The War of Resistance

Chapter 822: belated medical attention (2)

If an ordinary person is scalded, if they don't use special scalding medicine, the wound will be burning and painful, and then the wound will fester and become inflamed.

And when the scorching bullet penetrates the human body, it not only destroys the human tissue, but also causes the deterioration of various organs in the body due to festering and inflammation. Many seriously injured people died in this way.

Let you be firm and brave when fighting devils on the battlefield, but when you are seriously injured, you will become the sorrow of heroes. The reality is so cruel.

"Report to Commander Zhang, our brothers once cooperated with your army when we were in Xi'an.

When the old man was arrested in Huaqingchi, it was my brother who discovered it first. "Shang Zhen ignored Liu Chengyi's questioning and said loudly again.

Which old man is that old man? How many old men are there in China?

As far as Shang Zhen's words were concerned, there was an uncontrollable "buzz" sound from the surroundings.

You must know that there were quite a few officers and soldiers here when they avoided the plane bombing just now.

But this time, no matter whether they were officials or soldiers, everyone was moved.

"Really?" The news about Shang Zhen shocked the army commander, he stared straight into Shang Zhen's eyes and asked.

"Really! Report sir, it's true!" Shang Zhen replied loudly again, "The old man was wearing pajamas at that time.

Our brother found the old man in the Shanhuozi on the back mountain. ".

As the saying goes, "what is false cannot be true and what is true cannot be false".

The detail mentioned by Shang Zhen directly made the commander Zhang confirm the matter in his heart.

A unit has tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people, and the lower-level officers and soldiers only know some of the above information, but the specific details are unknown.

However, this Commander Zhang knew some details of the Xi'an Incident.

The Army Commander Zhang looked at Shang Zhen so seriously, but at this moment Liu Chengyi forgot to look at the Army Commander's face, instead he also stared at Shang Zhen, but it was the first time he heard that Shang Zhen and the others were still doing it. Such a big event!

You know, that was the Xi'an Incident!

In today's China, as far as that matter is concerned, it is as big as it is. It is because of that event that the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was promoted, and the old man agreed to resist the Japanese, so he stopped saying that he must first secure the internal affairs in order to fight against the outside world.

And the impact of that incident on the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army is undoubtedly significant.

The young commander of the Northeast Army was put under house arrest, and the Northeast Army was reorganized.

As one of the generals of the Northwest Army, Commander Zhang, he also learned from his own channels that the general of their Northwest Army who was involved in the Xi'an Incident had just returned from Europe, but was also arrested by the old man.

So whether it is the Northeast Army or the Northwest Army, they are all on the front line now, and they have been beaten to pieces in the battle with the Japanese army, and all this is thanks to that incident.

But a person who witnessed the incident that year appeared in front of him. How could this General Zhang not be shocked?

General Zhang stared at Shang Zhen for a while, then turned and left without saying anything.

It's not easy for Liu Chengyi to ask Shang Zhen what they did in that incident, how to arrest the old man and their business, so he can only turn around and follow.

Shang Zhen looked at the commander's back, and his mood became uneasy.

It is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the sea, so why is the heart of this big man like a needle in the sea?

Do you want your hospital to rescue the little dustpan? You should tell me!

An hour later, Shang Zhen didn't have to worry anymore, because Liu Chengyi's guard company commander, Zhao Chuandong, ran to his side again.

"Don't worry, your brother was treated by Commander Zhang before you spoke, and whether he survives or not depends on his own destiny.

Oh yes, and more! This is what Commander Zhang specially sent to you. "Zhao Chuandong said and gave Shang Zhen a small medicine bottle.

Shang Zhen carefully looked at the label on the small medicine bottle, but he didn't understand it because it was in English.

"Don't let me know? This is called penicillin, and it's always good for treating inflammation.

Don't underestimate it, if our soldiers can have a bottle, our wounded can at least half die! "Zhao Chuandong said with some pride, as if he made the penicillin.

But when Shang Zhen looked at the small bottle of medicine in his hand in shock, Zhao Chuandong said again: "You are still lucky, the life-saving magic medicine was used by you to save—your second brother."

Upon hearing Zhao Chuandong's words, Shang Zhen gave him a gouging look.

People from the Northeast, why are they all like this? All out of shape!

It goes without saying how poor their mouths are.

Zhao Chuandong, who was already familiar with him, also made fun of him, and the brigade commander Liu Chengyi also said that he had a sloppy **** and walked very hotly!

