"Li Min, are you interested in developing in our Xinghuo Media? Liquidated damages are not a problem!"

Li Min said politely: "Sorry, Mr. Cheng, I have no intention of leaving Yingfeng for the time being!"

She has a very good impression of Xinghuo Media, and also knows that Xinghuo Media is strong in cultivating and incubating Internet celebrities and producing content!

Many self-media bloggers who do business alone can quickly increase their fans once they sign in to Xinghuo Media with the support of the professional team of Xinghuo Media, which will form a good reputation in the industry.

But she thinks that the team Yingfeng has equipped for her is also quite professional!

She doesn't want to participate in the fight between companies!

Cheng Jinhua smiled and said: "You can think about it again!"

Although he was rejected, Cheng Jinhua was not angry.

Li Min put down the phone and let out a long breath.

But not long after, she noticed that today's director Liu Haifeng seemed a little absent-minded!

When making videos, he often wandered around.

This is quite abnormal. Director Liu used to be very serious about his work, even to the point of being a little harsh!

Li Min asked with concern: "Director Liu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Li Min still has great respect for this director.

Liu Jianhao is in charge of her short videos, and many of his ideas are also his. He is the hidden soul of her team!

But this guy doesn't like to talk much, has a slightly straightforward personality, is not good at socializing, and is the type who works silently.

Director Liu looked at the beautiful Li Min, and touched the thinning hair on the top of his head. He hesitated and sighed heavily.

"Director Liu, what's wrong with you?" Li Min was completely curious. She sat next to Liu Jianhao and whispered, "Just tell me! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

Liu Jianhao couldn't resist the beautiful Li Min, so he whispered: "I feel that I may not be suitable for Yingfeng!"

"Are you leaving?"

"I should leave!"

When Liu Jianhao said this, his eyes gradually became firm.

He is the kind of person who works silently and is willing to be a cow and a horse...but when the emotions accumulate to a certain extent, he will never look back when he wants to leave!

He hesitated before because he had to support his family.

The current employment situation is not very good, and he is also afraid that he will not be able to find a job after resigning!

He can only put all his energy into work every day and get the little sense of accomplishment from work!

But every time he dragged his tired and weak body and left the company in the middle of the night, he began to gradually become confused and anxious...

Now that he has received an olive branch from Spark Media, he can no longer endure it!

Since they are all working as cattle and horses, why not find a company that is generous to its employees?

The cleaning lady at Spark Media can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, and he is not as good as them!

Li Min asked uncertainly: "Is there a company that has poached you?"

Liu Jianhao: "Don't mention it!"

Li Min narrowed her phoenix eyes and asked: "Could it be Spark Media? Uh... is it really them?"

Liu Jianhao is not the kind of person who is good at hiding his emotions.

Li Min saw the flaw at a glance!

She persuaded: "Director Liu, Spark Media just wants to deal with us, you may not be reused if you go there!"

She really didn't want Liu Jianhao to leave.

She didn't even bother to look at the resignation of ordinary employees!

Liu Jianhao stood up and said in a letter: "The last time Xinghuo Media poached the employees of Shangsi Media, they lived well. They valued my work ability!"

Liu Jianhao was very confident in his work ability.

Even if he was a cow or a horse, he was a strong cow or a horse!

"That Director Liu, are you really going to Xinghuo Media?"

At this time, someone next to him asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Liu Jianhao glanced at the young Tang Feng and said with some regret, "Maybe I can't take you with me!"

He still attached great importance to Tang Feng and wanted to train him well.

In this young man, he seemed to see himself in the past!

Moreover, Tang Feng was very insightful in camera movement, and he had surpassed many photographers in just half a year!

It's a pity that he was born in a wild way, otherwise his future would be uncertain and better.

Tang Feng scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "No, Brother Liu, you can actually take me with you!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Xinghuo Media also asked me if I was willing to go there, but I didn't agree directly. Director Liu taught me so much..." The shyness on Tang Feng's face gradually disappeared, and he became happy and excited, and laughed, "If Brother Liu wants to go, then I will definitely go with him!"


Liu Jianhao also gradually smiled.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart that it was not luck that Xinghuo Media could rise in a short period of time!

Even Tang Feng, a little transparent, was noticed by them!

This intelligence ability is too exaggerated, right?

He began to wonder if Yingfeng Media had been infiltrated by Xinghuo Media like a sieve!

Li Min couldn't help but cover her forehead, and her team instantly lost two people.

Tang Feng was okay, and he could still be replaced.

But once Liu Jianhao left, the new director might not match her style!

"You are going to Xinghuo Media, can you take me with you!"

At this time, a young girl came up without knowing when.

Li Min looked helpless: "Wang Yao, why are you following?"

This is her assistant Wang Yao, who is lively and hardworking.

After following her for more than half a year, Li Min likes her very much!

Chapter 316 It’s so easy to poach people! Real man Mr. Xu!

"The treatment at Xinghuo Media is so good!" Wang Yao couldn't help but start complaining when he mentioned this, "I don't want to stay at this shitty company for a long time. My treatment is not as good as the delicious waiters at the park gate. Their salary is almost twice as much as mine." It’s twice that much, and there are also rotating holidays and social security!”

"That's right!" Tang Feng nodded repeatedly, "This lousy company doesn't even pay social security!"

He had to leave anyway, and Tang Feng didn't leave any way for himself to escape.

Old employees like Liu Jianhao naturally have social security.

But young people like Tang Feng and Wang Yao are the targets of the company's exploitation!


Li Min knew that he could not save Liu Jianhao and the others.

Wang Yao asked somewhat flatteringly: "Director Liu, can you take me there?"

Liu Jianhao hesitated and said, "I can ask for you!"

Wang Yao has a good personality, and many people in the team like to chat with her.

Wang Yao said happily: "Thank you then!"

Before the meeting with Cai Jiashi ended, Spark Media had already contacted the important employees of Shadow Wind Media who were named by Su Yang.

Su Yang chatted with his mother again in the office.

I learned that they would arrive at Rongcheng Airport at about five o'clock in the afternoon.

They are coming to see Su Yang's new house.

In the eyes of his parents, buying a house is a big deal!

In fact, there is really nothing to see here. Su Yang never lived there again after buying it.

But who made his parents want to watch it?

After contacting Meijia, he felt relieved when he learned that the new house had just been cleaned yesterday.

At this time, he received a call from Tian Hanxiong.

"Manager Tian, ​​why are you calling me? Are you unable to find a loan partner?" Su Yang asked with a smile, "Don't worry about this. If you give me one billion, I will take the loan."

Tian Hanxiong was helpless when he heard Su Yang's words: "Dr. Su, it's not about the loan!"

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