"Yes, originally I wanted to take over a gym."

The driver couldn't help but sigh: "You are really brave!"

"How to say?"

"Don't you often travel to the gym? I guess this business is not profitable!"

"That's not entirely true!" Su Yang explained, "There are still gyms that make money, but there is a problem with the way domestic gyms are run."

The driver asked curiously: "What's the problem?"

"Furthermore, opening a gym is an asset-heavy industry. A slightly larger gym will have to invest millions in the initial renovation and purchase of fitness equipment!"

"Many gyms chose to sell memberships desperately in the early stage and accumulated a lot of funds. The owners felt that the money was theirs, so they started to choose to open new stores or divert the funds to other places!"

After studying the fitness industry for several days, Su Yang has often communicated with Xu Zhiping, an industry elite. His understanding of the fitness industry exceeds that of most people, and he speaks clearly and logically.

"They subconsciously ignore the financial risks involved. After all, those members who are sold do not really consume. The gym must provide corresponding services to members in the future, such as water and electricity bills, rent, property management fees, labor costs, equipment maintenance... …These are huge expenses!”

Su Yang thought for a moment and said, "This is just like real estate. We do pre-sales at the beginning, but in the end we don't know where the funds were spent!"

"Real estate?" The driver suddenly understood, "If you explain it this way, I will understand. It's a thunderstorm!"

"And because many gyms are not professional enough and fitness coaches are more like salesmen, many members have a bad experience, resulting in a very low membership card repurchase rate. Many gyms find themselves increasingly unable to make ends meet as they open later..."

The driver asked casually: "Then you run away?"

Su Yang said helplessly: "There are also some people who don't run away. For example, Zhang Liang transferred the gym to me. There are also a few conscientious people who will refund the membership fee before going bankrupt!"

"Haha, yes!"

"If you want to see whether a gym is going to run away, you first need to see if they suddenly start selling annual or even three-year passes at a low price. Also, it is most dangerous for gyms to be open for one, three or five years."

"How to say?"

"Rent is due!"

The driver smiled again: "It seems you have done enough research!"

"I own a gym!"

"What name?"

"Spark Fitness!"

"Never heard of it!"

"The former Zhang Liang worked out!"

The driver suddenly asked: "Is it the one in the Hyatt Building?"

"You know?"

"I used to be a member there!" The driver glanced at Su Yang in the rearview mirror, "I applied for an annual pass there and also bought a few personal training courses!"

"Old customer?"

The driver said sheepishly: “My annual pass has been transferred!”

Su Yang asked curiously: "Is it because the gym service is not in place?"

"I used to work at the Hyatt Tower, but I no longer work there. I also had some financial problems, so I sold my annual pass!"

"Then what did you do before?"

"Playing games!" the middle-aged driver said with a helpless smile, "But now that I have graduated and I haven't found a job yet, I will start driving an online ride-hailing service."

Graduating in your thirties or forties?

This talk is really it!

"I heard that online car-hailing is quite profitable!"

The middle-aged driver sighed: "That was before, but now we are no longer profitable. The competition is too fierce, and even those who have jobs come to us at night to steal customers!"

"Then it's better to find a job quickly!"

"I'm also trying my best to find and interview!"

Su Yang saw the cute cartoon sticker on the back of the driver's seat and suddenly asked:

"I need to go out to look for stores frequently recently. How about you drive for me? The price is easy to negotiate!"

When the driver heard this, he became interested.

"You, a big boss, don't have a car?"

"I can only be considered a small boss!"

The driver didn't believe it: "Zhang Liang Fitness costs 2,000 square meters, right? Such a big store with a small owner?"

"At this stage, my funds are mainly used to start a business, and I don't plan to buy a car for the time being!"

Su Yang only has less than two million funds on hand.

With the Entrepreneur System, every penny invested now may be earned back exponentially in the future!

Buying a cheaper car is inconsistent with other people's designs.

He felt bad about buying a slightly more expensive car.

After all, his money can really make money, and he is still in the stage of capital accumulation!

Su Yang was a little envious of those protagonists with Shenhao systems. Money would fall from the sky while lying on the bed!

"It makes sense!" The driver nodded in agreement, "Cars are money-losing goods. They start to depreciate as soon as they leave the 4S store. You should develop your career now. If you really need a luxury car to support your appearance, you can rent it!"


"Boss, how about giving me...three hundred a day?" The driver thought for a moment and asked, "But I have to go to interviews occasionally, but it won't take much time!"

"Yes, I can reimburse you for the gas expenses!"

“The boss is awesome!”

Chapter 8 Transfer of prosperous shop? Gym test! Su Yang is not happy!

After chatting with the middle-aged driver, Su Yang learned that the driver's name was Ma Ran.

Ma Ran is thirty-two years old and used to work in game development.

She is married and has a family, and her children are in primary school.

There is still a mortgage to repay every month, which puts great financial pressure!

Soon, Su Yang arrived in front of the Xiangxiang Hotpot restaurant.

It’s also a popular shop for sale!

[You bought the hot pot restaurant and various equipment from the boss Sun Xinyan for 300,000 yuan. At the same time, you also got her hot pot base recipe and supplier contact information. You also signed a one-year lease agreement with the landlord, with a deposit of one and a third of the payment, a total of 80,000 yuan! ]

[Sun Xinyan took away the three relatives in the hot pot restaurant, and you quickly recruited people to prepare for the reopening. ]

[The fragrant hot pot restaurant is 500 square meters, has 13 employees, and needs to pay a monthly salary of 70,000 yuan. ]

[You own a hot pot restaurant, gain the sensitive taste talent, and gain 3 points of physical fitness. ]

[Your fragrant hot pot restaurant gains +30% delicious bonus and -15% physical damage buff. ]

Seeing the special effects of +30% delicious bonus and -15% physical damage, Su Yang's eyes lit up!

This is very good!

After all, for a restaurant, taste is really important!

As for -15% physical damage, those who understand will understand!

The hot pot restaurants in Rongcheng are naturally spicy, which is harmful to the body.

There are many anorectal hospitals in the Bashu area, all of which are fed by a large number of cases.

Just like the doctors in the ugly country are good at removing bullets!

However, the 3 points of physical fitness disappointed him a little, not as good as the attribute points rewarded by opening a gym!

[You found that Jian Wei, the clerk of the former Xiangpengpeng Hot Pot Restaurant, has the ability to operate a skilled hot pot restaurant, so you appointed him as the store manager. In the first month, the Xiangpengpeng Hot Pot Restaurant lost 40,000 yuan...]

Su Yang raised his eyebrows!

Sure enough, most of the transfers of popular shops are pitfalls!

If it really makes money, why would they transfer it to you?

But he has no big problem. The system will return 70,000 employees' wages every month, which means that he can still make 30,000.

Of course, things are also developing in a good direction.

[Jian Wei spent 15,000 yuan on promotion on software such as Dianping and Xiaobaishu, invited experts from Bilibili and Douyin to visit the restaurant, and held group buying activities. In the second month, the fragrant hot pot restaurant lost 40,000 yuan...]

Su Yang felt that Jian Wei was not bad, at least his mind was up to date, but the 15,000 yuan promotion fee did not seem to have much effect!

But as long as more customers come, the hot pot restaurant +30% delicious bonus will take effect, and it will gain a relatively high reputation, thereby obtaining more repeat customers.

Sometimes you have to endure when opening a restaurant, which is also the reason why many old restaurants are doing well, slowly accumulating reputation!

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