But having said that, Shang Zhen felt a little complacent in his heart at this time.

Originally, Shang Zhen could only resign himself to the little dustpan's injury, but since God sent that commander Zhang to him, how could he give up fighting for the little dustpan's chance of survival?

Because of this, he mentioned that people like himself had participated in the Xi'an Incident, and the Xi'an Incident has become a topic that future generations can never avoid as long as they talk about the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The so-called "leader" and the so-called "someone" are all respectful titles for someone in later generations, but people who are entering the game today will not have that kind of awe.

The status of the ruler is all played out.

Just like Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty defeated Chen Youliang to become Ming Taizu.

Just like Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, and became Han Gaozu.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Since the period of the Beiyang warlords, Chinese warlords, large and small, have come on the stage with you singing and fighting, and the banner of the king has changed on the top of the city.

At the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, someone completed the unification of China only in name.

Later, the ambitions of the Japanese invaders expanded infinitely, and someone just followed the trend of the Japanese invaders who wanted to fight against the war, and was forced by the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army to point a gun at his head.

The so-called "the general trend of the world, those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish" is an unchanging truth.

As for the fact that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, someone whose status in the whole of China was unprecedentedly high, but played a good hand of cards to a pulp, it can only be said that he died against the trend.

The same is true for other political forces, no exception.

On the contrary, there is a great man who has a clear and thorough understanding of this trend. For example, he said that the people are the source of historical development. For example, the great power of war resides in the people.

With a sound of "coaxing", more than half an hour later, Shang Zhen's fellow soldier jumped up without saying anything, but the excitement was beyond words.

Naturally, there is only one reason, that is, Shang Zhen brought back the news about the little dustpan, and the hospital of the 59th Army actually admitted the little dustpan!

Regardless of whether the military doctor of the 59th Army can **** Xiao Dupan's life back from Lord Yan, but saving it is better than not saving it, no, there is hope if you save it, and there is no hope if you don't save it!

It's just that it's different from person to person.

Everyone is naturally excited when they hear that there is hope for the little dustpan, but there are also those who are prepared for danger in times of peace, such as the pedantic Chen Hanwen. Chen Hanwen just said: "Don't be too happy too soon."

There is nothing wrong with being prepared for danger in times of safety, thinking more about the bad and working harder for the good, but Chen Hanwen should never have said such a thing at this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, nine of the ten veterans raised their eyes.

"Damn it! Why are you looking forward to the death of the little dustpan?" The violent Ma Erhuzi opened his mouth and cursed. After speaking, he rushed to Chen Hanwen. He was about to reach out and beat someone!

And after Chen Hanwen said this, he also felt that it was inappropriate and lacked EQ, and seeing all the veterans staring at him, he realized that he had said something wrong, and he said something that no one would hold back when he was beaten!

So, he was so scared that he hurriedly slapped himself backhanded, and said in his mouth, "My mouth smells bad, I owe it, hehe, I owe it!"

"Forget it." Shang Zhen finally said a word, and he was the only one among the ten veterans who didn't raise his eyes.

"You didn't beat your grandson to death again!" Hu Zhuzi scolded angrily, but in the end he put his hand down.

Everyone was excited for a while and finally subsided, but Ma Tianfang hid in the corner and gently poked Hou Wangshan with his remaining hand.

Hou Wangshan looked at Ma Tianfang, and saw that Ma Tianfang smacked his mouth at a certain position. Hou Wangshan looked over and noticed that Gao Yuyan, who was standing by the side, was looking at him with watery and resentful eyes. What about Shang Zhen!

"What's wrong, why is my aunt looking at Shang Zhen like this, oh my goose mother, she sees my little heart in pieces." Ma Tianfang said in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I do know that our leader got hit while fighting in Neigata.

I also asked him what happened to you walking.

Our boss said that those who were bumped into during the war almost turned into lazy people. "Hou Wangshan revealed yet another shocking secret.

Ok? Whether it's Hou Kanshan or Ma Tianfang, the two of them have no culture, and they naturally don't understand philosophy, but they unconsciously use the truth of "universal connection".

As soon as the two of them connected their respective clues, their eyes lit up.

If Bai Zhan were to let him sigh, "This trip is not alone, I have fellow travelers."

Note: Atmospheric lazy, folk appellation, scientific name is hernia. "Hello, Xiao Yan?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Seven years ago, the girl in the Emily Hotel, do you remember?"

