In the evening, Zhou Shuren said that Zhao Bo was going to Beijing while eating, and then said with emotion: "It has always been his wish to go to Beijing."

"This is also the wish of the Zhao clan. It stands to reason that he should have entered Beijing a long time ago. You have already considered his future in the case of helping him avoid the salt tax. It's a pity, but even though he was a few years late, he still entered Beijing. already."

Zhou Shuren peeled the shrimp, "How will he see himself in the future?"

Zhulan took the shrimp, um, it was delicious and sweet, and she also liked shrimp, "Already married to the Wang family, the future is hard to say."

Now, under the several actions of the emperor, the various forces in the harem have become quiet, and it is only quiet, they are all waiting.

Zhou Shuren motioned for the girls to step back, "The snow disaster in the south is over."

Zhulan, "Zhezi entered Beijing? Has the loss been counted?"

Zhou Shuren's face was heavy, "The loss is huge, and the number of deaths is not small. The sudden temperature drop was another snow disaster. Many children and elderly people did not survive."

Zhulan felt uncomfortable, and comforted: "You have done your best, the country is able to achieve this level thanks to you, you are worthy of the people, don't blame yourself."

Zhou Shuren also didn't eat the shrimp in his hands, and he didn't want to bring up such a heavy topic. If he didn't mention it, he was in a panic. The only thing he could understand here was his daughter-in-law, "You don't know about the lack of medicinal materials and doctors. Barefoot doctors are a lot of fools."

"Hey, this is not something that can be changed in a moment. It needs to be accumulated. Mingrui hired a doctor to give lectures to the orphans. He paid a lot of money for it. He is not willing to teach too much."

Zhou Shuren, "I heard Changyi say that Mingrui is sorting out medical books for simple diseases?"

Zhulan smiled, "Well, I've already sorted out a lot."

"Good boy."

This child has his own ideas, his own children are outstanding, and he is also an ordinary grandpa!

The next day, Zhulan went to the fourth uncle's yard without eating breakfast. The fourth uncle was not feeling well in the morning.

The imperial doctor came very quickly. The old man was the elder of the Emperor Taishang. "It's only when you get cold and get old that the outbreak is so serious."

Zhulan raised her heart, the fourth uncle was indeed quite old, "Doctor Zhu, you can prescribe the prescription."

She was afraid that the imperial doctor would not dare to prescribe the medicine.

Imperial Physician Zhu understood, and he was also afraid that something would happen to the old man, so he couldn't explain, "Yes."

Zhulan, the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician, read it. She knew about herbal medicine. She was relieved after confirming that the imperial physician did not reduce the amount.

The imperial doctor went down to rest before leaving, and Zhulan asked, "Fourth Uncle, why are you still feeling unwell?"

Rong Yuyu pursed his lips. He felt uncomfortable everywhere, especially in his heart. As Mrs. Mingteng's belly became bigger and bigger, he was worried about it. He looked at the other people in the room and closed his eyes. Eye.

Zhulan, "!!"

Come on, I'm getting old and sick, but I have a temper.

Li Shi was very uneasy, she did not miss the impatience in her uncle's eyes, "Mother."

Zhulan raised her hand to signal not to speak, then waved her hand, indicating that Mrs. Li took everyone out, leaving only Ming Teng in the room.

Ming Teng glanced at the lady soothingly, motioned her to look at it a little bit, and then stepped forward and sat beside the bed. He was also embarrassed. The old man wanted a son, and he was under great pressure. This son is not meant to be born.

Zhulan said: "Everyone has left, you have eaten a few mouthfuls of porridge and medicine, do you want to eat some more?"

Rong Yuyu remained silent, his eyes tightly closed.

Zhulan is also helpless, the child is the old man's heart knot, so he winked at Ming Teng, Ming Teng tugged at his grandfather's sleeve, "I feel distressed when you look like this."

Rong Yuyu opened his eyes, "I'm afraid."

Ming Teng was stuck, what was he afraid of, he was afraid that he would not see his heir, "Trust me, my son will definitely have one."

Rong Yuyu became ill and self-willed, and the words that had been stuck in his heart for a long time became bald, "If I had known it earlier, I should have regretted the marriage back then."

If you can't say the child you like, you can say it's a foreign surname.

Zhulan also knew that the old man was dissatisfied with Liu Jia's identity, and Liu Jia's performance these few times made the old man angry.

Ming Teng twitched the corners of his mouth, "If I really regret my marriage, you still don't know what to think of me."

Rong Yuyu stared, "Your wings are hard, don't think I can't beat you with a stick."

Ming Teng smiled, "You are reluctant."

"You stinky boy, you go out to me, developing your daughter-in-law is the most important thing in your heart, go away, don't get in the way of me."

Ming Teng, "It's what you're used to. Don't blow your beard now. Let's recuperate. I'll stay with you these days."

Rong Yuyu turned his head to the side and did not continue to drive Ming Teng away. This is the adopted child. He put all his effort into holding his breath.

Zhulan gave her grandson a thumbs up, "I'll leave it to you, send someone to inform me if something happens."


Zhulan didn't let Ming Teng send him out, she pushed open the door and saw Ran Wan guarding, "Why are you standing guard?"

Ran Wan supported her grandmother, "Mother-in-law doesn't worry about Liu Jia, and she's thinking about this side, so I'll leave and wait for the news."

"It's okay, you also go back and rest, it's frozen for you."

"Then grandson-in-law will take you back first."


For the next few days, the old man's illness kept coming and going. The old man had a knot in his heart, and the depression in his heart lingered. The second uncle who was well was slow.

Fortunately, Liu Jia knew the importance of the fetus this time. Even though she knew that the old man didn't want to see her, she didn't think much about it and kept raising the fetus well.

The old man Rong was in good health, and it was almost the end of the year. Zhou Shuren and Zhulan entered the palace together, invited by the Emperor Taishang.

When Zhulan saw the Emperor Taishang, the Emperor Taishang had lost a lot of weight due to a serious illness. The clothes he was wearing were a bit empty, but he was in good spirits recently.

The Emperor Taishang, "I always wanted to go out of the palace to see my fourth uncle, but unfortunately my body does not allow it."

Zhou Shuren replied, "The old man is in good health. Today, he knew that I was entering the palace, and he asked me to tell me that he was all so that the Emperor Taishang doesn't have to worry about it."

The Emperor Taishang knew the old man's knot in his heart, and he also hoped that the Rong family would have an heir, but he would not interfere in Zhou Shuren's affairs, "You can take care of me, I can rest assured."

After sitting for a while, the Rong Chuan family came.

The Emperor Taishang smiled, "What a coincidence, you are here too."

Rong Chuan was also surprised that the father-in-law actually invited his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and said with a smile, "My son should make it clear, but my son doesn't know about it."

The Emperor Taishang cheerfully said, "That's just a coincidence, it's just a matter of time to have dinner together."

Zhulan looked sideways, she was definitely in Shuren's light, look at the emperor's attitude towards Shuren!

The harem, the queen's bedroom, the queen knew that Zhou Hou entered the palace, and heard that the Qin family also entered the palace, her eyes moved slightly, and before she could think of an excuse, the female official came in, "The Zhang family handed over a post about entering the palace."

The queen counted the days, and after a few seconds of silence, "Concubine Zhang is the concubine, you go and say to Concubine Zhang, and say that this palace allows it."

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