The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 571 The Bad Past

Two days later at noon, in a cafe near Rose Iron Prison.

"Daisy? That's my nickname." Deborah said while holding coffee, "My mother has always called me that. How did you know, Mr. Eden?"

"So it's your nickname." Aiden nodded thoughtfully.

Yesterday, Deborah invited Aiden in advance to discuss the investigation, so Aiden set the location at a small shop near the prison and took advantage of his lunch break to come out.

It happened that he also had some questions that he wanted to confirm with Deborah. Not long after the meeting, he asked Deborah whether she knew the name Daisy.

But I got an unexpected answer.

Daisy is actually Deborah’s nickname, which further supports the hypothesis that Daisy in the book is based on Deborah.

But from Deborah's answer, it seems that she is not aware of the new character Daisy in "Hound Man".

"You starred in the drama adaptation of "Hound Man", haven't you read the original novel?" Aiden tried to ask.

"Read the first three volumes. The play I starred in is actually a new one. It is not completely faithful to the original work. The theater company does not force me to read the original work. I just need to understand the script thoroughly." Deborah replied, " I actually don’t pay much attention to it, after all, my parents are closer to me than the fictional characters in the book.”

"I see. Then can you tell me how you and Mr. Duberman met?" Aiden then asked.

"Well, I'm a little embarrassed to say it. When I was a child, I grew up in an orphanage in the pioneer land. The atmosphere there was not very good. I ran away from the orphanage when I was fourteen because I heard that There was a rumor that the dean secretly sold the children to human traffickers - the security in the pioneer area was quite worrying. After escaping, I planned to pickpocket for a while, but I ran into my father right away. I was caught." Deborah said with a nostalgic look on her face, and then shook her head, "Then I was severely punished by my father. Alas, the old guy's tricks were quite dark, and I still have some mentality. shadow."

"What kind of lesson is this?" Aiden couldn't help but be curious.

"He grabbed me who kept resisting and used a knife to shave off the bunch of hair on the top of my head. It was that...Mediterranean style." Deborah made a circle on the top of her head. "Imagine, although I She was only fourteen years old, but she was still a girl. He did it without hesitation, and even laughed at me after doing it. "

"This is indeed a bit..." Aiden couldn't help but smile after hearing this. Dubman's character is indeed quite... straight.

However, getting caught pickpocketing is indeed similar to the situation in the book.

"After he had fun, he offered to buy me a meal. I wanted to refuse at first, but I was too hungry. I asked him to cover his head with the hat he was wearing, but he actually refused. Me!" Deborah said with a bitter smile. "Later, when we were eating, my mother showed up. After hearing the whole story, she told my father that she wanted to adopt me. My father didn't have that intention at first, but he was patient. I couldn’t resist my mother’s repeated persuasion…”

"It turns out it was your mother who suggested it. Speaking of which, don't they have any children?" Aiden asked.

"No. I think this is quite strange. If they have children, they should be middle-aged or even old. But I have almost never heard of it, because it may be a bit embarrassing, so I never asked."

"That's right..."

"No matter what, meeting them is the luckiest thing in my life." Deborah said with a nostalgic look, "If it weren't for them, my life might have been ruined."

"If you make a living by pickpocketing, sooner or later you will become a habitual thief." Aiden nodded.

"No, it might be more serious." Deborah's face became slightly more serious, "When I was a child, I was actually a pretty bad person."


"As I said before, the atmosphere in the orphanage in the pioneer land is not very good. Simply put, bullying among children is very common. And I was once a bully. Because I was good-looking, boys Many people will listen to me. During my time in the orphanage, I did some...extreme things to other children," Deborah said expressionlessly.

Seeing Aiden's intention to ask further questions, she added: "Sorry, I really don't dare to elaborate in front of you. You will definitely hate me. After all, even I hated me when I was a child. Now. No matter how I think about it, I find it incredible that there was such a terrible dark side in my heart. If I had started out as a pickpocket at that time, I would have fallen into the underworld sooner or later. The towns in the pioneer area were full of gangs. "

"So it was the Dubermans who changed you?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, they educated me and transformed me. I still can't remember when my state of mind began to change. In any case, under their words and deeds, I gradually began to revere and admire them. "Justice." Deborah said slowly, "Although it may not be repayment for the mistakes I made before, it can at least give me a little peace of mind."

"I didn't expect you to have such a complicated past." Aiden nodded.

Deborah, who was born in the orphanage, and Daisy, who was born in the slums, were also caught by the hound Doberman for pickpocketing, and with the help of Liv, they were adopted as adopted daughters (apprentices) by Doberman.

These are obviously related, but Deborah's bad past is not mentioned in the book.

"Why is Mr. Aiden so interested in my affairs all of a sudden?" Deborah looked at Aiden with a smile in her eyes. Aiden's question was a signal that he was trying to understand her.

"Well..." Aiden thought about it and roughly explained to Deborah what he found in the plot of "Houndman".

"Based on me!?" Deborah was slightly surprised, "Could it be that my mother told the 'Illusionist' something about me?"

"I don't think it's that simple. Given the communication cost between the southern and northern continents, the information he received should be quite delayed." Aiden analyzed, "But what he wrote can always be seen in the shadow of reality... By the way, this book also writes about the murder of the doppelganger."

"Do you think... the content of this book is related to the real case?" Deborah was a little surprised.

"At least I think so." Aiden nodded to Deborah, "If you have time next, do you want to study the content of the book from your perspective?"

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