the front line to see, maybe they should notice some changes in the front line." The Minister of Defense said.

"This." Li Xin was a little embarrassed. If he said this, the other party would definitely be dissatisfied. In this way, would he not be considered as not doing his job well?

"It's so decided." The Secretary of Defense said.

It is impossible for Goguryeo to use such a scheme, because such a scheme is full of too many risks. Uncertainty factors can lead to serious failures, and the Department of Defense needs to avoid such a situation.

Matou Mountain, in the position of mountain people.

"This is the thought of Chief A Gu, but the problem is, Yan people, those **** Yan people will not give us the troops, we simply don't have enough manpower to do this kind of thing." A lieutenant said distressedly. . The gendarmerie of the Yan people and their officers strictly demanded that the mountain people be restricted to their positions. The consequence of this approach was that the light infantry, which was supposed to maintain mobile combat, were firmly fixed on the position.

"We must find a way to change this situation, otherwise, the worst situation will develop toward us. Think about it, our situation will be very bad. We cannot let this situation develop. , Otherwise, everyone will be shot." Addo said worriedly. He must let the troops leave here, or complete A Gu's idea is the best they can do.

"Swish." At this moment, a sharp cannonball roar came.

"Boom. Boom." The ground shook and the mountain shook, and the artillery shells came down unfairly.

"Damn it, **** it. It's anti-cannon." Many people shouted loudly. They began to hide in the tunnel. Maybe this can be useful, but who knows the result.

"Swish. Boom." A huge explosion came through, and the shell exploded. Shrapnel flew, and so did the flying mud. Many people were shaken to the ground, and they had to run into the escape tunnel as quickly as possible.

"Damn Goguryeo. They will fire cannonballs on our heads. They are all cowards, come here if they have the kind." A mountain sergeant shouted. But the response to him was more shells.

"Swish. Boom. Boom." The Goguryeo people poured their ammunition madly. For them, killing these mountain people was an easy task.

On the Goguryeo's position, in the artillery team's mirror, there were shells exploding the barrage everywhere, which seemed very exciting.

"You know? Looking at these shells exploding, I feel like a new year." said a major officer.

"We're putting fireworks, aren't we? Sir," said a second lieutenant.

"Yes, we seem to be celebrating the New Year. Under such circumstances, I think we should have a drink to celebrate our victory." The major said excitedly. They think that their victory has been achieved. Because their logistical supplies provided a large amount of ammunition, enough to make their artillery bombardment for up to an hour, not enough, they needed to be divided into three stages for bombardment.

"Wow. Boom. Boom." The shells continued to hit them.

The mountain people are under unprecedented pressure, and such pressure is enough to make them collapse.

"Allen was killed by the bombing. Damn it, not even the corpse in the capital," said a mountain sergeant hiding in the bullet pit.

Many people looked at each other. They were expressionless. They are already very cold.

"He was blown up by a cannonball. He was torn to pieces on the spot. I really don't know where this poor guy is now." The sergeant said.

"Boom. Boom." The cannonballs kept falling and the huge shock made everyone feel uncomfortable. They felt that they were about to vomit out all the food they had eaten in the morning.

"Damn it," the sergeant scolded. But at this moment. A soldier came in with black blood on the corners of his mouth.

"Oh my God, what's the matter with you?" The sergeant looked over, and the opponent fell to the ground all at once. Many people stepped forward to help, but they all shook their heads. Breathe out. A poor guy was shaken to death. Of course, the mountain people still don't know what's going on, but the military doctors at the rear hospital know what's going on. This kind of large-caliber artillery can shatter people's internal organs. If the caliber is larger, for example, a 150mm gun, many people will die on the spot. The damage caused by the shock wave is greater than the damage of shrapnel, even if it is lying on the ground, it is of no use, and the speed of solid conduction will become faster.


"Boom. Boom." The artillery shells continued to bombard the mountain people's position, and the mountain people became depressed. Everyone knew that facing such a situation, they were helpless and could only watch the Goguryeo madly pour out their ammunition. This is unfair to them.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"What? Why? I want to know why?" Li Zuoche knew for the first time that his plan was rejected by the Minister of Defense.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I am also helpless. I have reported to my minister, but he told me that we need stability and safety, so we are unlikely to launch such an attack. They think that a frontal attack can be done. Reduce more risks. Moreover, we have an advantage, and if we attack from the flank, the risk will be quite large. Faced with such a choice, our minister naturally chooses. A more conservative situation will solve it. All questions." Li Xin explained.

"Damn it. I have nothing wrong with your defense minister's choice. But what I need to point out is that you should strengthen the defense there. If I were a mountainer, I would attack from there. You didn't have a defense there, and all were The jungle, the combat area is more conducive to the mountain people. They are good at light infantry jungle combat. You can intersperse behind the enemy, and so can they. I just hope you can pay attention to that." Li Zuoche has no hope anymore. . He didn't know why Goguryeo chose such a plan. Although this kind of plan is very reasonable, it is just because it is too reasonable, so it becomes unreasonable at all. Li Zuoche knew what was going on. This is no longer a military need, but a political need. Such things have caused too many evil results.

"Sir, I'm sorry, this can only be the case, and we have no way." The other party said so. Li Xin felt very sorry.

"This is not your fault, this is your defense minister's fault, he thinks too much." Li Zuoche said.

"I asked to go to the front line, can you agree to come down?" Li Zuoche asked.

"This?" Li Xin was surprised.

"I'll go and see what is going on. The staff should indeed stay here, but what's the use of knowing some outdated news? It's better to go to the front to see what is going on." Li Zuoche said. .

"Yes, sir, I understand. I will explain the situation to Mr. Minister. We will meet this as soon as possible." The other party said. Then he left quickly. Li Zuoche believes that instead of complaining here, it is better to go to the front to see what is going on. Maybe the situation is worse than he thought. He felt that it might be that the Goguryeo people were missing some important combat factor. The existence of such combat factors made it difficult for them to carry out such military operations. In fact, there is only one battle group, which may achieve the same goal. Such operations, The purpose is only psychological. He knows that the Yan people cannot bear such a big threat. They will inevitably choose to retreat. If this is the case, the situation will become very beneficial to the Goguryeo people, but the Goguryeo people do not understand this. The military literacy of Goguryeo people is still not high.

Carthage, the Senate. An Aiji translator is translating the decision of the Carthage Senate.

"What's the matter? Can you tell me?" A lieutenant holding a notebook seemed interested in the contents.

"They said that they are going to attack a place and support a military operation called General Hannibal." Said the interpreter Aiji.

"Then say that, is Carthage going to war with the Roma?" the lieutenant asked.

"It seems like this, because the Roma seem to be more disgusted with the Carthaginians. I heard that they have carried out a large-scale expansion of their navy in Sicily, and they have been strengthened by a part of the cavalry. They are launching more ownership. Advantageous offense.” The translator told the lieutenant what he knew and added some vocabulary. In fact, their translations were half-hearted, and many of them would cause a lot of misunderstandings. When misunderstandings occur, they will understand themselves. It meant to the officers of the State of Zhao, and those officers of the State of Zhao actually believed it. It is hard to believe that such a translation would be so sloppy, but there is no way. There is still a lack of effective translation between the two countries, and the translation has caused some misunderstandings.

"Well, that's how I understand it," the lieutenant said.

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