All his actions and words will be scrutinized by the public with a magnifying glass!

Su Yang feels that he is still too young and his character is not mature enough to be "perfect".

If possible, he is still willing to spend a few more decades!

These days, are there not many young stars and young network anchors who have collapsed?

After all, after becoming a public figure, even if you say something wrong, you may be attacked by the crowd!

Even if you don't say anything wrong, there will be highly skilled media people who will let you know what the art of editing is!

And those billionaires and company founders who are willing to stand in the public eye and stand up for their companies are already in their forties or fifties.

They have experienced too many storms, and their personalities are fully mature and calm and steady enough.

Their companies have a strong influence, are able to protect their privacy, have a complete public opinion and public relations system, and have a lot of capital behind them... The risk is much smaller than Su Yang!

I feel that the 500 starting coins rewarded by the abbot of the morgue are appreciated by the book friends

Chapter 58 MCN promotion and product channels! Layout for the future!

Thinking of this, Su Yang suddenly felt that he was thinking too much.

Whether he can become popular or not is still uncertain!

But anyway, he will not be a public figure.

It is more suitable for his personality to work behind the scenes.

If you really need to create an image spokesperson, you can find someone else!

So, Luo Yihan could only leave in disappointment.

Sitting in the office, Su Yang was also thinking about the future development direction.

In the short term, he still focuses on hot pot restaurants that can be quickly replicated.

It's not that he has not considered other labor-intensive fields.

However, many industries either need strong financial support, or have strong technical barriers, or need strong personal connections... or all of them!

Su Yang does not have much idea for the time being.

For example, to open an electronics factory, just the factory rent and professional equipment.

He may not be able to support it, not to mention the most important sales problem!

No matter what product, it is useless if it cannot be sold.

For example, contracting projects, many places are not open at this stage.

Without a strong relationship, he may not be able to become a contractor.

If you need to advance the material fee, it will be even worse.

Even if the project can be completed and passed the inspection...

Collection is another big problem. It is normal to delay for a year or two.

This can force people to jump off the building!

It is better to open a hot pot restaurant. At least the customers will pay after eating.

As for the takeaway industry, there are already two monopoly giants with a market value of 100 billion in China.

Behind the two giants, there are a lot of powerful capital.

He is too weak to consider it for the time being.

What he needs to do at this stage is to accumulate capital quickly.

When there are a lot of money, it is easy to do any industry!

As for the development direction that Su Yang prefers... After so many days of thinking, he actually prefers to be an MCN.

MCN agency, the full name of which is "Multi-Channel Network", means "multi-channel network" in Chinese. It is a new operation model for Internet celebrity brokerage.

The basic operation of MCN agency is to unite content producers, and with the support of capital, ensure the continuous output of content, so as to ultimately achieve stable commercial realization.

In simple terms, it is an Internet celebrity incubation agency.

Su Yang didn't want to play with anchors and internet celebrities.

He mainly took a fancy to the publicity and sales ability of those internet celebrities!

This is also the idea that he gradually came up with after he did online publicity for gyms and hot pot restaurants in recent times and came into contact with Chen Xiaoxiao and Luo Yihan.

E-commerce has always been a major trend and is not subject to human will.

The ability of top anchors to sell goods through live broadcasts is also known to the world.

In this era, no matter what corporate brand products, most of them will spend a lot of money on online marketing.

If Su Yang can have a good MCN company in advance and master a group of high-quality anchors and internet celebrities, no matter which field he develops in the future, he can get considerable help.

This is planning for the future!

If he can master a top anchor who sells goods, he dares to go to the bank to borrow money to set up a factory to make products.

The most important thing is that the MCN company doesn't cost much money.

There is no need to buy any expensive equipment, and the initial investment is not high, which he can afford!

What Su Yang needs most should be the professional ability of the management and the network resources with the platform and brand.

But he can use high salaries to poach relevant practitioners.

As long as the salary is enough, there should be no one that cannot be poached!

For Su Yang, the highest cost of MCN companies may be the money for buying traffic.

But some newcomers don’t need too much traffic, or don’t need to push traffic at all, they can become popular by themselves?

He has a talent for business recommendation, and he can see whether a newcomer can become popular within a year.

It takes a lot of time and energy to screen out these people.

This may be unfair to those anchors and Internet celebrities who are destined to become popular in the future...

But what's wrong with being fleeced by Su Yang?

Su Yang can develop other careers by fleecing them.

Providing better services to the public, producing better products, promoting scientific and technological progress, creating more jobs, and benefiting the general public is simply beneficial to the country and the people!

Thinking of this, the little sense of guilt in Su Yang's heart disappeared!

He looked at the scenery outside the office window and couldn't help laughing:

"So, it should be their honor to be fleeced by me!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help it.

So, he sent a message to Luo Yihan and Chen Xiaoxiao.

He only knew these two self-media practitioners.

As related practitioners, their network of contacts must be wider than Su Yang.

Not long after, Luo Yihan came to Su Yang's office:

"So, why would the boss want to start an MCN company?"

"I can only say that I'm a little interested!" Su Yang said, "I want to build a framework first!"

Luo Yihan couldn't help laughing:

"Boss, you don't want to lure those beautiful girls who want to be famous and have not experienced much of the world to sign a contract to sell themselves?"

"I'm not that boring!"

But Su Yang had to admit that Luo Yihan's statement seemed quite tempting.

Sign more anchor girls, they are also employees!

Luo Yihan asked: "Are you serious?"

Su Yang affirmed: "Of course I am serious!"

"MCN companies also wanted to sign me before, but I refused!" Luo Yihan thought for a while and said, "But I know some MCN companies who have signed anchors. I should be able to ask them to help you contact some relevant practitioners if the boss needs it."

"Then thank you!"

"No trouble!"

After Luo Yihan left, Chen Xiaoxiao also replied.

Chen Xiaoxiao, like Luo Yihan, is also a solo worker without a company behind her.

But she has her own work team.

However, her network is wider than Luo Yihan's, and she also knows the management of several local MCN companies.

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