Zheng Yu: "..."

I asked you to pretend to be the village chief, not a gangster.

Tao Qian now looks like an old gangster. He cleans his teeth, rubs his hair, and shakes his head... all the young people in the society at the school gate behave like this.

Wenren Qingyu, Ke Ying, and Chai Yun took a step back in tacit understanding.

This man...can't afford to lose him.

Even if there are a bunch of ghosts on the other side.

But even with this poor acting, under the effect of the village chief's pipe decoration, the villagers still did not have any suspicion.

He even said very excitedly: "Village Chief! You are finally back!"

Many older villagers even shed tears.

"The village chief is back! Good times are here!"

"Village Chief, you are finally back. I thought you were given... given... by those black-hearted businessmen!"

Villagers surrounded Tao Qian.

Only the old man who had seen Tao Qian's face stared at Tao Qian's face with a slight hesitation in his eyes, and he was about to open his mouth.


An arrow pierced the old man's throat directly.


Blood sprayed all over the ground.

The originally lively villagers were suddenly stunned.

When Tao Qian saw this scene, he immediately understood what Zheng Yu meant. There was a loophole in the village chief's pipe, which meant that villagers who had seen Tao Qian's appearance before he had the pipe in his mouth would recognize it.

The solution is also simple.

Just kill him.

Tao Qian immediately stepped forward and said, "Don't panic, everyone!"

Then he pointed at the old man's body lying on the ground, with his throat stabbed directly by the Goblin Shooter.

He shouted: "This is a traitor!"


"Yes, traitor!"

Tao Qian has already entered the role.

"These are the experts I invited to complete the real sacrifice, not the black merchants who ruined the sacrifice as he said."

Someone questioned: "Then we can't kill him directly."

Tao Qian angrily shouted: "Are you questioning me!?"

The man drew back his neck and did not dare to say a word.

At this time Zheng Yu came out, pointed at the body of the dead old man and said: "He is not a human, but a ghost."

After saying that, the group of villagers saw the old man's body turning into a ghost and dispersing in mid-air.

Of course, this was not what Zheng Yu did, he just came out at the right time.

Because the people here are all ghosts.

This also confirmed Zheng Yu's previous guess.

There are no living people in this ghost village.

Where there are living people, how can there be hanged ghosts, starving ghosts, and sick ghosts at the same time...

"It's really a ghost!"

Seeing the body disappear.

The villagers immediately believed Tao Qian's words and began to look at Zheng Yu with respect.

Zheng Yu typed in the chat group at this time and said: "If you talk too much, you will be wrong. Go to the ancestral hall quickly."

Tao Qian (Warrior Monk): OK!

Zheng Yu has noticed that the yin energy around him is getting heavier and heavier.

Obviously, the boss behind the scenes couldn't sit still after seeing this scene.

She could see villagers being killed.

You can see that the sacrifice failed.

But we must not let an outsider who is not a villager lead the way, let alone let these villagers know the truth.

That's why little girls' tongues disappear.

The little girl had told the truth.

[God needs the cursed person to complete the task and will give the cursed person strength to help them fulfill their wishes. However, if the cursed person cannot complete the task, they will lose their power or even be punished. 】

This is a sentence that all professionals will memorize.

This sentence explains the core point of the entire existence of the abyss.

It is also the most basic condition for professionals to break through the abyss.

In the Hanjie Abyss, Xiao Qi's mission is to create cold corpses and maintain the cold temperature of Hanjie.

The same is true for the Yin God Curse in Shangyu Village.

In Zhang Zhan's strategy, Zhang Zhan once mentioned that those cursed by the Yin God may need to ensure the existence of Shangyu Village in order to obtain the curse of the Yin God.

If the villagers knew the truth, Shangyu Ghost Village would no longer be Shangyu Ghost Village.

She will definitely stop the process of telling the truth.

However, from beginning to end, there was no professional who challenged the nightmare level abyss and followed Zheng Yu's strategy route.

They all hid in the coffin honestly and followed the three-day period.

There is no such step as telling the truth.

More importantly, no one has ever raised the hypothesis that the villagers might be ghosts.

But the truth cannot be told to the villagers here.

First, the villagers are unlikely to believe it.

Second, the entire Shangyu Village is the main battlefield for the Yin God Curse, only the ancestral hall is not.

Zhang Zhan's strategy came into effect at this time, and the ancestral hall was a suitable place for fighting.

Tao Qian deliberately walked among the villagers and asked them to lead the way to the ancestral hall. He did not know the location of the ancestral hall.

All the villagers were very excited.

In the past three sacrifices, they were sure to be successful if the village chief was present.

In their hearts, the village chief is the important person who can communicate with their ancestors.

The ancestral hall is in the largest building in Shangyu Village.

From the outside, it is almost indistinguishable from other houses.

But the interior space is much larger than expected.

In the center of the circle sits a copper cylinder more than two meters wide, with a light blue flame burning in the cylinder.

There are three coffins placed in the main hall.

They were the three ancestral coffins used in previous sacrifices.

Strangely enough, the coffin has not rotted to this day.

After entering the ancestral hall.

Zheng Yu clearly felt that the yin energy was blocked from the outside.

"There's something about this yard."

Zheng Yu whispered to himself.

The Yin Qi in the entire Shangyu Village is everywhere, which is why Zheng Yu said that the Yin God curser is always staring at them.

Yin Qi is the power of the Yin god who curses.

But after entering the sacrificial hall, the Yin Qi was much weaker.

It means that there must be something in this sacrificial hall.

"No wonder Zhang Zhan said he must fight here. It makes sense."

While talking.

Tao Qian was already surrounded by villagers and came to the hall.

Zheng Yu and others also crossed the coffin and came to the hall.

The hall has long been transformed into an ancestral hall, with various ancestors' memorial halls and inscriptions, but in the middle stands a clay sculpture.

The clay sculpture is half white and half black. The black side has an angry look and the white side has no eyes or mouth.

Hands together.

But in the folded palms, there is a clearly visible blade!

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