Zhu Zixuan suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth and continued: "I got a salary of 6,000 last month, and the hot pot restaurant also includes food and accommodation. The boss also promised that we can get dividends in the future... Even if we include newcomers like you, every day I can probably get one or two thousand more per month!”


Thinking of the possible salary, Wang Rongrong's mood gradually improved.

You know, many of the classmates who graduated with her have not even found jobs yet!

It's just that she feels that being a waiter is a little... embarrassing!

But as long as the classmates don't know about it, it should be fine.

In fact, she couldn't stay in the original company anymore, otherwise she wouldn't have followed her cousin here.

"If you do well, you might be able to get a raise!" Zhu Zixuan reminded, "The store manager said that the hot pot restaurant is opening a branch. If the old employees do well, they may get a raise if they are transferred to the branch to lead others. If you have outstanding abilities, you may also have the opportunity to work as a receptionist, a front office manager, or a store manager. The store manager can easily earn tens of thousands a month.”

Wang Rongrong was surprised and said: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Can I still lie to you?" Zhu Zixuan said with a smile, "Cousin, as long as you can show the seriousness you used when studying, I think you can be a store manager in the future."

"Can I?"

Wang Rongrong was somewhat unsure.

"Of course, you are much smarter and harder working than me!"

Zhu Zixuan has relatively low academic qualifications, but she still admires Wang Rongrong.

It can also be said to be a kind of academic worship.

Zhu Zixuan still remembers the class in which she studied.

There are only three undergraduates in their class, including three.

Their head teacher was quite satisfied with this...

In some high schools in backward areas, it is really difficult to get admitted to the undergraduate program!

Unlike the famous schools in the city, teachers in some classes can even shout slogans that if you don’t study hard, you will have to go to the 985, 211 school next door.

Not long after Wang Rongrong joined Jiuxiang Beef Hotpot Restaurant, Su Yang heard the message:

[Ding ~ You already have more than a hundred employees and have become a level three entrepreneur. You will receive an achievement reward: immune to all diseases! 】

After hearing this prompt, Su Yang knew that Jiuxiang Beef must have hired someone again!

His achievement of one hundred employees was finally reached.

[Invulnerable to all diseases (talent): You will be immune to all diseases and viruses. 】

Su Yang is quite satisfied with this talent!

Even though his body is very strong now, he is not immune to all diseases and viruses.

After all, no matter how healthy a person is, he or she may become ill.

Many disease viruses cannot be solved by human technology today.

With this talent, Su Yang will be able to live safely into his old age without any accidents.

Chapter 65 Yuan Sisi refused to appear on camera! It’s not that Tao Xue can’t do it!

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xu Zhiping, Zhou Shunian and Gao Qiang reported to Su Yang the progress of today's card application.

Thanks to the hard promotion of employees, Spark Fitness has gained 1,431 new members.

The number of new members added every day may decrease in the future. After all, people in the gym cannot do activities outside every day.

A lot of the publicity work has to be outsourced, but it’s still a good start!

These members are not stable enough, and most of them are attracted by challenging activities.

Everyone will yearn for that one hundred thousand yuan.

And the discounts given by Su Yang are really huge.

The original price of the monthly card is 299 yuan, which is directly discounted to 59 yuan.

It’s simply a broken price!

Considering that old members might be unhappy, Su Yang also asked the front desks of the three gyms to send text messages to inform all old members that they could also pay 59 yuan to renew their membership for one month.

You can also participate in this Sixth Anniversary Challenge event.

This text message should be able to activate some people who have fitness cards but rarely come to the gym to exercise!

Su Yang is not afraid of losing money on the 59 monthly card.

Most people who purchase new memberships only last for less than a few days.

It's 59 yuan, and they probably won't be able to make it back.

It is true that you can eat fruit for free, but most young people are more restrained.

You won’t really eat and drink in public!

I guess I'll just try some.

If you really encounter the fruit, it will be wiped out quickly, and the gym can delay the time for replenishment.

If new card users can persist for fourteen days, or twenty-one days, or even thirty days... then they must be the ideal target customers of the gym!

These people should all live and work near the gym.

Either you have leisure, or your life is very regular.

Most of them have some assets and can at least afford the price of an annual gym membership.

Although the economic situation is not very optimistic, there are still many wealthy people in Rongcheng.

For the long-term and stable operation of the gym, you need to win over these types of customers!

They have great potential to become loyal gym customers.

As for whether you can get a refund if you persist for 21 days, or you can get a monthly card for free for one month, Su Yang estimates that most people who persist for 21 days will choose the monthly card.

There is no other reason, people who are used to exercise will know it.

After exercising for a long time, without external interference, you will feel uncomfortable once you stop exercising.

Ordinary people are like this, not to mention that he has a 30% increase in dopamine secretion in the gym.

After praising the three store managers, he began to instruct them on their reception of customers.

In a short period of time, a large number of new members will pour into the three gyms.

If there are too many new members, there may be a shortage of gym equipment.

At this time, group exercise classes must be arranged to divert these new members.

They must arrange service work for these new members.

Of course, these are just preparations.

The three store managers have already prepared the emergency plan!

After instructing the three store managers, Su Yang asked Gao Qiang about Chen Li's performance in the gym.

Chen Li's performance around him has been very good recently.

She never makes any moods, and never asks Su Yang for anything.

Occasionally, when he goes to her place, she is more willing to cooperate except for some more embarrassing postures.

As if she knows Su Yang's thoughts, Chen Li has not mentioned any topics such as "girlfriend" recently, and has no intention of clarifying the relationship between the two parties.

She has a rather muddle-headed attitude.

Like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

But she is an ostrich, and Su Yang is happy to pretend to be confused.

Just live in a muddle-headed way!

He put Chen Li in the Hi-Tech Zone store because he really wanted to help her and give her a job.

In addition, he also wanted to check Chen Li's loyalty.

Although this loyalty does not represent Chen Li's favorability towards him.

It is more about the loyalty of employees to their bosses, the stores they work for, and the companies they work for, but it can also be used as a reference.

After all, if the favorability towards the boss of the company is high enough, it will also indirectly increase the loyalty to the company.

When she first entered the Hi-Tech Zone store, Chen Li's loyalty was only 78.

78 points of loyalty is actually pretty good.

The loyalty of some employees is this value.

Because according to his observation, the more scheming people are, the slower their loyalty increases.

However, as Su Yang goes over to work a few times whenever he has time, Chen Li's loyalty value will slowly increase.

It should also mean that Chen Li's feelings for him are also increasing.

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