There are six tables outside the skewers shop, and some customers are looking at her curiously.

Chen Li can only turn her back and face the street.

Under the streetlight, Chen Li's figure waiting in a long skirt is particularly eye-catching.

The evening breeze blows gently, ruffling her long hair.

She quickly smoothes her hair, which has been her hairstyle for a long time.

The man sitting at the table outside whispered:

"That girl is very beautiful!"

"She must be waiting for someone!"

"Who is so ungraceful that he lets a girl wait on the side of the road?"

"Who knows?"

"Do you want to meet her?"


Just then, a mighty U8 ​​drove into the parking space on the side of the road.

Under the streetlight, Chen Li's eyes were directly attracted by it.

She knew U8, and one of her customers recently bought one.

Watching the rear end of the U8 move into the parking space, Chen Li was a little envious.

For rich people, U8 is a big toy.

For her, it can only be a dream!

U8 also attracted the attention of many customers in the skewers shop.

"U8! It's really beautiful!"

"A million-level luxury car must be beautiful!"

"If I had more than one million, I would definitely buy a Land Rover. Who would buy a U8?"


"It just came out. Who knows the quality of domestic luxury cars?"

"BBD's technology is still amazing!"

"You have to have money first!"


When she saw the person getting off the U8, Chen Li was a little surprised.

She tiptoed slightly, leaned forward, and wanted to walk over.

But she quickly regained her composure, stood still, and held the bag in her hand.

"Sister Li, how long have you been here?"

"Just arrived!"

Anyway, she would not admit that she had been waiting for several minutes.

Seeing Chen Li at this time, Su Yang's eyes lit up.

Chen Li's current dress is completely different from the past!

Soft black hair, light-colored floral dress, and a light purple waistcoat.

Although the height of her chest is not big, it is just right, making Chen Li's figure look more symmetrical.

She looks like a gentle and beautiful big sister next door!

She wears a pair of black high-heeled sandals, revealing ten cute little nails painted with red nail polish.

If Su Yang remembers correctly, Chen Li did not paint her nails last time.

"Why don't you go in and sit down?"

Chen Li said stubbornly: "I just want to blow the wind!"

"Then let's go in!"


Seeing Su Yang taking Chen Li into the skewers shop.

Several male customers sitting outside shook their heads helplessly, and they all had no idea about Chen Li.

A man couldn't help but complain: "You are so stingy when you date such a beautiful girl?"

The man next to him sneered: "If you drive a U8 and ask for roasted sweet potatoes on the roadside, there will be a group of girls willing to eat with you!"

He told the clerk his name, and the clerk led Su Yang and the others to a small table.

Su Yang ordered the soup base, and the two of them took some of their favorites at random, and sat down face to face with the dipping sauce.

Chen Li looked at the gradually boiling pot and said, "I want to drink!"

"Drink if you like!" Su Yang thought of Dong Fang saying that Chen Li was in a bad mood and said, "But it's best to drink in moderation. Drinking too much alcohol will hurt your stomach."

"You drink with me!"

Su Yang hesitated for a moment: "Okay!"

He would just find a designated driver when the time comes.

"Boss, two glasses of plum wine!"


Su Yang turned his head and saw several large glass jars of white wine in the store's cabinet.

Soon, two full glasses of brown plum wine were brought up.

Plum wine was in an ordinary glass wine glass, about two taels per glass.

Chen Li picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Su Yang also took a sip, which was slightly sweet, not as spicy as ordinary white wine.

He reminded: "Eat more food!"


After filling his stomach a little and drinking half of the wine, Su Yang felt a little hot:

He glanced at Chen Li who was just eating and drinking across from him: "I heard that you are in a bad mood recently?"

Chen Li stopped the bamboo stick in her hand, and her heart warmed slightly: "Who told you that?"

"Brother Dong!"

She looked at Su Yang: "Are you concerned about me?"

"I guess so!"

After coming to Rongcheng for a year, Su Yang doesn't have many friends.

"I was fired!"


"I was fired!"


Chen Li leaned back in her chair and said in a nonchalant tone:

"I scolded the supervisor and the director, and the whole company knew it!"

"Were you happy when you scolded them?"

Chen Li couldn't help but smiled: "I was very happy at that time!"

"What about now?"

"At least you don't regret it!"

"That's good!" Chen Yang nodded, "Does the company have compensation?"

"I was fired, how can there be any compensation?"

"Because you scolded the leader?"

"No, the company said that I was late for more than 400 days in three years..."

Su Yang was surprised: "Do you still need to punch in for your work?"

"In fact, there is no hard requirement. After all, we often run business outside and don't need to punch in on time." Chen Li was silent for a while, "They are just looking for an excuse. Even if you punch in on time, they will create evidence that you didn't punch in. Evidence... I know it all!"

"Aren't you afraid of breaking the law?"

Chen Li smiled, as if laughing at Su Yang's naivety!

"You should be a big company, right?"

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