The War of Resistance

Chapter 973: it's a disaster (1)

What is calamity? In Northeast dialect, calamity is a verb, which is equivalent to the colloquial expression of calamity.

Adults burn a large pot to steam white flour steamed buns. When children are hungry, they first grab a piece of walnut-sized dough and stick it in the stove to bake. The adults say, you prodigal child, why are you so troublesome?

The grown-ups planted a lot of tomatoes in their own vegetable garden. The tomatoes were not yet ripe, but the tips of the persimmons had just turned red, and the children picked up the persimmons and ate them and threw them away. This is also called a disaster. disaster.

You must know that not to mention the current China, even the current world does not have such Mengdushan or genetically modified. If the vegetables and fruits grown at home are the seeds left by the family, the earliest mature ones are all grown on the tap root. Those that come out will be reserved as seeds for next year's planting.

The child ate the next year's seeds before they were ripe. Isn't that a disaster?

For another example, a certain local ruffian made a disaster for someone's eldest girl. Everyone understands this meaning so I won't repeat it.

In fact, everyone has a childlike innocence in their hearts, and one of the childlike innocences is disaster.

But now Shang Zhen began to cause disasters.

He first sent two groups of soldiers, each group of soldiers brought a telescope as an observation post, and he took the rest of the soldiers and moved the heavy machine gun and ammunition box back a hill.

"Right here!" Shang Zhen said standing on the hillside.

"Are you sure?" Old Qiuzi asked.

"Do you know a better place?" Shang Zhen asked back.

"I don't know." Old Ball replied.

"So—" Shang Zhen grinned.

So the soldiers carried the heavy machine gun up the mountainside.

There are a pair of terms in the military, one is called a slope, and the other is called a reverse slope.

The **** facing the enemy is called a slope, and the **** facing away from the enemy is called a reverse slope.

Now, Shang Zhen is going to put this heavy machine gun on the reverse slope.

why? It's very simple, it is nothing more than to increase the inclination of the bullets to shoot forward and upward, that is, to point the muzzle of the heavy machine gun obliquely to the sky ahead.

Although the culture of Shang Zhen and his group of soldiers is limited, but when Shang Zhen explained the general principles, the soldiers understood.

That's the same as throwing a stone into the sky. If you throw it far away, the angle of the shot should be lower. If you want to throw it higher, the angle of the shot should be larger. If you are idle and have nothing to do, you want to hit your head Then you just throw it directly over your head.

The reason why Shang Zhen erected the heavy machine gun on the reverse **** was undoubtedly to make the bullets shoot higher, so as to avoid the woods in front of the Japanese army when the bullets were shot down, so that the bullets fell on the Japanese army. head on!

Things are just like that, and principles are just like that.

But if you want to say that it is very difficult to accurately shoot or drop the bullet on the head of the Japanese army, please don’t mention to Shang Zhen the calculation of the parabolic trajectory of the bullet trajectory, he can know the “parabola” That name is already good enough.

That's why Shang Zhen said, misfortune, that's a kind of prodigal behavior.

Shang Zhen also thought about it, the Japanese army used about 30 people to carry the machine guns and ammunition, if they had 30 people to keep this heavy machine gun, then they would not have to do anything else.

Moreover, the bullets used by the Japanese heavy machine guns are thicker than the bullets of the 38-type rifles, but thinner than the bullets made in Hanyang. They are special bullets for this kind of heavy machine guns, and it is useless to keep the bullets.

Therefore, this heavy machine gun and its bullets are useless things to Shang Zhen and the others. Why don't they use up all the bullets and bring them down!

"How many bullets does this cost? Is it all over for us?" Ma Chuncai, who had been quiet since the incident of leaving the team, spoke.

"Of course." Shang Zhen replied.

And after Shang Zhen said "of course", all the soldiers present became beaming.

