The War of Resistance

Chapter 931: Ruthless image

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Gunshots sounded from the flanks of the village called Niuzhuang. There were "crack" and "crack" rifle sounds, as well as the "sudden" sound of machine guns. Two Japanese soldiers who had just rushed out of the village were knocked down. So the Japanese army retreated to the village again.

"Okay, okay!" A veteran soldier outside the village shouted, "There are not many bullets left, just scare the Japanese devils."

To say that what the veteran said is of course correct, it’s just that the machine gunner stopped pulling the trigger and retracted the machine gun before he said to him: “You, Li Da, understand?”

Li Daming is a veteran of the original Hao Xiazi Company, Li Daming is naturally not his real name but his nickname.

And the ones who can beat him are naturally veterans. Which of the machine gunners in the Chinese army is not a veteran?

Li Da understands that he has long been used to talking to his companions.

A person, since he sometimes has the urge to pretend to understand, must have the self-consciousness of being bullied by others from time to time.

"Don't be afraid of that Northeast guy. We'll meet up with the Northeast guys in a while. If he asks why we didn't catch up with him and charge with him, then it means we're here to cover them!

Alright, let's go, let's meet up! "Then Li Daming said again, but this time he was facing everyone.

Li Da understood that these people were in the same group as Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen rushed into Niuzhuang by himself, although the recruits and veterans in his group were also chased behind, but their speed was indeed impossible for them to catch up with Shang Zhen.

But Li Da understood that the veterans saw gunshots and explosions in Niuzhuang one after another. They play cover.

For this reason, if it can be justified, let it be that.

However, just now they saw people in black and gray clothes running out of the village from a distance, and the Japanese army appeared after a while, so they shot.

The goal has been achieved, Li Da understands that it is natural to leave to join Shang Zhen and the others.

For a veteran like Li Daming, if you want him to participate in the battle, there must be a supervising team behind him with a gun. If the chief is not around, then you have no idea how to fight, but how you let them save their lives is always up to you. Yes, in other words, no one is stupid!

After more than ten minutes, Li Da understood that this group of thirty or so people finally joined Shang Zhen and the others in a wood. The sound rushed over.

"Why are you guys late?" Li Daming glanced at Shang Zhen, who was livid, and asked Lu Yifei secretly.

Lu Yifei, Ma Erpao, and Lao Qiuzi were all placed in that group by Shang Zhen.

"Why are you late?" Lu Yifei said in a low voice, "We were the farthest away from here, okay?"

Lu Yifei and the others rushed towards Niuzhuang when they heard the gunshots, but they were indeed late because the road was the farthest.

As soon as Li Da understood what he said, he knew that Lu Yifei was telling the truth, but he would never admit what Lu Yifei said.

But just as he was about to open his mouth to speak again, he saw Shang Zhen's knife-like eyes suddenly sweeping over, which made him shut his mouth hastily in fright.

"One, two, four, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." Li Daming silently counted the number of soldiers brought by Shang Zhen from Niuzhuang, counting the number of soldiers Shang Zhen guarded Niuzhuang and fought against the Japanese army. A total of nine soldiers came out!

Originally, there were nearly thirty people, so the twenty or so people should have all died in battle, right? Li Daming pondered, he felt that he found the answer from Shang Zhen's ugly face.

But he was not sure, so he took advantage of Shang Zhen's turning around and waved forward.

There are still veterans who came out of Niuzhuang, although there are only three left.

That veteran was called Zhu Yuliang, and the veterans usually called him "Old Zhu".

Zhu Yuliang naturally saw Li Daming's sneaky look, but he didn't want to move.

However, Li Daming carried forward his usual style of having to figure things out, and then waved and pointed at Zhu Yuliang, saying that he wanted to "hook him up" with him.

Zhu Yuliang had no choice but to walk over.

"Why are there so few people left?" Li Daming, who refused to stop, asked in a low voice.

"Shut up!" Zhu Yuliang whispered.

"You told me to shut up, so I shut up? It turns out that the blind man didn't control my mouth when he was alive." How could Li Da understand that he was willing to shut up.

