"This way."

Chen Feng followed the map and stopped in front of a cave.

This is the famous Demon Spider Cave in Examination Hall No. 3.

On the surface, it looks like a dark cave, and there is no threat.

In fact, there are thousands of E-level monsters lurking inside, tiny demon spiders.

Most of them are at LV1, and there is a very small probability of giving birth to LV2 individuals after adulthood.

A single tiny demon spider poses no threat to ordinary people, it is just a spider the size of a head.

But the tiny demon spiders are social monsters, living in groups.

When you see one, it often means that you have been surrounded.

This place has always been a nightmare for candidates in previous college entrance examinations, and few people have set foot here.

In the last session, three candidates accidentally walked in. When they were rescued by the security teacher, all three suffered from severe amputee phobia and intensive phobia.

Chen Feng and his trio stopped in front of the cave, and immediately attracted the attention of many college observers, including some from heavy universities.

"Jiang Chen, according to the plan, you go first."

Jiang Chen turned his head with a reluctant look on his face,"Lao Chen, I'm afraid of spiders."

"If this thing climbs onto me, I can at least do a hip-hop dance for you."

Chen Feng pushed him forward,"Shield Warrior, this is your duty, do you want me and Gu Sisi to be the front row?"

There was no other way. Although Jiang Chen was unwilling, he had to go first.

Chen Feng followed closely behind, and Gu Sisi walked at the back to cover the rear.

The Demon Spider Cave is very deep. According to the textbook, the total length is 3,000 meters, and it is easy to get lost because of the winding and complex structure.

Moreover, the electronic equipment distributed in the examination room will not provide maps of such monster gathering places.

But fortunately, Chen Feng had memorized the point map in the textbook a long time ago.

The Demon Spider Cave is no different from his home.

They stopped at a fork, and faced the classic question of left or right.

Chen Feng pointed to the left cave entrance

"Jiang Chen, please help me"

"What are you doing?" Jiang Chen felt a little guilty. He didn't know what tricks Chen Feng was planning.

"Go in and explore the way. The textbook says that the left side of the cave is safe."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen blinked his eyes in doubt.

Chen Feng nodded firmly and gave a thumbs up,"Don't worry, I have all the key points on the map in my mind."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and walked towards the cave entrance on the left.

As soon as he disappeared, Chen Feng immediately took out the Dragon Breath Cannon from the warehouse and handed it to Gu Sisi.

"Sisi, aim at the left cave entrance, and pull the trigger directly after Jiang Chen lures out the tiny demon spider."

Gu Sisi carried the Dragon Breath Cannon with difficulty, and nodded after completing the reload with no ammunition due to her professional characteristics.

Chen Feng reminded:"Remember to wait until Jiang Chen is completely out of the attack range of the Dragon Breath Cannon before you start, so as not to roast him."

Gu Sisi nodded again, stood in front of Chen Feng, and stared at the cave entrance very seriously.

Sure enough, the next second, Jiang Chen in the left cave entrance burst into a sharp roar.

"Chen Feng! Fuck you!!"


The sound of rapid running echoed in the cave. In just five seconds, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the two again.

He ran as hard as he could, his pupils dilated, and his breathing was extremely rapid.

Behind him, there was a dark mass. Looking closely, countless tiny magic beads were climbing up and down the cave in every direction, making a crackling sound and rushing towards Jiang Chen.


Chen Feng gave the order.

Gu Sisi opened fire without any hesitation.

The moment the trigger was pulled, the Dragon Breath Cannon, which originally had the cold feeling of iron, opened its huge mouth and the cannon body trembled. The scorching flames burst out from the muzzle and whistled forward in an umbrella shape.

In an instant, the dark cave was illuminated by the fire, and the facial expressions of the three people were extremely obvious in the flames.

Gu Sisi had a blank expression and was absent-minded.

Chen Feng smiled lightly and planned his strategy.

Jiang Chen would rather die than live, Chen Feng really deserved to die!

The sound of the flames covered the screams of the small magic bead. Gu Sisi stopped only when the dark tide in front of her turned into a pool of coal. The integrator on her waist also began to count the points

"Killed 161 E-level LV1 small magic beads and got 161 points."

161 points in one go!

Looking at the leaderboard, the '985211' team went from the last to the 126th in one go. The university observers were shocked.

"This weapon is so powerful."

"This girl is so cruel."

In the picture captured by the camera just now, Gu Sisi held the Dragon Breath Cannon in her hand and perfectly controlled the weapon's firepower coverage, annihilating any tiny magic bead that tried to approach in the cradle.

From beginning to end, in twenty seconds, no tiny magic bead approached a meter in front of her.

"Is this the professional"gunman"? He has a terrifying control over guns and cannons."

"Being able to master the characteristics of the profession so well in such a short time, this candidate named Gu Sisi is very talented."

Many college observers missed the scene of Chen Feng building the Dragon Breath Cannon earlier, and now they paid more attention to Gu Sisi who scored 161 points by himself.

However, Long Xiangping's attention was always on Chen Feng.

He sighed to himself:"Flame weapons, special attack properties against social creatures, and the choice of the magic spider cave with the highest biological density in the examination room, this guy has made a lot of preparations"

"Use the meat shield in the team as bait to lure the enemy out. Although it is destructive, it is highly effective."

Inside the cave.

Chen Feng took back the Dragon Breath Cannon and began to check it.

Gu Sisi's firing this time did not trigger the probability effect.

This also made Chen Feng understand that different weapon types may have different triggering methods.

Although the Dragon Breath Cannon is a C-level probability weapon, its panel and damage are much lower than most C-level weapons. It is almost difficult to regard it as a C-level weapon without triggering the probability effect.

This is a common problem of most probability weapons. Under normal panels, the rating is at the bottom. Once the effect is triggered, the damage is close to the top of the rating, or even exceeds the rating.

But fortunately, the panel of the Dragon Breath Cannon itself is enough to deal with these monsters with an E-level rating.

161 points were blasted in one breath, and the ranking was raised to the top 200. There are still 20 minutes left. This is only the front side of the Demon Spider Cave. Next, relying on Gu Sisi's unlimited ammunition characteristics, it is enough to brush up 300 points within the time limit.

If other candidates knew that Chen Feng and his team had such a big killer in their hands, their mentality would probably be instantly unbalanced.

Spraying flames and large-scale group damage, compared with them holding small pistols, short swords and bows and arrows, it is simply a world of difference.

The efficiency of killing monsters and brushing points is not at the same level.

"Let's go, keep going." Chen Feng pointed to the cave entrance on the right.

Jiang Chen stared at Chen Feng with a dark face.

"Old Chen, why don't you explain it?"

Chen Feng knocked his head.

"Sorry Jiang Chen, I just remembered it wrong"


"Fuck you! Chen Feng!"

"Just tell me, did you use me as bait?"

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