The three-piece set of human skin spiders directly increases the blood volume to 10,000.

But the blood volume he can use is only 2350 points.

Plus 15 talent points.

As well as 10 talent points given by the training dummy.

A total of 320 talent points can be sacrificed.

Zheng Yu glanced at the Goblin General.

[Talent]: Level 4 (there are still 500 talent points left before upgrading) (+)

He glanced at the Twin Flame Dragon Snake again.

[Talent]: Level 4 (there are still 850 talent points left before upgrading) (+)

One requires 500 points to evolve to level 5, and the other requires 850 points to evolve to level 5.

"There's still a lot to be done..."

If you want to reach the level of solo farming in the second stage of the abyss, you must have a level 5 summoned beast. Although according to his current strength, he can also clear the abyss at will.

But his goal is still nightmare level.

Having seen the difficulty of the nightmare-level abyss in the Cold Street Abyss, he became more cautious and wary of the second-stage nightmare abyss.

However, fortunately, there are many ways for him to improve his strength now.

Cultivate equipment, cultivate summoned beasts, a third summoned beast, and two Hex enhancement runes to be collected after reaching level 10.

It can make his strength increase.

Forging, strengthening, refining, and runes can all be bought with money. As long as the resources applied for by Shangyu City are received, he can be strengthened in a small way.

As for the third summoned beast.

Zheng Yu found four level 10 summoned beast skill books in the temple.

They are, Shadow Bat, War Centaur, Steppenwolf, and Rain Butterfly.

Shadow Bat is an assassin-type summoned beast.

War Centaur and Steppenwolf are warrior summoned beasts.

Rain Butterfly is an auxiliary summoned beast.

Zheng Yu prefers Yudie.

After the battle with Xiao Qi, he found that he lacked endurance and recovery ability.

The Twin Flame Dragon Snake has high damage, but is very fragile. It consumes a lot of energy to release the skill, so it needs an auxiliary summoned beast that can both protect and restore energy.

Goblin General has explosive damage, but is not fast. Rain Butterfly is an auxiliary summoned beast that can increase group speed.

Zheng Yu didn't hesitate and chose Yudie directly.

He has no shortage of damage on his hands.

He chose Yudie because he didn't need to invest a lot of talent points for the time being. After all, he wanted to save a wave of talent points to upgrade the Goblin General to the fifth level.

The early talent points are simply not enough to upgrade three summoned beasts at the same time.

You have to focus your resources on one summoned beast.

Goblin General is the best choice.

Ability to resist damage and perform damage output, the Goblin Combat Team is fully functional and requires few talent points for advancement.

Almost a perfect choice.

The most important thing is that the three additional skills for cultivating summoned beasts after the summoner reaches level 10 can only cultivate one.

Of course, Goblin General is the first choice.

After level 10, each profession will receive specialized skills, allowing the same profession to develop skills of different genres.

For example, warriors will get three different specialization skills: vitality, burst, and attack and defense.

Choose different skills and develop in completely different directions.

It can also be mixed development or comprehensive development.

The same goes for summoners.

Divided into three schools.

Physical training, skill training, and attribute training.

Physical training can be divided into giant beast stream, which mainly cultivates the size, blood volume and defense of the summoned beast.

Skill training is mainly for the training method of Twin Flame Dragon Snake. The schools include core dan school, legal bombing school, pure element school, mixed element school, etc.

Attribute cultivation is the simplest.

It's just a simple heap attribute.

Goblin General follows the attribute school. The higher the attribute value, the higher his damage.

In the past, summoned beasts all followed the attribute school. Because resources were limited, pure piles of attributes were the simplest.

Of course, the Goblin General can also be trained according to his physical constitution to cultivate a Goblin with a huge size.

However, cultivating summoned beasts not only requires various expensive materials, but also requires the sacrifice of summoned beasts with the same talent for cultivation.

More important is the time cost.

It takes a lot of time and a lot of money to cultivate a truly perfect summoned beast.

This is the obstacle that blocked the growth path of summoners in the past.

Because they cannot be trained, summoners cannot truly demonstrate the strength that summoned beasts should have. As a profession, summoners are not only unable to clear the abyss, but also cannot get rankings in various competitions.

Over time, the Summoner became a sewer profession.

Talented professionals would never consider the summoner profession. Without talent, it would be impossible to cultivate good summoned beasts.

In short...a vicious cycle.

Zheng Yu first purchased the Rain Butterfly Summoned Beast Skill Book from the Temple Shop.

[Summoned Beast·Rain Butterfly]

[Skill Book, available at level 10]

[Disposable item. The skill book disappears after learning. Summoner professionals can learn it and get a trainable rain butterfly. 】

[Price: 30,000 yuan]

To be fair, it’s cabbage price.

Skill books are very difficult to produce.

Zheng Yu cleared the abyss twice, and even once was a nightmare-level abyss, but he didn't produce a single skill book.

Normally, level 10 warrior skills and the worst fire knife cost 200,000, and it is not a fixed price and needs to be obtained at auction.

The general transaction price is around 300,000.

Although warriors are a popular profession, at the same time, because they are so popular, all kinds of warrior-related equipment, consumables, and skills are highly hyped.

Zheng Yu threw all the unused materials and equipment in the warehouse to the temple store.

Keep the strengthening stones and forging stones.

The rest, including the novice mage's top, novice mage boots, and gloves, were all sold.

Han Zhi also exploded a lot of materials in the Cold Street Abyss, and sold them all to material merchants. Such materials that ordinary professionals think are useless are of great use in the hands of merchants.

Seventy-seven and eighty-eight also bought a lot of money.

The cold ice stone alone was sold for less than 200,000 yuan.

Ice Blade, 270,000.

Because Wenren Qingyu and Ke Ying had a gold-level weapon selection box, the previous transaction was naturally useless. Chen Yu hung directly in the temple and was sold out in seconds for a flat price of 270,000.

The blood-stained chef hat, priced at 120,000, was bought by a player with the general chef assistant profession.

A level 5 bone chopping knife was sold for 150,000 yuan.

A lot of novice equipment, a five-piece warrior set, priced at 100,000.

In the nightmare-level Cold Street Abyss, novice equipment seems to be exploding for free.

After a nightmarish journey down into the abyss, I only paid for a house by selling "junk".

Although Tao Qian and the others received relatively little, they still had an income of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.

This doesn’t even count the equipment they got from opening the boxes!

Tao Qian opened a platinum-level coat, a gold-level monk's staff, and a gold-level shield from the historical treasure chest.

Platinum-level equipment is designated as not for sale, so this is the bottom of the pack.

The Monk's Staff is obtained from the optional treasure chest.

It can be said that with this weapon, Tao Qian can no longer be regarded as soy sauce.

As for shield versus shield...

"Fuck! 4.2 million!"

Tao Qian found the previous transaction price of this shield.

Tao Qian's first reaction was that he didn't understand. "No, why would someone spend four to five million dollars to buy a level 10 equipment?"

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