As soon as Xiao Yan heard "Emily Hotel", her breath was suffocated, and she asked in a trembling voice, "It's really you? You... where are you?"

Seven years!

He waited for this call for seven full years!

Although so many years have passed, the girl who appeared in his life like a short-lived epiphyllum has never been forgotten by him.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, and I'm not demanding anything. I...I just can't worry about Amy." The woman paused, took a deep breath and said, " your daughter."

"What! My daughter?"

Xiao Yan exclaimed, and his heartstrings tensed instantly.

"She is six years old this year, very cute and very similar to you. I hope you can take good care of her for me after I leave."

"She is afraid of the dark and likes to sleep with her doll at night..."

Hearing the woman's words, Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly interrupted her: "Don't worry about it, tell me if you have anything to do, I'll come to you right away, and I'll help you solve it."

"It's useless, you can't beat them..." The woman smiled wryly, "I'll send Amy to..."

Before the woman finished speaking, a man's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you think you can hide?"

Then there was a scream, and a loud bang.

That was the sound of the phone falling to the ground!

Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat, as if his heart had been hit hard, and he hurriedly shouted: "Hey, hey..."

No one answered!

Only the noise echoed and the signal was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan was so anxious that he almost crushed the phone.丅Zai Love Reading Xiaoxiao app

After a few seconds, the woman's cry came again from the phone.

"Let me go, let me go!"

"Xiao Yan, you must find Amy and take good care of her!"

"You promise me that you will take good care of her!"

"You promise me!!"

Hearing the heart-piercing voice, Xiao Yan's heart was bleeding, and he anxiously shouted into the microphone: "Let her go, let her go!"

But he shouted for a long time, but there was no response from the other end of the phone. But the woman's voice is getting farther and farther away, smaller and smaller, and more and more desperate!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Xiao Yan was very anxious.

He exchanged his youth and blood for this peaceful and prosperous world, but his woman and his own daughter were bullied!


Xiao Yan was furious like never before, a fire was burning in his chest, as if it was going to burn the whole world to ashes.

He wished he had grown wings and could fly over now.

Just when he was about to collapse, a man's disdainful voice came from the microphone of the mobile phone: "This **** still wants to find someone, haha..."

Xiao Yan hurriedly said sharply: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to touch a single hair on her, I will punish you!"

"Tsk tsk, what a big tone! I'm so scared!"

"You are that wild man. If you are really capable, come here quickly. Otherwise, in a few hours, I'm afraid you will never see her again."

"As for that little bastard, the end will be even worse, or his hands and feet will be broken, and he will be driven to the street to beg, or his heart and eyes will be gouged out, or he will become the target of some perverted old men to vent, tsk tsk, think It's so pitiful!"

The man's words were full of banter, disdain, and strong provocation.

"You court death!" wwω.ΧqQχs8.℃òm

Xiao Yan roared with red eyes.

"Wait until you find me, hehe..."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yan only heard a crisp click, and the call was cut off.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Yan yelled loudly, and the viscous killing intent all over his body surged out like a tide.

In an instant, the situation changed, and the world was shocked!

Think of him Xiao Yan, who has been in the army for ten years, wiped out more than a million enemies, and at the age of only 27, he aspired to the supreme position with an invincible Zhenguo!

Holding the monstrous power in his hand, with inexhaustible meritorious deeds!

There is no one before, and there will be no one in the future!

But now, if you can't even protect your own women and daughters, what can you do to protect these hundreds of millions of people?

The 3,000 Predator soldiers who were being trained outside the camp were shocked by the terrifying murderous aura, and all knelt on the ground on one knee, trembling.

The King of the Five Great Wars of Great Xia arrived after hearing the news.



Qiqi, the king of the Five Great Wars, stepped forward with a look of concern on his face.

"My lord, what happened?"

Mobei King Long Zhantian asked tremblingly, he had followed Xiao Yan for many years, and he had only seen such a terrifying killing intent once.

That was three years ago, because of the mutiny, tens of thousands of Mobei troops were trapped, and thousands of men died fighting hard.

One by one, Xiao Yan rushed into the enemy's base camp and beheaded the traitors among thousands of people.

In that battle, blood flowed into rivers and bones into mountains!

In that battle, 800,000 enemies were killed and terrified, they retreated far away!

That battle made everyone realize what it means to be angry with a supreme being, laying down millions of corpses!

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