
The flames burned fiercely.

If it weren't for the contract formation, the tent that Tao Qian rented might have burned down.

The hot flames cannot harm Zheng Yu as a summoner.

Instead, a feeling of intimacy emerged.


Flames leap.

Eventually two fire demons clinging to each other were formed.

The fire demon floats in the air and is about one meter tall. It looks a bit like the little fire man in the Ice and Fire Man. It looks cute, light and has a well-proportioned figure.

I don't know how much better looking than the goblin.

But the temperament is far inferior to the domineering and mighty temperament of VIP Deacon + General.

The temperament of the Gemini Fire Demon is more like that of a cute and obedient neighbor's child, well-behaved, sensible, lively, and very smart.

At this time, its properties have also undergone tremendous changes.

[Summoned Beast·Twin Fire Demons]

[Level]: Level 6 (increases with the level of the summoner)

[HP]: 3000

[Attack power]: 375 (78{Summoner’s current intelligence}*4.8{Coefficient})

[Talent]: Level 3 (150 talent points left before upgrade) (+)

[Skill I]: Flame Halo lv.6

It can control the temperature within a 10-meter diameter range. When raised to the maximum, it will cause 825 points of burning damage to all objects every second (375{fire elf attack power}*2.2{coefficient})

[Skill II]: Fireball lv.6

Release a fireball and chase and lock the target, causing 2325 (375{Fire Spirit Attack Power}*6.2{Coefficient}) ignition damage.

[Skill III]: Twin Contract (special skill, no level)

The twin fire demons coexist and can release skills at the same time, the damage is superimposed, and the fire attribute damage is doubled.

[Skill IV]: Flame Cage lv.6

Book the location of the flame cage in advance. When the enemy enters the range, it will be automatically triggered. The entire cage will be enveloped in high-temperature flames, causing 2100 (375{Fire Elf Attack Power}*5.6{Coefficient} per second.)

[Summoned Beast Equipment]: None

There are two more skills.

A twin contract.

A cage of fire.

The Twin Contract means double spell casting and double attribute damage, making the damage done by the Twin Fire Demon extremely shocking.

The Flame Cage is a trap-type pure damage skill.

The damage skill may not seem high, but if you look closely, it can cause 2100 damage per second.

It's not the explosive damage of Wolf Cavalry's charge.

But with 2100 damage per second, it can kill a Thousand Bloods Cold Corpse in 5 seconds.


Zheng Yu suddenly reacted.

The 2100 damage does not count as the double bonus of Gemini.

In other words, if you let the fire elves fight against the Ten Thousand Blood Cold Corpses, the battle will be resolved in 3 seconds...


Zheng Yu couldn't help but admire it.

However, although the Twin Fire Demons were strong, they were still not as good as the Goblin General, who already had a fourth-level talent.

Goblin General's current numerical damage, a charge, can directly kill cold corpses in seconds, which is stronger.

Completely strengthened the fire spirit.

Zheng Yu still has one most important improvement that remains untouched.

That's his core, the Hex Strengthening Rune.

Every 5 levels.

Obtain two Hex empowering runes.

Zheng Yu couldn't wait to take it out.

[The Hex strengthening runes are being extracted...]

【Congratulations! You have drawn the third rune - a gold-level rune - focusing on a companion! 】

【Congratulations! You have drawn the fourth rune—the silver-level rune—the library card! 】

[Mainly a companion]: Provide a {training dummy}. All damage that attacks the summoner will be given priority to attack the training dummy. After each abyss, if the training dummy survives, 10 talent points will be provided.

[Library Card]: Obtain a {Book of Heraldry}. In the Book of Heraldry, you can choose one from four random bond emblems and obtain an equipment forger.


"Seems pretty good?"

Although I couldn't draw the Prismatic level runes.

But the effect of the training dummy is exactly what Zheng Yu needs now.

You must attack the taunting unit first - the training dummy.

Typical life-saving runes.

Zheng Yu himself has a small upper limit of blood volume, and he has a training dummy to ensure that he will not be killed by a sneak attack.

Very nice rune.

And every time you clear the abyss, you will be given 10 talent points for free. This is a good thing, which is equivalent to giving you 100 life limits for free.

He currently lacks talent points.

Zheng Yu didn't hesitate and directly opened the book of heraldry given to him by the library card rune.

[Please choose one from the "Mage's Crest", "Ionia's Crest", "Barrier Crest" and "Deacon's Crest". 】


A coat of arms cannot activate the bond at all.

It already has 2 deacons' emblems. If you bring them to the fire elf, although it cannot activate the four deacons, it can also allow the fire elf to share the attribute bonus of the deacon's 20% increase in blood volume and 20% increase in attack power.

【Get the deacon's crest! 】

【Get the equipment forger! 】

[Equipment Forger]: Can transform equipment that cannot be worn into equipment that can be used by oneself.

"This thing is good!"

Zheng Yu stored the equipment forger in the item space and gave the fire elf the deacon's crest.

Everything is ready.

At this time, Zheng Yu received a message.

It was a message from the head teacher.

"Zheng Yu, are you the one who broke the record?"

Zheng Yu replied: "Yes."

The head teacher called soon after.

"That's it. If you have time tomorrow, come to the Jiangshui City Government Building. The mayor wants to see you."

Zheng Yu was not surprised. After all, newcomers who broke the record every year would be personally received by the mayor and given rewards.

Zheng Yu said, "Is it a reward?"

"The reward is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I will give you some publicity, and then..."

Before the head teacher could finish speaking, Zheng Yu said, "I may not have time, so I'll reward you by bringing it for me."


