Or join other chain stores, or lower the average customer price of hot pot restaurants!

Or just find a store with very good business and try to buy directly at a high price.

Two days later, Hu Bin came to the front desk of Xinghuo Fitness and asked:

"Excuse me, isn't this Zhang Liang Fitness?"

"Hello, this is Xinghuo Fitness. The owner of Zhang Liang Fitness has sold the gym!" Zhou Xiaolu explained with a sweet smile, "But the former owner of Zhang Liang Fitness has an agreement with our new owner. The former members of Zhang Liang Fitness can still enjoy the services in our gym."

"That's good, I thought he ran away!"

Hu Bin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought the boss ran away and was going to lose all his money!

"Please show me your membership card!"


"Wait two minutes, customer, I will replace your new membership card for free!"

"New membership card?"

"Yes!" Zhou Xiaolu explained patiently, "It needs to be replaced with our Xinghuo Fitness membership card, but the membership card information will not change."


Hu Bin was also quite satisfied with this.

He was still a little worried when he came to Xinghuo Fitness with Zhang Liang Fitness's membership card.

Soon, Zhou Xiaolu entered the information and handed a beautiful membership card to Hu Bin.

In addition, there were six business card-sized cardboard cards with codes, QR codes, and Xinghuo Fitness's artistic font.

"What is this?"

Hu Bin turned the card over curiously, and there was a line of words on it: "To your favorite Xinghuo Fitness coach"!

"This is a voting card. If you like a fitness coach in the gym, you can vote for him!" Zhou Xiaolu explained, pointing to the ballot box next to him, "It's right here!"

Hu Bin took a look at the ballot box, each of which had a photo and name of a fitness coach posted on it.

"The customer still has two months of gym membership and can get six Spark tickets!"

"Can I not vote?"

"Of course, it's the customer's freedom!" Zhou Xiaolu said with a smile, "The customer is unwilling to vote, which only proves that our Spark fitness coaches are not good enough and have not been recognized by you. We need to continue to work hard!"


Hu Bin nodded, feeling that the gym had changed a lot after changing its owner!

At least the service attitude has improved a lot compared to before!

Even the smile of the front desk lady... seems to be more friendly!

As soon as he entered the gym, he noticed that the fitness coaches were different from before.

These fitness coaches seemed to be very relaxed, with smiles on their faces.

Some of them chatted with other guests who were resting between groups.

Some were instructing newcomers to use treadmills.

Some were helping other customers do some dangerous exercises.

Some fitness coaches were actually working out!

These fitness coaches seemed to be completely integrated into the gym!

The atmosphere of the entire gym was actually a little... harmonious!


This was Hu Bin's first reaction!

In the past, the fitness coaches in the gym were really hated by everyone!

It may be a bit exaggerated, but it is true in most cases.

Those who often come to the gym will immediately be alert once they are approached by a fitness coach!

They often surround a newcomer and desperately sell private lessons.

Sometimes, they will sell like flies and make people annoyed.

Sometimes, they are like sticky candy, and they will cling to you in the gym...

If you refuse with a firm attitude, some fitness coaches will directly turn their faces and make a bad face!

They don't care about the fitness people who often refuse them.

Occasionally, they will take the initiative to guide you, then you have to be careful, they must want to sell classes again!

Although Hu Bin was muttering in his heart, he didn't say anything.

He stood on the treadmill directly and turned on the treadmill.

He has been working overtime recently, and finally he has some free time, so he wants to come to the gym to exercise.

Although running outside is also possible.

But he is more introverted and doesn't like to be stared at by others.

Let him run on the street, he always feels uncomfortable!

Moreover, there are many private cars in Rongcheng, and there are often traffic jams.

He always feels a little dangerous when running on the streets outside, and he will keep breathing in exhaust dust.

The air quality in Rongcheng is somewhat worrying.

"Wait, don't run first!"

At this time, Hu Bin heard someone shouting beside him.

"What's the matter?"

Hu Bin saw a tall and strong fitness coach walking towards him quickly.

He began to get nervous!

"You don't seem to have warmed up yet!" The fitness coach said with a smile, "It's easy to get injured if you don't warm up, especially if you don't exercise for a long time."


"You're welcome!" The fitness coach smiled, "My name is Zheng Jianbo, you can find me anytime if you need me!"

"Thank you!"

Hu Bin got off the treadmill and started to warm up.

Zheng Jianbo frowned and said, "Your warm-up movements are not standard enough!"


Hu Bin became alert instantly.

His warm-up movements may indeed be... not standard.

They were all taught casually by the physical education teacher, and he learned them casually!

"Let me teach you some simple exercises!"

Zheng Jianbo spent two minutes teaching Hu Bin some basic warm-up exercises.

Hu Bin learned them quickly!

"Okay, now you can get on the treadmill!"

"Thank you!"

Hu Bin stood on the treadmill, and Zheng Jianbo turned it on.

Hu Bin started to run while adjusting the operating screen of the treadmill.

However, Zheng Jianbo always made him feel uncomfortable next to him.

At the same time, he was still on guard.

He waited for the other party to sell him private lessons, and then he would simply refuse!

As a result, after waiting for two minutes.

He did not wait for the private lessons from the fitness coach.

Zheng Jianbo noticed that Hu Bin kept looking at him and his movements were a bit stiff, so he said tactfully: "You can exercise slowly. If you need anything, find me. My name is Zheng Jianbo!"

"Thank you, coach!"

"Yeah!" Zheng Jianbo smiled, "If you want to take private lessons, you can also find me. Whether it is muscle building or weight loss, I can design a training course tailored for you!"

Finally waited!

Now, Hu Bin felt that his heart was stable.


How to be a fitness coach without selling private lessons?

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