The War of Resistance

Chapter 915: Parted ways

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There are several more mounds in the field outside the village, which are the grave mounds of company commander Hao Xiazi and other soldiers who died in battle.

Nearly a hundred soldiers stood silently in front of the grave mound, it was also pitch black, no one said anything.

Xia Xiazi Hao, that blah, sometimes even a little bit of a badass company commander just fell into the ground like this. God knows what the soldiers standing in front of his grave were thinking.

Maybe the recruits are thinking, hey, he's dead, and if he's dead, we won't be forced to go to the front with a gun and be cannon fodder.

Of course, the veterans don’t think so. The veterans have been with Hao Xiazi for several years. During the process, Hao Xiazi scolded them and beat them, but he also ate meat and drank wine with them. His love and hatred vanished with the death of Xia Xiazi.

"Let's go!" Suddenly a veteran said loudly, and then his voice sank, "Why the **** do I think that if I continue watching, I will lie in it too."

The old soldier's words made the other veterans feel cold, so they no longer cared about the various benefits Hao Xiazi had brought them during his lifetime, and walked away like avoiding the plague god.

"I said Northeast guy, why don't you just become our company commander." Ma Erpao whispered to Shang Zhen while walking on the muddy road.

"I think it's okay." Before Shang Zhen could reply, Lu Yifei also agreed.

Shang Zhen, who took another 38-type rifle, was looking at the surrounding terrain while walking, but there was no echo.

"I'm talking about Lao Lu, you guys also have to express your opinion, do you think Northeast guys can do it?" Seeing that Shang Zhen didn't say anything, Ma Erpao asked the other veterans next to him.

Birds of a feather flock together.

As a veteran, Ma Erpao Lu Yifei naturally has veterans who have a good relationship with them. The two of them are willing to make do with Shang Zhen, and those veterans also come over, while veterans like Ma Chuncai walk away from a distance. Yes, maybe they disdain to be with an outsider like Shang Zhen.

"You can let him try it in front of you." The soldier called Lao Lu was only seven or eight steps away from Shang Zhen, so Shang Zhen naturally heard what he said clearly.

But Shang Zhen still didn't say a word, and at this time another veteran said: "When the company commander has good chicken feathers, I saw the company commander lying there before, and I felt that the one lying in it seemed to be me."

To say that this veteran really doesn't know how to chatter, his words made the veterans' mood down again.

But at this time Shang Zhen said: "That's right, it's good to be a company commander with chicken feathers.

Our Company Commander Hao was so desperate that he died and even used a place to sleep. I have seen brothers who died in battle not buried in the sea.

Some of my dead brothers I don't even recognize when I see them again, they must be nothing but skeletons. "

Shang Zhen's words silenced the veterans again. The team stretched for a long time and walked on the muddy dirt road, so the road was filled with the sound of wheezing and panting.

"You Northeast guy, it seems that your qualifications are so old. What do you think your brothers didn't have? Was it a foreign war or a civil war? How old were you then?" After a while, some veterans belittled Shang Zhen.

"Fuck you, I fought the devils in September 18th. How many battles have we fought against the devils, and how many battles have you fought with the Forty Army?" Shang Zhen scolded with a smile.

We are all veterans. No matter which army the veterans are without hostility, they will all talk like brothers, or even become brothers.

Hearing what Shang Zhen said, those veterans were about to refute him, saying that he was just pretending to be old, but the team in front had already stopped.

"That, that, there is a fork in the road ahead of the instructor, where should we go?" A recruit ran back to look for Shang Zhen.

He didn't know what to call Shang Zhen, since Shang Zhen had taught them some things, then he took it upon himself to call him an instructor.

Shang Zhen looked at the recruit and frowned, so he could only walk forward quickly.

Coming out of the village that was just left behind, you have to go around a low and gentle mound that covers a large area, and now that you have gone around that mound, you have to go which way to go, Shang Zhen I also know that the village behind and the two villages in front are arranged in the shape of "pin".

And when Shang Zhen walked to the front of the line, he went around to the other side of the low mound. Sure enough, there was a "Y"-shaped intersection ahead, and all the people in front were already crowded together and choking. .

One group was none other than Ma Chuncai's old soldiers, there were more than twenty people together, while the other group was a mixture of veterans and recruits.

It appears that the two groups disagree on which way to go.