Even though the Japanese army only brought a heavy machine gun over this time, only four people were needed to lift the heavy machine gun. As for the rest, except for the commander with a rifle and a shovel, the rest of course were to carry the machine gun. There are many people in the box, and there are twelve in that box!

Even if the twelve boxes are not all bullets, there must be ten boxes!

Veterans like Shang Zhen only glanced at the size of the bullets and weighed them with both hands to know that there must be five hundred bullets in the box.

Ten boxes of ammunition is five thousand rounds of ammunition.

These stragglers don’t have any combat missions. Now they have grabbed a heavy machine gun to wipe out all the 5,000 rounds of bullets. It’s good to be able to hit the Japanese army. If they can’t hit the Japanese army, they will also cause trouble for the Japanese army. Why not do it? ?

And it's too rich to fire 5,000 rounds of ammunition in one battle. When have soldiers like them ever been so extravagant?

"Don't worry, don't worry, this time everyone has a share, everyone has learned how to shoot heavy machine guns, everyone has a share, I will come first!" Old Qiuzi shouted.

What he said earlier was bullshit, but the last sentence was the most important.

The old ball moved forward, but a body like a black iron tower moved forward surprisingly nimbly, and then shook (knocked) the old ball out with one butt!

At this time, they were on the hillside again, and the old Qiuzi couldn't stand firmly after being shaken like that, so he sat on the ground with one buttocks, which caused the soldiers to laugh.

"I carried it back, why did you shoot the first shot?" Only the old man can shake the old ball out like a ball.

"You carried it back, and I'll give you the first shot, but what the **** are you doing sitting on me with your big butt? That big **** is like a basket!" Old Qiuzi sat on the ground and cursed with a smile.

The soldiers burst into laughter, and it was Shang Zhen who stopped the laughter in the end: "Okay, get busy with business! Don't be idle, just put bullets on the ammunition board."

Under Shang Zhen's order, the soldiers got busy.

"Hey, who's inside, don't open all the boxes, we'll have to change places to fight later, you opened all the bullet boxes, you hold the bullets in that box?" Shang Zhen yelled again.

To be honest, Shang Zhen felt that since he brought these soldiers from the original Hao Blind Company, it was really a waste of time. When he and his original group of people, Wang Laomao Qian Chuaner, used to say that when they were together, he didn't need to talk about it himself. Just move your mouth, and things are already done very well.

But Shang Zhen complained in his heart and had to speak again: "Big old fool, what about you, don't press that thumb to the end, do you understand what a short shot is? I haven't heard of a little devil." The heavy machine guns of ours are ringing endlessly like our heavy machine guns!"

"Oh, big stupid, come down, let me come first, you don't know how to use it, I have to think about it, it's not like a rifle, just pull the trigger and it will go off, and you will explode the chamber again! "Shang Zhen saw that the old man was at a loss, so he had no choice but to push the old man out from behind the machine gun.

As for the bombing he said, that's to scare the old fool.

In fact, the old man is not stupid, on the contrary, although the fingers of the big man are similar to those thick carrots, Shang Zhen knows that if the hands of the old man are playing with embroidery needles, they may not lose to the big girl and the little daughter-in-law But it’s useless to say this now, no matter how skillful your mind is, and what you don’t understand are two concepts at all!

"Also, didn't you see that there is oil on the ammunition supply board of the little devil, and you also put oil on it." As soon as the big stupid Shang Zhen finished managing, he started yelling at other soldiers again.

Shang Zhen had never used a Japanese heavy machine gun, but he had used a Japanese light machine gun with a crooked handle. He knew that when shooting with a crooked handle, the ammunition hand needed to grease the bullets to prevent the bullets from jamming.

He saw that there were also oil stains on the ammunition supply boards of the Japanese army, and he estimated that the two were similar.

A skilled shooter is more like a skilled worker. It's useless to just talk about it. If you don't even know where the insurance of the heavy machine gun is, what are you talking about?

It's true that Huo Huana is Huan Huan, but Huu Huana also requires a certain level of technical content!

(end of this chapter)

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