"The first level, is that how you pass it?"

"No, why was he the only one who could pass? We at least played some role, right?"

"What role did you play?"

The little guy was the first to stand up and protest.

"I have attracted your attention, haven't you been explaining it? What have you contributed?"

"Is it possible that you attract attention because the Iron Hound thinks you are the weakest?"

"I am not happy with what you said."

The seven people thought they could get through the trial by relying on the help of others.

But who knew that this so-called trial required them to participate or directly kill the weird.

What the hell.

If I had known, I would have gone up to help.

But now there is no way to regret it.

The remaining seven people can only watch Chen Feng enter the second level alone.

"But he is the only one entering the second level. Can he pass it?"

"I think it's pretty bad."

The man who made the previous analysis spoke again.

"Judging from the technical characteristics, this student has strong comprehensive abilities. Whether it is on-the-spot response or combat skills, he is worthy of the status of a student of the Fifth Academy."

"However, he is only a logistics professional awakener after all, and without the help of professional characteristic skills, his strength limit is very low."

"And now it’s only the first level, but it’s already level 8 weird. What’s next?"

"Level 10? Level 15?"

"It seems to be true."

Others echoed.

In their opinion, although Chen Feng seemed to have passed the first level with ease, he was just a spent force. His attack methods were very limited, and as the weirdness level continued to increase, his attack would become weaker and weaker.

At this moment, the mechanical male voice in the sky reached his ears.

"The second level of the trial: wisdom"

"Trial requirements: The awakener must complete any branch trial task in the trial tower"


The beam of light that hit Chen Feng began to flicker.

Then it scanned Chen Feng from top to bottom.

"The awakened data has been uploaded, index screen......"

"It was detected that the awakener had completed the trial maze challenge, and the second stage of the trial was over."


It's finished already?

The seven people standing behind Chen Feng and watching were stunned for a moment.

"What happened? The second level ended without doing anything?"

"Trial Maze, what is that?"

"I don't know, is the second level just a formality?"

Everyone was very confused.

But at this time Chen Feng understood something.

If he guessed correctly, the place where he and Song Qiang were teleported to was the trial maze.

He and Song Qiang walked to the exit with the help of the three-dimensional map, and somehow completed the second level.

However, they walked out of the maze with the help of the three-dimensional map.

From the perspective of difficulty, it seems to be more than one level lower than the first level.

Chen Feng looked at the seven people behind him. From their confused expressions, Chen Feng could roughly guess that these people should not have entered the maze area.

Maybe they were teleported directly to the trial field.

It was also bad luck.

"Trial Level 3, Basic Talent"

"Trial content: Awakener's panel data must reach 15 points or more"


Hearing such harsh test content, the other seven people sighed with regret.

"It's over. It's basically impossible at 15 o'clock."

"Even if his starting panel for one statistic is five points, after upgrading to level eight and adding all points to this statistic, there will only be thirteen points."

"It seems to be over."

However, the next moment, the beam of light covered Chen Feng again.

"The test is complete. The awakener's luck panel data is 100 points, meeting the requirements of the trial content. The third level of the trial is over."


"More, how much?"

"One hundred points!"

"How is it possible!!!"

The seven people could no longer suppress their surprise.

They looked at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a monster.

This was just a freshman at level 8.

One hundred points of single data, this was simply a fantasy.

Moreover, there was no way to directly increase the luck.

""Brother, what is your profession?"

Someone came to Chen Feng, grabbed his shoulder and asked.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at him, but did not answer.

On the contrary, he looked a little annoyed.

Chen Feng did not expect that his secret would be exposed directly in front of seven people by this so-called trial.

A hundred points of luck data, if this were to be spread out, he would be in trouble.

"There must be a bug. My luck points are only ten."

Chen Feng said with a helpless smile.

"This place looks very old. After years of use, these sophisticated machines are bound to have problems."

After hearing Chen Feng's explanation, the others all laughed.

"I told you, how is a hundred points possible?"

"But to be honest, brother, ten lucky points is impressive, I only have five."

Chen Feng agreed with a smile, covering up his inner embarrassment.

However, at this moment, the mechanical male voice in the sky appeared again.

"It has been detected that the awakener meets the conditions for the final trial level. The final trial level is now open."

"Tip: After the trial is over, the trial function of the trial tower will be closed. The remaining awakeners please choose other trial towers to complete the trial"

"The final stage of the trial is being prepared......"

Before he finished speaking, eight small platforms rose up in the distance from the circular platform, and on each small platform there was a cubic iron block exactly the same as the one in the first level.

The lights in the entire trial field suddenly turned off, and then switched to a dark red light.

The originally relaxed atmosphere was instantly crushed, and the constant clicking sounds stimulated everyone's nerves.

Everyone looked at the eight cubic iron blocks in the distance, and had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

The little man took two steps back, swallowed his saliva and said,"No way, it shouldn't be eight steel hounds, right?"

The next moment, the eight cubes began to deform at the same time. At the same time, the mechanical male voice in the sky sounded

"Final Trial - Survival"

"Please survive for five minutes under the siege of eight LV9 Iron Hounds."

The identities changed instantly.

Everyone froze in place.

One Iron Hound could be dealt with, even Chen Feng alone was enough.

But eight?

It's impossible!

Survive for five minutes.

It doesn't sound too difficult.

But you have to know that the radius of this circular trial platform is less than 50 meters.

With the speed of the Iron Hound, it can rush to the front in the blink of an eye.

There is not a single moment of free time in these five minutes.

The seven people panicked.

They subconsciously looked at the strongest Chen Feng.

But at this moment.

The eight Iron Hounds suddenly turned into black shadows and ran towards the center, and finally gathered together.

Then, the projection screen above the trial field changed.

The data of the eight Iron Hounds disappeared, replaced by a completely unfamiliar name.

S-level weirdness, LV8 Hound Baron


"What's going on?......"


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