Xu Zhiping had no objection.

It was normal for the new boss to hold a meeting!

He just hoped that Su Yang could run the gym well.

The economy has been bad recently, and the entire fitness industry has been even worse.

Many gyms have closed down, transferred, and even more have run away!

If the gym goes bankrupt, it will be difficult for him to find a new job.

I hope that readers who like this book can vote for recommendations or give some comments. It is still very uncomfortable to read it alone. Also, don't believe the entrepreneurial content written in the book. I wrote it blindly. Don't blame me if you lose money!

Chapter 4 Reform the gym business model! Is one hundred million enough to lose money?

At 11:20 noon, the employees of Xinghuo Fitness came to the meeting room one after another. The only one who didn't come to the meeting was Fang Tong, the front desk.

Su Yang looked at all his employees.

There were a total of fifteen fitness coaches.

Most of the male fitness coaches were muscular men, masculine and fit.

All the female fitness coaches were curvy and had hot bodies.

As for appearance, naturally, none of them were too bad.

Su Yang took a special look at Yuan Sisi!

She is the most beautiful of the seven female fitness coaches in Xinghuo Fitness. If she were to be put outside, she would be a beauty with a score of more than 90 points!

As for her figure, there is no need to say more.

Not only is she curvy, but she also has a pair of long legs!

At the same time, she is also very good at using her advantages.

Private lessons sell best among the fifteen coaches.

With a monthly salary + commission, she can easily get a salary of 40,000 yuan every month, and occasionally even more!

The rest are the second receptionist Zhou Xiaolu, the aunts Xu Lian and Chen Xiuru who are responsible for cleaning, and Liu Feng who is also the finance and cashier.

Liu Feng is 25 years old, graduated from high school, and has a junior accounting certificate.

It turned out that Zhang Liang's cousin was in charge of finance at Xinghuo, and Liu Feng was responsible for helping.

After Su Yang bought Xinghuo, Zhang Liang's cousin took the handover of finance and resigned.

The employees of Xinghuo have known Su Yang these days.

Most employees and coaches will take the initiative to greet him after entering the meeting room.

Su Yang sat on the chair and began to use his newly acquired detection skills on the employees, and recorded their general intelligence in his notebook.

The result made him a little helpless.

Several fitness coaches were not good at fitness guidance, but were better at selling courses and marketing.

At 11:30, except for Fang Tong who was on duty, all other employees came!

Su Yang leaned back in his chair, looked at the employees below the stage with a relaxed posture, and said in a storytelling tone: "Speaking of which, I bought a quarterly pass in the gym a year ago!"

Hearing Su Yang's words, everyone sat up straight.

At the same time, they were also very curious about what Su Yang wanted to say!

"At that time, I didn't know anything, I just wanted to exercise after work!"

"I came to the gym and was taken to a physical test by a fitness coach!"

"I was actually very uneasy waiting for the results of the physical test in that narrow little room!"

When Su Yang said this, some fitness coaches had already lowered their heads.

"I thought my body was pretty good, after all, I'm young!"

"But after the physical test, the fitness coach still criticized me for nothing, and said that there was no major problem with my body now, but there would definitely be problems in the future, and then...he strongly recommended private lessons to me!"

"I was really scared at the time, afraid that the fitness coach would beat me!"

I was definitely not afraid, Su Yang just exaggerated.

But he was indeed a little nervous at the time!

"After all, the fitness coach was tall and strong, and I was alone with him in that small room!"

In the meeting room, everyone looked at each other...

Some fitness coaches started to worry!

They were worried that the fitness coach who put pressure on Su Yang was themselves.

Su Yang's words continued!

"After I rejected the fitness coach, I came to the fitness area to try to exercise. At that time, I was a fitness novice and was not familiar with those fitness equipment. I didn't know how to use them... But there was no fitness coach to guide me. I was very embarrassed at that time!"

"I don't blame the fitness coach. I also know that you are forced. You also need to sell classes to make money. After all, your basic salary is only 3,000..."

"Working and living in Rongcheng, what can a salary of 3,000 be enough?"

Hearing this, those fitness coaches who lowered their heads and didn't speak also breathed a sigh of relief!

"But then I thought...If I own a gym of my own, I will definitely not force the coaches to sell classes, and I will definitely not let you force customers to buy classes!"

"I will recruit more excellent coaches and pay more to those excellent fitness coaches. I will strive to make every newcomer who wants to exercise feel our warm reception and professional guidance services as soon as they enter the gym!"

After saying this, Su Yang took a sip of tea and concluded:

"So, I came here today!"

All the employees present were silent!

Most people think Su Yang is too idealistic.

Some employees are already considering whether they should find a new employer.

If they don’t sell classes, the gym will close down sooner or later!

Fitness coach Tian Sheng whispered to his colleague Zheng Jianbo: “This rich second generation is such a jerk. If he closes the gym, we will all be unemployed!”

Zheng Jianbo also said helplessly: “There’s nothing we can do. He’s the boss after all.”

Yuan Sisi also frowned.

The gym is luxuriously decorated, well located, and positioned in the middle and high end. If she changes to another gym, her income is likely to drop significantly!

After all, if the gym she works in is only one or two hundred square meters, and the equipment is old, how dare she give customers high-priced private lessons?

Xu Zhiping took a deep breath and raised his right hand to indicate that he had something to say.

Su Yang nodded at him: "Manager Xu, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, boss!"

Xu Zhiping knew that he had to stand up now.

"Then tell me!"

Xu Zhiping stood up and said directly:

"Boss, you may not know much about our domestic fitness industry. If we simply sell various annual and half-year cards... our gym will not be able to make a profit!"

"We must sell as many private lessons as possible and run various weight loss classes and yoga classes to ensure that the gym does not lose money and make money!"

Su Yang nodded: "Okay, I know all this!"

But he quickly changed the subject and said: "But I don't care whether the gym makes money!"

As soon as he said this, all the gym employees felt cold in their hearts.

Every employee will have a headache when encountering such a willful boss!

Tian Sheng stood up directly and said with his neck stiff: "Boss, you don't care whether the gym makes money, but we do!"

"Tian Sheng, sit down!"

Xu Zhiping roared in a low voice.

Tian Sheng sat down very unconvinced.

Su Yang was not too angry, but continued: "I don't care whether the gym makes money, but as long as you work hard for me, I will make you more money!"

Xu Zhiping asked: "Boss, what do you mean?"

"I have seen your salary list. Most coaches can make tens of thousands per month, but one-third of coaches can only make a few thousand per month!"

Those fitness coaches who can only make a few thousand per month lowered their heads in embarrassment.

They are also lucky. Zhang Liang recently started to want to transfer the gym.

Otherwise, some of them will definitely be eliminated!

"So I decided to raise the salary of fitness coaches!" Su Yang cleared his throat and announced, "The basic salary of each fitness coach has been raised from 3,000 to 10,000!"

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