The proportion of logistics professions among the freshmen of Shangjing College this year is only about 10%, but there are only 300 to 400 people.

The logistics practice classroom at the corner of the first floor of the East Eight Teaching Building is already full of people.

There are many sophomores and juniors among them.

Everyone is here for Professor Qi.

Professor Qi's open elective courses are held every semester, and the time is not fixed.

And the content of the course depends mainly on his mood.

It is such a professor who lacks discipline and has an extremely lazy teaching style that is deeply admired by the logistics students of Shangjing College.

The reason is simple. Everyone has witnessed the urban defense effect of Shangjing City for so many years.

Even in the last secret realm frenzy, a powerful S-level meat ball strangely carried countless monsters to sneak attack the urban area, and finally stopped at the fifth ring and was directly eliminated by the defense system.

Coincidentally, if the meat ball had not been eliminated in advance, its route should have just passed through the community where Chen Feng's family lived.

People crowded inside and outside the classroom.

Everyone was looking forward to getting in early to grab a seat.

However, with the presence of the macho Wang Meng, Chen Feng and his team quickly squeezed out a path.

Sit down in the front row.

As the bell rang, Professor Qi, who was the focus of everyone's attention, walked into the classroom.

He was wearing a white coat and reading glasses, and was in his sixties or seventies.

He looked like a standard researcher.

Professor Qi became famous twenty-one years ago, when the Awakening Era had just arrived.

This was somewhat inconsistent with the image of a middle-aged man that Chen Feng and others had seen on the poster.

"Professor Qi has different topics for each class, and everyone's professional characteristics are divided into five categories, why are there so many people?"Chen Feng asked.

Some logistics professions have creative attributes.

Some are repair, enchantment, strengthening and even upgrading.

The attributes are different.

If Professor Qi talks about the teaching topic of self-creation, the logistics profession awakeners with only the repair attribute [Maintenance Technician] will definitely waste time.

Similarly, his mechanical manufacturing and operation have nothing to do with Chen Feng, but are closely related to Deng Cuo.

"You don't understand this, this is called personal charm."Deng Cuo turned his head and looked at Chen Feng and smiled.

"Professor Qi is my idol!"

"Both he and I are mechanics, and his mechanical philosophy has also influenced me to a great extent, but Professor Qi is more inclined to static passive defense, while I am more proactive."

"You don't know, I......"

Deng Cuo became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice became louder and louder.

However, Chen Feng's focus was on Deng Cuo's afro. Now he smelled it closely and found that there was a faint smell of coke.

Could it be that this afro was really obtained by explosion?

Soon, Professor Qi's class interrupted Chen Feng's thoughts.

Looking sideways, he had written four big characters on the blackboard:"self-creation" -"building a basic theory".

It sounds very complicated.

As soon as the theme came out, there were many regretful sighs in the classroom.

Some students who did not have the professional attribute of building would probably be very disappointed, but they did not leave the classroom.

Professor Qi adjusted his reading glasses, and the strong breath of the old generation of teachers came out when he opened his mouth.

This instantly reminded Chen Feng of the ancient memory of taking math classes, hypnotic.

The so-called"building a basic theory" is nothing more than two key points.

Self-creation and blueprint derivation.

Chen Feng studied it during the nine-day summer camp.

And practiced it under the guidance of Li Wenguang.

It is not a thorough understanding, but at least it has achieved some success.

Self-building refers to the logistics professional awakeners with creative attributes using the crafting characteristic skills to get rid of the constraints of the blueprint and build the objects in their minds.

Blueprint derivatives are advanced versions based on self-building.

Using the awakener's understanding of self-building, modifications are made based on the blueprint.

Delete redundant designs and improve key lines.

Thus, saving materials and improving the rating ability of building objects can be achieved.

Chen Feng has touched the threshold of the former, but the latter requires a lot of knowledge reserves.

Generally, it is an ability that only senior logistics awakeners have, and Chen Feng has no intention of further studying in this area for the time being.

It is a bit of a waste of time for him.

But it is different for Deng Cuo.

When he saw the topic on the blackboard, his eyes lit up.

His body was straight, and he didn't know where he took out the notebook and laid it neatly on the table.

At this time, a phone ring suddenly rang in the classroom.

Professor Qi's face became more nervous.

He nodded slightly to apologize,"Sorry, students, I have something urgent to deal with, wait for me for a few minutes."

After that, he picked up the phone and left the classroom at a faster pace.

The state of the students relaxed instantly.

Those students who had not yet found a suitable seat hurried to the classroom.

At this time, the four people in Dormitory 206 were in different states.

Wang Meng stared at Deng Cuo's notebook in confusion, making a"hissing" sound, as if he was thinking about the same question as Chen Feng.

Deng Cuo took out a silver-white rectangular mechanical component and placed it on the table and patted it.

Then the mechanical component seemed to come alive and began to roll on the table, and a ball would roll out from inside every time it rolled.

Deng Cuo put the ball back on the table, and the mechanical component actually rolled to find and swallow the ball.

"What are you doing?" Chen Feng asked


"Isn’t there a clock in the classroom?"

"Today's clocks have errors, my mechanical timing device is more accurate"

"So, what do you time?"

"I was calculating the difference between the time Professor Qi left and the few minutes he promised. The rigorous attitude of the older generation towards the concept of time is worth learning."


Chen Feng was deeply shocked.

This Deng Cuo is really a scientific research talent.

However, at this time, a strong hand pressed on Deng Cuo's small mechanical component.

The mechanical component was like a frightened little mouse, spitting out all the balls inside and scattering on the table.

Chen Feng and the other three looked up at the same time.

There were also four people standing in front of them.

And from the way they were wearing slippers, they knew that they were old students.

"Classmate, could you please give up your seat?"

"This is where we sit every time Professor Qi teaches."

Deng Cuo put away his small mechanical components and was about to stand up.

Chen Feng held him down.

In Deng Cuo's surprised eyes, Chen Feng said:"I'm sorry, senior, there is no sign behind this seat."

"Junior, you have just entered the academy, and it is normal that you don’t know many rules."

As he said, he motioned Chen Feng to look at the seat drawer.

"This means it's our seat."

The senior student in the lead lowered his head slightly, staring directly at Chen Feng, with a hint of provocation in his smile.

Chen Feng looked down and saw a pack of tissues in each of his and Deng Cuo's drawers.

What a great way to reserve a seat.


Professor Qi's class is very popular, and it is common to reserve seats in advance, and it is not uncommon.


He just took two packs of tissues to reserve a seat. Wasn't that a bit too much?

So Chen Feng didn't say anything and quickly stuffed the tissues into the seat drawer of the old student sitting next to him.

"Seniors, you may have remembered it wrongly, your tissues are not here."

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