Seeing the EQ shock in front of him, he felt a little overwhelmed.

To be honest, Shang Zhen is not addicted to being an official. If he wanted to be an official, he would have become an official in the 337th brigade.

This time, he just really didn't want these recruits and veterans to be beaten up by the Japanese army in the end because they were unorganized and confused.

"Northeast guy, tell me, which way should we go?" At this time, a veteran who stood on the opposite side of Ma Chuncai asked directly.

"Fuck, who is he, we won't be able to talk to him no matter how we go." Then Ma Chuncai pouted when he saw Shang Zhen approaching.

Shang Zhen pretended not to hear Ma Chuncai's words but continued to look at the terrain ahead.

After a while, he said under the eyes of everyone: "I don't want to command anyone, I choose this road." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the road on the left.

As soon as Shang Zhen uttered these words, everyone in the room buzzed and began to discuss.

It is more than eight o'clock in the morning. Although the sky is still cloudy, it is not raining.

The rain-dirt road that passed by yesterday was soaked in rain, and it looked smooth, but when people stepped on it, they were stunned. There were nearly a hundred people in the whole team, and when the people in front stepped on the whole road, it became muddy. It is even more difficult for the people behind.

It is not surprising that this situation occurs. How many serious rules are there in China today? , this is just an ordinary country road.

But the road that Shang Zhen pointed to was even worse compared to the other road. It was obviously a small road with puddles in the middle, and there was a paddy field in the middle of the two roads with rice stubble on it. .

And as the two roads forked more and more, the distance turned into rolling hills again, and Shang Zhen also knew that after passing those hills, he could see the two villages in front.

"Fool, if you don't take the Yangguan Avenue, you have to take the narrow path to wade in the water." Ma Chuncai cursed in a low voice, but then he shouted loudly, "Brothers, is there anyone who is willing to walk with me? Come on, don't act like a heartless person!"

In fact, no matter whether Ma Chuncai said "stupid" or "heartless", everyone around heard it, but Shang Zhen's client seemed to have never heard of it, so others would naturally not say anything.

If you want to talk about Zheng'er Bajing and Shang Zhen's group, they are Li Qingfeng, Da Laodu and Wang Xiaodan.

Needless to say, Wang Xiaodan is timid.

Stupid, honest man, a very honest young monk, you let him go into battle to kill the enemy, but you let him fight? Hehe, he probably hasn't fought until now!

As for Li Qingfeng, Shang Zhen didn't even compete for a short while, so he naturally wouldn't stand out.

Ma Chuncai and his group of veterans walked on that broad road, of course, including Cai Chengwan and Caihu.

But the rest of the soldiers were naturally the majority, and the rest of them hesitated for a moment when they looked at Ma Chuncai and the others who were walking backwards and still beckoning to them, and then at Shang Zhen who had turned into an honest look.

However, Shang Zhen still ignored Ma Chuncai and his group, finally he smiled and said: "I still go this way, if anyone wants to follow me, then follow."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the people who stayed where he was, but walked towards the path with puddles.

This is a multiple-choice question.

The main road is not easy to walk, although it is also muddy, and although there will be somersaults, it is better than wading on the small road!

After a while, several veterans chased Ma Chuncai and they Ma Erpao, Lu Yifei, no one persuaded you, you should judge by yourself! "One of the veterans turned around and shouted again. Although they said that they would let Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei decide for themselves, they undoubtedly hoped that veterans like Ma Erpao and Lu Yifei would follow them.

"You guys have a good journey, I don't want to go with the horse idiot, I was sold and helped count the money!" Ma Erpao replied.

This is really the same thing, everyone has their own opinions.

After Ma Erpao yelled, some of the veterans who followed Ma Chuncai and the others hesitated, and then one of them turned around and walked back. It must have been tempted by Ma Erpao. As the saying goes, opponents who are not afraid of gods are afraid Teammates like pigs, who you spend your life with is very important, isn't it?

"Everyone who should go is gone, let's go, let's go too." Lu Yifei waved his hand, and their group of twenty or thirty veterans chased after Shang Zhen.

It wasn't just the twenty or thirty veterans who followed Shang Zhen and the others, there were more than fifty new recruits, but they all followed Shang Zhen away with a whimper!

People's hearts are on a steelyard, and this statement is true!

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