The blind man he was talking about was of course their former company commander Hao Xiazi who had been killed in battle.

"Then let Company Commander Shang take good care of you this time, our Company Commander Shang is a ruthless person, even his own people—" Zhu Yuliang suddenly reached out and used his palm as a knife to wipe Li Daming's neck!

Zhu Yuliang's movement made Li Dazhi, who was already sweating from the march all the time, agitated. He suddenly felt that his whole body became cold and cold under Zhu Yuliang's gesture. , the hot sweat on his body turned into cold sweat at this instant!

"Who, who, this guy from the Northeast actually—" Li Dazhi didn't know why he opened his mouth wide.

Li Daming usually knows how to speak but not how to do things, that's why he got such a nickname, just because of his nickname, he is not a bold person.

In fact, not only him, but also the other veterans also felt that Shang Zhen was their chief because Shang Zhen was smart and capable, but it didn't mean that they wanted Shang Zhen, the temporary chief, to be in the middle of the battle. He actually used the method of thunder, and really directly enforced the military law on the soldiers who were afraid of the war and retreated!

"Shut up, you open your mouth like a big live fish." Zhu Yuliang also glanced at Shang Zhen before scolding Li Daming in a low voice.

Thus, Li Daming woke up from the shock.

"Don't say he is ruthless to his own people, he is also ruthless when he beats the Japanese.

At that time, I handed him a box cannon, and I stretched my head to see that there were many more dead Japanese than us in that alley that was tens of meters long! Swipe, is there more, there must be thirty or forty. "Since Zhu Yuliang had already opened his mouth to speak, he couldn't stop talking.

Everyone in the world is like this, and you always want to share with people you know.

"What do you mean? You mean that he killed all the Japanese in that alley by himself? Just because he killed thirty or forty Japanese at once?" Li Daming, who had returned to normal, was shocked again. Yes, but also because of the shock, I don't believe it anymore.

Does it matter if the Japanese soldiers can fight? They have already fought the Japanese soldiers.

How long has Shang Zhen been in Niuzhuang? Li Da understood, but he had been watching outside the village, and that would only last ten minutes at most.

In ten minutes or so, Shang Zhen actually killed thirty or forty Japanese devils, he couldn't believe it no matter what.

Those were thirty or forty Japanese devils, so let alone thirty or forty pigs, they were thirty or forty tied chickens and ducks, and they had to be chopped with a kitchen knife for a while!

"I was right behind him at that time." Zhu Yuliang said again in a low voice, "He shot out three bullets and threw two more grenades. The Japanese are all stuck in the alley."

"If you want to say that, it's almost the same." Li Da understood and understood.

"Get out!" It's just that Li Da understood this, and Zhu Yuliang also became angry, "You can kill so many Japanese with these ammunition for me to see? Can you?"

"I—" Li Da understood that he was at a loss for words, after a while he finally shook his head honestly and said, "I can't."

At this time, Zhu Yuliang, who still wanted to say something more, saw Shang Zhen turn his body back, and quickly closed his mouth.

It's When Shang Zhen went to rescue Li Qingfeng's old stupid Wang Xiaodan, he was the person closest to Shang Zhen.

Of course he also knew that Shang Zhen had accidentally killed his partner by throwing a grenade.

But he doesn't hate Shang Zhen, but he deeply admires Shang Zhen in his heart.

Under the circumstances at that time, if Shang Zhen hadn't acted decisively, it would not only be the one or two or three soldiers who were killed by mistake, it is very likely that all nine of them would never come back.

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Yuliang did not tell Li Da clearly that Shang Zhen's so-called murderer was not enforcing battlefield discipline, but manslaughter.

He, Zhu Yuliang, is now completely in awe of Shang Zhen, and he decides that he will follow Shang Zhen regardless of life or death in the future. Being with an officer like Shang Zhen is a pleasure!

He also hopes that he can maintain Shang Zhen's ruthless image in the minds of the soldiers, so that everyone can fight devils together!

"Everyone get together, I have a few words to say." At this time Shang Zhen spoke.

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