The head teacher was a little embarrassed.

Zheng Yu said directly: "Just tell the mayor directly that I am going to enter the nightmare level copy immediately. If he doesn't want this record, then I will go."

Zheng Yu didn't like that kind of situation, mainly because there was no benefit.

As long as he is rewarded, nothing else matters.

After all, Potian is only a professional of a few levels, and his fame and reputation are not important for the time being.

Trouble, there are still many things to do.

"Nightmare...nightmare level?"

The head teacher thought he heard wrongly.

"Well, you heard it right, it's a nightmare. Anyway, don't ask any more questions. I don't want to answer too many questions. Just look at the results. The mayor will know and understand."

After saying that, Zheng Yu hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, the head teacher scratched his head, and then dialed the mayor in confusion.

"Brother, borrow some money."

In the martial arts gym, Wu Zong found his brother Wu Xian, who is also the owner of the martial arts gym.

"How much to borrow?"

"20...500,000, maybe."

"Seize the young master?"

Wu Xian almost lost his grip on the tea cup.

"No, you and I are brothers. Of course I will lend you money if you have no money or need money, but if you just ask for 500,000... Do you think I am rich as your brother?"

"No, stay where it's cool."

Wu Zong was not angry, he just showed Wu Xian something.


"The holder of the historical clearance record of Cold Street Abyss?"


Wu Xian immediately jumped up from the sofa, turned on his computer, and opened the official website of the Jiangshui City Temple. Without searching carefully, a message popped up on the page.

[Congratulations to the professional team "Summoner Squad" for breaking the historical clearance time of Cold Street Abyss (Easy Level). 】

[The clearance time is: 2 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 23 seconds]

[Captain: Zheng Yu (Summoner)]

[Team members: Tao Qian (monk), Wu Zong (monk), Ke Ying (assassin), Wenren Qingyu (assassin)]

"Damn it, you kid can do it!"

"I asked you why you didn't come to work today. So you're back to being a professional?"

Wu Xian was very happy.

He has always known that his brother is reluctant to eat or spend money these days, just to save money and try the career path again.

Unexpectedly, he was allowed to get through.

Not only did it go through, but it also made a record.

The reason why he was so sure that it was a mixed record was because he was very clear about Wu Zong's strength. A monk with a D-level talent did not have the ability to set a new record.

Then he noticed the disposition of the team.

"Brother, this team configuration is a bit strange."

Wu Zong said: "Don't worry about profession, Zheng Yu is an S-level talent."

"No wonder."

"So you're not going to give me money yet?"


"He plans to take me through the nightmare abyss."

"I have to tell your sister-in-law."

"No one has ever cleared the Nightmare Abyss in Cold Street Abyss. This is something that can be recorded in the genealogy. Our family will be the first to kneel in the incense ceremony next year."

"Come to the bank with me."

For southerners who come here from Guangzhou to start a business, there is nothing more important than honoring their ancestors.

"How much to borrow?"

Commercial lending company with compounding interest and compounding interest.

A tattooed bald man stared at Ke Ying and Wenren Qingyu and asked.

"Two million."

"Is there a mortgage?"


"Then why should I lend you money? Otherwise..."

The bald head pointed to the camera on the table, "Want two?"

Just as Ke Ying was about to get angry, Wenren Qingyu stopped her. She stared at her bald head and said, "Are you sure you don't want to borrow it? Then I'll go find another company."

The bald man was stunned.

He has never seen someone so arrogant when borrowing money.

But he still asked patiently: "What are you borrowing money for?"

"Cross the abyss."

"What level?"

"Nightmare level."

"Oh, are you kidding me?"


"Do you think I will believe it? There are many people who come to my place to cheat money. In the end, none of them come back intact. It's best not to make me unhappy."

"Forget it, if you don't mind, I still want to advertise to you after Master Zheng Yu takes us through the customs."


"Zheng Yu, you don't know?"

Of course the bald man knows that he is also a professional, otherwise how would he have the confidence to lend us money to professionals.

The message that popped up a few hours ago is still the most discussed thing in the forum.

After all, a summoner has achieved amazing results.

2 hours and 45 minutes...what is this concept?

The previous record was 3 hours and 49 minutes.

In other words, a summoner, a profession considered by everyone to be one of the weakest, not only set a new record, but also advanced it by an hour!

"Is he ready to directly challenge the Nightmare Abyss?"

The bald man's tone softened a bit.

"Yes, he told us personally."

"Then how can I trust you that he will take you in?"

Wenren Qingyu displayed the team information.

"It's been several hours since he came out of the abyss. If he wanted to form a team, he would have left the team long ago. Just tell me whether you want to borrow it or not?"


The bald man no longer hesitated this time.

Even if Zheng Yu really couldn't pass the level, he would borrow it with the attitude of giving it a try.

He knew very well that if Zheng Yu could really clear the nightmare level abyss, the resources of the entire province would be unconditionally tilted towards Zheng Yu.

The future is limitless.

Even if such a great god cannot bring them closer, they cannot have bad relationships.

"Two million, right?"

"Let's make an agreement first. No matter whether Zheng Yu can clear the nightmare abyss or not, he will have to pay back the money he borrowed, and he will have to pay interest."

Because it was not clear what the relationship between these two very beautiful girls was with Zheng Yu, in order to avoid the other party defaulting on the account, it was necessary to make it clear in advance.

Zheng Yu is Zheng Yu, and the rules of their lending company are the rules.

Otherwise, his business would be out of business.

"no problem."

Wenren Qingyu said with a smile.

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