Gradually, he felt that his hands and feet were coordinated.

He could keep up with the movements and music rhythm of the fitness coach.

Because the aerobics movements performed by the fitness coach were not difficult, and the rhythm was definitely not too fast.

It was guaranteed that novices could keep up as long as they tried.

Once he entered the state, following the rhythm of the music, the movements of the fitness coach, and the group of people in front of him to exercise, Hu Bin felt inexplicably happy.

Even the depression accumulated at work gradually dissipated.

I don’t know how long he danced with them.

Some people were tired of dancing and left through the back door.

Another newcomer joined the exercise team through the back door.

Just when Hu Bin was dancing with concentration, he suddenly felt a pain in his right fingertips.

Turning around, he saw a pretty girl apologizing to him:

"I'm sorry, I moved too much and accidentally hit you!"

Hu Bin said generously: "It's okay!"

Looking back, Hu Bin's mind was full of that girl...

Chapter 72 Management and Assessment! Two hot pot restaurants opened!

Back home, lying on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Su Yang opened Douyin and found the account "Xinghuo Fitness".

In the past ten days, Luo Yihan has been running the "Xinghuo Fitness" account quite well.

He shot four short videos, two of which are fitness tips.

Two are short dramas in the series "When the boss who paid for a thousand private lessons in one go comes to the gym", which has increased the number of fans of "Xinghuo Fitness" by nearly 30,000.

Seeing that "Xinghuo Fitness" already has 80,000 fans, Su Yang is at least quite satisfied.

Fans' evaluation of "When the boss who paid for a thousand private lessons in one go comes to the gym" is quite good, and they all think it is quite funny.

Some locals also gave Xinghuo Fitness a good review.

Some people praised Tao Xue for her beauty and asked her Douyin account number in the comment area, and they all wanted to follow her.

Some employees and management of MCN companies that Su Yang met recently.

It's just because he has been very busy recently, the financial pressure is relatively large, and he hasn't met the right talents, so he temporarily postponed the idea of ​​opening an MCN company.

The former boss of the MCN company he met last time was a management talent.

But it was difficult for Su Yang to agree with his business philosophy and it was impossible for him to cooperate with him.

His MCN company was a typical black company in the industry.

They tricked those girls who were eager to become famous and make a lot of money into signing a five-year or ten-year contract to sell themselves.

They gave extremely low guaranteed wages and stipulated the monthly live broadcast time.

When those girls couldn't stand it and wanted to terminate the contract, they would charge a high penalty for breach of contract.

In addition, he would also cooperate with plastic surgery institutions.

He created appearance anxiety for those contracted anchors and told them that they would definitely attract a large number of fans after plastic surgery.

What to do if you have no money?

Take a loan!

These are just elementary operations, and there are even more outrageous ones.

The MCN company that Su Yang wants is not this kind of scam company.

The MCN company he wants must have the ability to incubate Internet celebrities.

It must have excellent content production capabilities.

It is best to have certain advertising resources.

For Su Yang, this is also a relatively unfamiliar field.

He still needs a group of experienced talents!

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn't help but think of the headhunting company.

However, he definitely couldn't start the MCN company this month!

Turn off Douyin and open the small broken website he likes more.

Find special attention, he wants to see if his favorite up master has updated!

Compared with Douyin, he likes to browse the small broken website more.

For example, some up masters in the knowledge area.

He always feels that his IQ will degenerate if he browses Douyin too much.

If Xinghuo Fitness's account on Douyin is not more important, he would not bother to open Douyin.

This is also unavoidable.

Who makes Douyin have more people who love to browse and has higher commercial value?

In the following time, in addition to keeping an eye on the market development department, Su Yang worked with Mei Jingshan to formulate the company's assessment and management system.

In the early days of the company, he did not intend to be a hands-off boss.

Many problems and requirements, if not dealt with in the early days of the company, will become too big to handle in the future.

The assessment and management system is naturally formulated with reference to some well-known domestic restaurant chains.

The predecessors crossed the river by feeling the stones, and he crossed the river by feeling the stones, nothing wrong!

However, Su Yang has some opinions on the assessment of service attitude.

He doesn't like the overly strict and mechanical requirements of some restaurants for service attitude.

The overly "enthusiastic" waiters in some restaurants will make customers feel burdened!

It's like interrupting the guests' conversation and forcibly inserting the guests' conversation.

The guests clearly expressed that they don't like to be disturbed, and the waiters will not back down, and always find an opportunity to come over.

Even when the customers go to the toilet, they have to bow...

These excessive services are definitely not initiated by the waiters themselves.

Instead, they are forced by the assessment system and company culture!

The cameras in all directions of the store are staring!

Su Yang believes that excellent service should at least be kind, gentle, and respectful.

Hot pot restaurants are typical social restaurants.

Most of them are relatives and friends, or couples who come to eat and cultivate feelings by the way.

So it is especially important to respect the private space of customers.

Not disturbing is also a kind of service!

Kidnapping-style service is not only a form of coercion to customers.

It is also a form of oppression for employees, an over-marketing of their own "services", and at the same time, it is forcing customers to finish their meals and leave quickly!

Su Yang prefers his employees to be more confident and not too "serving".

Being too "serving" will hurt the dignity of employees!

How can this improve employee loyalty?

And confidence is also a manifestation of brand culture.

Besides, his hot pot restaurant is not just about "service"!

As for increasing the turnover rate and increasing store profits, Su Yang is not particularly concerned.

First, he is sure that the store will be profitable.

Second, he has the final say over the entire board of directors.

He does not have particularly high requirements for profits.

He will not put pressure on the entire management because the profits earned are not enough.

Therefore, Su Yang does not recommend too much quantification for the assessment of service personnel, but to be humane.

On the contrary, when it comes to food safety and hygiene issues, no matter how detailed it is, it is not too much.

After understanding Su Yang's requirements, Mei Jingshan re-formulated the company's assessment management system.

After several revisions, Su Yang felt that it was about the same.

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