The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 552: Beware of the Honey Trap

"Is it accurate that Kaitou Liv has the information about the 'Substitute' God's Word?" Aiden confirmed to Sophie.

"It should be accurate. This is the information left by the boss from the beginning after I became the receptionist. It's just that the information about how she obtained the word of God is beyond my level." Sophie replied.

Sophie's level in Smiling Scale is not very high. She is a pawn who can be sold at any time. The amount of information she has is limited, but the information she gives is basically true after being verified by Aiden.

"Then I have another question. Is there any way to prevent a person's appearance from being copied by a 'substitute'?" Aiden asked.

"I'm not sure about that. The organization doesn't allow us to delve into the divine words we have. The punishment is very severe." Sophie replied, and then thought about it, "Could it be mean Deborah Irvine's Appearance cannot be replicated with divine words?”

"When I ask you questions, don't always think about getting information from me. We agreed that you would provide me with information unilaterally." Aiden couldn't help but remind him.

"Ah, sorry, professional habit." Sophie smiled.

"Have you ever known where Deborah Irvine was from?" Aiden asked.

"It seems to be from the pioneering land of the northern continent of the empire." Sophie replied.

The rising star of the empire's drama, apparently from a pioneering background, most likely possesses the "substitute" divine word... Aiden imprinted this new information in his mind.

Before making further contact with Deborah Irvine, he wanted to collect as much relevant intelligence as possible.

According to the current intelligence, there is a high possibility that Deborah is indeed related to the hound Doberman.

Although Deborah herself behaved very kindly and even showed an unusual affection for him, it is not yet certain that everything she showed was true.

The nature of the competition for authority is a zero-sum game. Both divinity and sole authority must compete with each other.

He now holds the Wordless Codex in his hand, and the probability of being targeted is very high. Dubman is also a saint of "order". Not only does he have the possibility of being promoted to a ruler, but he can also directly sense the existence of the wordless code. He may very well want to get the wordless code.

But because of its characteristics, the Wordless Codex is difficult to take away once it is held, otherwise it would not have stayed in the hands of those pirates for so long.

Without sole authority or ruler-level power, it would be difficult to break the rules written in the wordless code. If you can't take it by force, you can only use it wisely. Honey Trap is a pretty good choice.

Legend has it that Doberman the Hound is a very decent man, but since he now intends to lead the natives of the Northern Continent to resist the empire, he needs stronger power.

If rulers and mortals are divided, saints can basically be regarded as the pinnacle of mortal power. However, it is still difficult for a saint to subvert a country with the power of a saint alone. As much as Sister Nevita wants to restore her country, she can only lead the religious order to carry out terrorist activities against the empire and the Kingdom of Gistas.

Aiden has already deeply tasted the terror of Mr. Bloody Clothes. If the wordless code is taken away now, the only thing waiting for him is death. He has to be wary of Deborah, but in order to get the word of God, he cannot let it go easily. This clue.

Two days later, in the uptown area of ​​Baiyin City, at the Crystal Jazz Hotel.

"Sir, do you have a reservation?" The waiter in uniform at the door stepped forward and bowed slightly to salute Aiden.

"This." Aiden took out a card from his jacket pocket and handed it to the waiter.

Yesterday when he was working in prison, he received this card from Deborah. Deborah made a reservation for him at the most expensive high-end restaurant in Silver City. Seats here generally need to be reserved a week to a month in advance. God knows Deborah. How did I get the reservation card just two or three days in advance? I couldn't enter without the card issued by the store at the door for that day's dining.

"Okay, please come in. Someone will take you to your seat." The waiter checked the card and opened the door to Aiden enthusiastically.

Aiden walked into the hotel and was led to his reserved seat, where Deborah was already waiting for him.

"Good evening, Mr. Aiden." As soon as she saw Aiden, her expression lit up and she waved her hand in this direction.

Aiden nodded in response: "Good evening, Alvin——"

"Call me Deborah, you forgot again." Deborah raised a finger and corrected her seriously.

"Okay, Miss Deborah, I kept you waiting." Aiden smiled helplessly, took off his coat under the waiter's service, and sat down on his seat.

"There are still five minutes left before the appointed time. You are very punctual. It's me who came early." Deborah put her face in her hands and smiled, staring at Aiden's face intently. "I really can't wait to get there." I want to see you."

"It's a bit embarrassing to be so straightforward." Aiden said again while taking the menu from the waiter.

"You look very calm!" Deborah giggled, "I even wonder if my charm is not enough."

"As far as physical attractiveness is concerned, there is no need to doubt yourself." Aiden said while flipping through the menu. "Just look at the reactions around you and you should have an idea."

Before sitting down, Aiden noticed the reactions around him. Whether it was the guests in other seats or the waiters walking between the tables, they couldn't help but look at the seat in this corner.

Deborah already has extremely outstanding beauty. If she still holds the divine word of "existence" authority, the sense of existence will indeed be so strong that it is impossible for people around her to ignore it.

"The head office of this restaurant is in the Empire. I have eaten there twice. It is really delicious. I wonder how it is done here? Ah, I recommend the original set menu..."

Aiden browsed the menu. Crystal Jazz was one of the famous high-end restaurants in the city. Aiden had only heard of it, but he had never even touched the door.

After coming in, he discovered that the set menu prices were not as expensive as he thought. Although one meal would cost an average worker about a week's salary, if he ordered high-end drinks, the cost would be several times higher.

The date was really packed, and Aiden felt a little overwhelmed. Just asking the other party to treat him to a meal made him feel like he was being cannibalistic.

"Miss Deborah, can I ask, you haven't paid for the meal in advance, right?" Aiden asked.

"No, after all, you haven't ordered yet." Deborah replied with a wink.

"Then let me say it first..." Aiden closed the menu.

"This meal was invited by me. After all, I invited you." Deborah continued with a smile. She thought the price here was beyond Aiden's budget.

"No, first of all, we each pay for the meal, and secondly, I don't like drinking, so I won't order extra drinks." Aiden replied calmly. Seeing that Deborah wanted to say something, he added, "Deborah If Miss Bora doesn't accept it, I'll leave."

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